Okay, fine, I am going to go make some short ribs. Tomorrow I am getting the radiocast for the Saints game at 6:00pm MST and... ah, shit I won't be home by then. MOTHERFUCK. Anyway, tomorrow's out because I will be huddled over my Internet radio listening to our backups spank Seattle's backups. So this is your big chance.
Three makes things awkward. I wanted a fourth. We'll play soon.
I'll have you know that Pinback claimed he had friends over and that's why he couldn't play. He was then browsing this BBS 15 minutes later.
I've given up on him - he wants to be depressed, let him be depressed. He didn't have any "people" over. He was sitting topless in a diaper clicking on "DEAL" over and over again with half a Newport Light hanging out of his mouth. Fuck this shit. The JC Trash Clan is now ICJ, Worm, Gerrit, Knuckles and the Milker. HARVEST THE BOUNTY.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Pinback claimed he had friends over
Friends over? I can't even pick up the goddamn phone.
So you were lying. Fantastic.
"I'm playing real poker!" -- Pinback
Real poker means that real people are there in your home, playing with you. I see now that you bailed on hanging with your friends to play FAKE poker. Over the Internet.
Whatever. I'm through with you. When the depressed person actively waves off fun stuff to do in order to BE DEPRESSED then they are no longer worth my time. Good luck killing yourself, I hope you leave a big stain.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Real poker means that real people are there in your home, playing with you.
I didn't know that. I thought "real poker" meant for "real money".
Whatever. I'm through with you. When the depressed person actively waves off fun stuff to do in order to BE DEPRESSED then they are no longer worth my time. Good luck killing yourself, I hope you leave a big stain.
I was in the middle of a tournament, the fuck do you want me to do? Just say "eh, I'm good. Y'all enjoy that $1,000,000 prize."