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Post by Blah »

Worm wrote: Really, guys, you can get caught up in this bullshit. By your maggot, pandering, limpwristed views Tekken 3 for the Playstation is a Fighting/Beat'em-up/Wrestling(because it's the same thing)/Volley Ball game. If you can tell me any wrestling, boxing, or fighting games play like the others I'd be suprised. You know the differences and you're being assholes. If Tekken 4 only had that boxer guy in it (Steve Bolt, or something? Steve Fox?) it wouldn't be boxing. If SF2 had Hulk Hogan and other wrestlers replacing the characters it would not be a wrestling game. And if a wrestling game featured boxers and ryu it still would be a wrestling game, it sure wouldn't be Fight Night. Certain genres play differently regardless of the fact that there is "fighting" in it. If you can't tell the differences when you sit down to play them, well that's your fucking problem.
We're the ones taking this too seriously? You can't even tell when people are just fucking with you. I actually don't mind auto-combos; but when you say "combos" and just assume people can read your mind and think "auto-combos" then you shouldn't really be surprised when people think you're out of your mind.


Post by Higher-Jin »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
Worm wrote:Okay, so you didn't know there were games between SF2 and SF3?
Seeing how I devauled your existence by writing something along the lines of "Street Fighter Alpha II Remix by John C. maggot" I think it's pretty clear that I did. Not that it matters one bit or that I'm even remotely proud of knowing that. In fact, I am ashamed.

Christ, I used to practically manage an EB by myself thanks to my no-good assistants, inability to delegate responsibility and desire to, unlike Lex, get paid. I used to know this shit in order. (I do not any more.) Turbo. The World Warrior. Super Street Fighter II. Hyper Street Fighter II. Alpha. Alpha 2. Alpha 3. Zero 3. Zero 3 Upper. TURBO REVIVAL!!!!

What do they all have in common? No, not that they suck. That I've taken a bare-assed growler on EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM.

"(Super moves and combos were) also in MK2."
If you've never seen Computer Baraka pull off a string of punches, kicks and slashes against you without you being able to counter at all then I guess you win a gold ribbon or something. They seemed pretty COMBO-TASTIC!!! to me.

"No, see, they have to SAY that they are combos and --"

Right, right, they have to SAY "combo" on the screen. This isn't at all the biggest waste of time I've ever engaged in. I haven't even dealt with Lysander's posts yet.

And you're telling me that a guy FREEZING ANOTHER GUY isn't a "super move." They fuck do you live where that sort of shit is normal? I hope you give a nice, big, Greco-Roman yawn getting your mail, bored by how many frozen Jehovah Witness Human Ice Statues adorn your quick-on-the-draw neighbor's yard. No, rather, there is some stupid definition you're clinging to like bunnies on a fat tit. Next you'll be telling us about how special blast processing was.

Besides, "dodge" is unrealistic anyway.
This really is the lowest point in the history of this BBS. Hey Worm, you go fight a giant space panda or a stegasaurus or even more unbelievably, "Ken" in small circle and tell me how much "dodging" you do. There's lots of "dodging" in Sumo wrestling. It's very realistic and it's an important innovation of the genre. "Dodging." Dodging a fucking dinosaur tail.

The hell is the difference between Roddy Piper FIGHTING Hulk Hogan and palette-swapped Japanese schoolgirls FIGHTING each other?
Yeah, the Internet itself was so angry with what you said here that it spontaneously generated "Blah" and told you to shut up. I can work no further magic here.

Hey, can you teach that fag about having a screen name for the masses and super secret ones for your friend by the way?
It's 'knightorc' on Yahoo IM.
Supers refer to hyper comboes (requires a full meter usually), specials refer to command moves like a hadouken or baraka's slashing moves.

MK is a decent series but you'd be hard pressed to actually say it's better than SF2, in fact it's laughable.

MK2 is considered one of the best but I think either MKT or UMK3 (I forget) is the only other one that many of the real MK players consider to be good. What you don't understand is that you don't know how fighting games are played in a competitive setting. They are analyzed and broken down so thoroughly that's really almost unprecedented than any other genre of video games. Really it's the competition that pushes you to the next leve, without it you could be level 99 in random final fantasy game # 32 but there is little to nothing really driving you to keep pushing, to be the best. You just play the computer usually.

Fighting games are extremely competitive and if you would try to call SF3 a mash fest there are hundreds of players out there that can beat you without breaking a sweat until you step up your game, and realize it's more than that. I don't even play sf3 in fact I have alot of problems with sf3's game mechanics that I simply don't like, but it's still a good game and it does take alot of work to be the best at or even be good at.There are people out there who have played MvC2 for 4 years and still haven't been able to beat the best.

MK is a decent series but the newest installments are widely considered crap by the competitive fighting game community.

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Post by Worm »

Blah: When I'm describing an improvement just read the fucking words(not my mind) and realize that it needs have at once not been a part of the genre to be an improvement. Take the dual meanings for the word and pick whichever one fits the context.

The thing about you being the "seething mass" on Capcom's boards who hates dial a button combos was a jab, btw. See, I was going to type "seething masses"
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Lysander »

Yeah, I'm still waiting for that maggot (Not you Blah, I mean the other maggot) to get back to my posts. Way to run a BBS, you cuntrag.


Post by Guest »

Worm wrote:Blah: When I'm describing an improvement just read the fucking words(not my mind) and realize that it needs have at once not been a part of the genre to be an improvement. Take the dual meanings for the word and pick whichever one fits the context.
What part of "just fucking with you" don't you understand?


Post by Blah »

Worm wrote:Blah: When I'm describing an improvement just read the fucking words(not my mind) and realize that it needs have at once not been a part of the genre to be an improvement. Take the dual meanings for the word and pick whichever one fits the context.

The thing about you being the "seething mass" on Capcom's boards who hates dial a button combos was a jab, btw. See, I was going to type "seething masses"
i never said they weren't fun. but i don't think they're an improvement just because they're new.


Post by Blah »

Lysander wrote:Yeah, I'm still waiting for that maggot (Not you Blah, I mean the other maggot) to get back to my posts. Way to run a BBS, you cuntrag.
Well, i'd think you'd know better.

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Post by Worm »

Blah wrote:What part of "just fucking with you" don't you understand?

i never said they weren't fun. but i don't think they're an improvement just because they're new.
I hope these were both from you. Okay so, when you ham fistedly try to determine aloud in your post whether I'm talking about the improvement that has "ALWAYS" been in fighting games or the one that was implemented later, you're fucking around?
Good point Bobby!


Post by Guest »

Worm wrote:
Blah wrote:What part of "just fucking with you" don't you understand?

i never said they weren't fun. but i don't think they're an improvement just because they're new.
I hope these were both from you. Okay so, when you ham fistedly try to determine aloud in your post whether I'm talking about the improvement that has "ALWAYS" been in fighting games or the one that was implemented later, you're fucking around?
yup. cause it's fucking hilarious when people blow their tops over something so completely trivial and idiotic.

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Post by Worm »

Anonymous wrote:
Worm wrote:
Blah wrote:What part of "just fucking with you" don't you understand?

i never said they weren't fun. but i don't think they're an improvement just because they're new.
I hope these were both from you. Okay so, when you ham fistedly try to determine aloud in your post whether I'm talking about the improvement that has "ALWAYS" been in fighting games or the one that was implemented later, you're fucking around?
yup. cause it's fucking hilarious when people blow their tops over something so completely trivial and idiotic.
I was right about every single thing and this is a pathetic attempt to piss up at me from third place.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by AArdvark »

Jeezus, I go away for a week and this base generates three pages on fighting games. what is the wurld coming to?


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Post by Lex »

2) There wasn't a SINGLE memorable character in any Street Fighter game ever

I can only bear to read to Page 2; Robb is so painfully out of his element. Do you know who that is Robb? I ask because EVERYONE ELSE ON THE PLANET DOES.

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Post by Phruitcake »

I don't know anyone called "image hosted by tripod" either.

What I've seen so far is that 2d fighting games suck and 3d fighting games suck. What fighting games do you people like?

Barbarian 2 was the best 2d fighting game ever and you know it. It had blocking, dodging, swords and "fatalities" of a sort - and dont forget the little goblin who kicked heads about after you had cut them off.

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Post by Worm »

As for playing against people my favorites are Virtua Fighter, Tekken, and the Soul Series.

For single player I like the Golden Axe fighting game, and various cutsey japanese ones.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Lex wrote:
2) There wasn't a SINGLE memorable character in any Street Fighter game ever

I can only bear to read to Page 2; Robb is so painfully out of his element. Do you know who that is Robb? I ask because EVERYONE ELSE ON THE PLANET DOES.
I put it in its own browser window. Distinctive Japanese school girl! She looks like every other one on the planet, except she's wearing a smidge of blue.

Not memorable, I am sorry. She's an archtype, I will grant you.

If Street Fighter put in a character who had balls for a head that would be memorable. I mean, when you're comparing to a game that had Sub-Zero, Kano, Scorpion and Goro you have to do a little more than a 14 year old schoolgirl from Tokyo that's been ripped off a million times. Aren't there games that have nothing but fighting schoolgirls?
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Worm »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
Lex wrote:
2) There wasn't a SINGLE memorable character in any Street Fighter game ever

I can only bear to read to Page 2; Robb is so painfully out of his element. Do you know who that is Robb? I ask because EVERYONE ELSE ON THE PLANET DOES.
I put it in its own browser window. Distinctive Japanese school girl! She looks like every other one on the planet, except she's wearing a smidge of blue.

Not memorable, I am sorry. She's an archtype, I will grant you.

If Street Fighter put in a character who had balls for a head that would be memorable. I mean, when you're comparing to a game that had Sub-Zero, Kano, Scorpion and Goro you have to do a little more than a 14 year old schoolgirl from Tokyo that's been ripped off a million times.
Fuck, you're forty years old, okay, we motherfucking GET IT! MK had three memorable characters if you don't count the palette switch?
Aren't there games that have nothing but fighting schoolgirls?
In those games the girls are preteen.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Worm wrote:Fuck, you're forty years old, okay, we motherfucking GET IT! MK had three memorable characters if you don't count the palette switch?
Raiden and Johnny Cage were also memorable. Raiden because he was preposterous and Cage because he punched people in the gob. You'll note that I do NOT say that Lui Kang was memorable. He was just an average Asian fellow. He would have fit in perfectly in Street Fighter. Forgettable.

But these characters were discussed in a court of law. You have old Joe Lieberman expounding on the evil of the "rip the spine out guy," who everyone knows. I mean, be honest... you can shout out in a room of people tangentially interested in video games something like "GET OVER HERE!!!" and they will know what you're talking about. I just posted a thread in response to a dipshit ESPN anchor letting loose with a "FINISH HIM!" Mortal Kombat, like it or not, has become part of the culture. A small part, don't get me wrong, but it's nevertheless there. The people who like SF2 better are seeing this happen going, "But... but... noooo, Street Fighter is SUPERIOR!" Yeah, well, sorry but your guy lost. LOST. Sega and Nintendo weren't going to court over Street Fighter.

Aren't there games that have nothing but fighting schoolgirls?
In those games the girls are preteen.
I stand corrected. When I am wrong in this thread and its three sisters I will admit it.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Lysander »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Mortal Kombat, like it or not, has become part of the culture. A small part, don't get me wrong, but it's nevertheless there.
Because you don't see jackasses shouting "HADOOOOOKEN!" at video game conventions, oh, EVERYWHERE.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Lysander wrote:Because you don't see jackasses shouting "HADOOOOOKEN!" at video game conventions, oh, EVERYWHERE.
Okay, when this is said on ESPN or CNN or The Learning Channel you let me know and we'll go "Point: White!" Hahah, even World Championship Karate gave us more to remember than shitty Street Fighter games.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Lysander »

WOnderful. So, plan on getting back to the other shit I said in this thread, oh, sometime in the next metazoic age?

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