I got into a MMORPG alpha.

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I got into a MMORPG alpha.

Post by Worm »

Right now I am playing NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT ONLINE alpha. It's very good for many reasons.
  • Adherence to the orginal NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT pnp game. All the clauses and "For Internal Use Only?" rolls are there.
  • Live manual battles. This really makes you feel like you're doing something.
  • Instead of earning XP from farming monsters, you can farm dungeons; but, the point is you only get XP at the end of a dungeon and can repeat them.
  • The dungeons feature traps, good sounds, and great atmosphere.
Pretty much, it's just that the combat is real time and requires me to move a little is my favorite part. The game will be another worthless piece of shit if they stray from that.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Worm »

Good point Bobby!

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

You got into the "Stormwatch" beta, then? Trust me, man, nobody is going to be able to place you. Break the NDA. We're all friends here. I can't think of anyone reading who would turn you in.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Worm »

It's a NDG, a Non-disclosure Geas! Once I get back to my apartment I'm going to take some screens with a black bar over my dwarf's eyes and put together some more specific thoughts on it.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Worm »

While we wait for me to get around that, let's post a cute quote from the forums!
Bug 11: If you stand near an ally and swing melee with right mouse button, you ALWAYS miss because it considers your ally for a target and then invalidates it. Check your code, should be easy to fix. If you need any clairifcation on anything, my email is: idiot@yahoo.com
Yeah guys! You might want to check your code to solve this one, don't make a sacrifice to the altar to Manco Capac, or anything silly.
Good point Bobby!

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Worm wrote:While we wait for me to get around that, let's post a cute quote from the forums!
Bug 11: If you stand near an ally and swing melee with right mouse button, you ALWAYS miss because it considers your ally for a target and then invalidates it. Check your code, should be easy to fix. If you need any clairifcation on anything, my email is: idiot@yahoo.com
Yeah guys! You might want to check your code to solve this one, don't make a sacrifice to the altar to Manco Capac, or anything silly.
Guys, I've heard of this "code" that fuels games, may want to check it. I'm available if you want me to top off the code or plant it or anything, just send me a mail, brah.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Worm »

The forums are just sickening.
Turbine has done a very good job on DDO, and I expect things will continue to get better, but after an absence of several years I've gone back to AC.

As good of a job as they have done at Turbine, the linear structure of these quests, and claustrophobic feel of the game have made me remember what I loved about AC.

AC still has it's short comings, but it's still AC. I'm hoping LOTRO is closer to AC than DDO.
We are in critical mass

Finding a group by throwing up a LFG signal is great. A cross between a bat signal and a gold coin. Super. No problems with that.

Everything else is awful.

LFG player has only class and level. This needs to give you a drop down list of current quests and allow you to select which ones you are currently wanting to run. Other players should be able to see this when they mouseover your character. This will cut down immensely on the "Ooops I need to run a different quest'" group interaction. Also be sent not just the leaders class and level but the entire group name/class/level would be nice to avoid those "Oh, sorry I thought my friend was in this group" moments.

We need a friends list for the love of all that is holy.
We need a friends list for the love of all that is holy.
We need a friends list for the love of all that is holy.
We need a friends list for the love of all that is holy.
We need a friends list for the love of all that is holy.
I'm pretty sure since all MMORPGs since 98 have had one, this one will too.
Best way to do this is with a multiclass cleric/wizard. All you need are 2 first level spells (grease and obscuring mist) in each school and you can make everyones lives miserable! how fun!

One good tactic is to cast grease all over the dock leading the the leaky dinghy followed by obscuring mist! This usually causes people to fall into the water unprepared and with any luck..make them drown!! The grease will be masked by the mist and they wont see it on the docks. When they enter it, they'll have to save for the mist and also the grease! Drown Heavy Armor wearer!!

another tactic that will REALLY piss people off is to cast grease at Inn entrances inside. Especially inside the Wayward lobster. Make sure you cast enough to cover the entire entry way and up. Obscuring mist also works as a great combo with this since it can mask the grease covered floor.

The reason for this post is, well to be honest see how big this snowball will get.

This will be especially entertaining tomorrow during the event! *laughs*

seriously, I hate this with a passion and hate all of you who do this in such a way. The problem has to be fixed.

if any of this happens to you just avoid the area. If you get ganked in an inn with this ..hold down your shift key if you get stuck.

so, any of you who want to flame me for posting this feel free. I just hope it explodes because obvioiusly not everyone in this alpha are decent folk because it happens way too much. Its better its exposed now..and early.


It seems like so far they're working on making interesting dungeons. Sounds, listen checks, and simple puzzles. It's all there in alpha right now. I hope full voiceovers are in their budget, because that was the major thing that improved EQ2 over EQ1. Neither of those are real games, and any one who plays them and has a brain will agree.

There is DM text that informs you of listen or spot checks. Though most of the characters still feel like scenery. They've got them walking around, but I don't really expect a Gothic-like NPC system.

Combat is just fucking awesome. Simply because it is action based. That's the icing and the entire cake for any MMORPG.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Worm »

Gargoyles and Earth Elementals usually keep on attacking after their death animations. If activated a majority of traps steam forever rather than in intervals. Finally, items of lesser false life/mana allow you infinite amounts of the given value.

They're going into beta soon. So, hopefully the thing is going to get cleaned up or I'll just be waiting for Star Trek Online to provide a continually evolving online experience.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Worm »


There, the open beta info is plastered all over fileplanet's page. My dwarven barbarian is 'Gulvak' and I can't play much because sharing internet with a wireless router is dumb.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Worm »

Are any of you F-A-G-G-O-T-S playing yet? Is it even really open?

This is an action game. You act in it. Every dungeon features of slew of traps. Suffice it to say you'll be wishing you had a Loop n' Lead.

There are some glaring structural problems in the game which no one seems to care about.
  • Your experience penalty is calculated with the highest level member of your group vs. the level of the quest. So the morons who insisted on bringing a level 6 Wizard in a level 3 party have earned you a -20% penalty rather than a +40% bonus.
  • The kill counts are calculated by the finishing blow.
    Competing for number of kills is just really fun, I hope they change it so a wizard or rogue will have the number they should.
It mostly seems pretty good. I think the idea is for 8-20 to take the longest amount of time. With the action based combat (would be a real strafe fest), pvp could actually be fun. The content feels very very thin right now, I don't know if it expands near the higher levels or if they are holding back content.

Altogether, it's plays like a simple coop action RPG. You won't be dealing with the crap of other MMORPGs, like dedicating days full of hours into a character only to fight with a jap guild over a rare spawn, hitting the level/skill cap far to quickly and resorting to boring PVP and chatting, or crafting, C-R-A-F-T-I-N-G.

Even if the final version is crap, it's going to be a footnote as the first MMORPG since EQ that didn't directly emulate EQ in all aspects but success. Star Trek Online is pretty far in the future, but it features some pretty neat ideas too.
Good point Bobby!


Post by Vitriola »

That child is going to make her future husband wish he'd never been born. She's already plotting it.

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Post by AArdvark »

I bet she would sit if someone gave her a cracker.


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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I'm still not sure which game this is. Did they get a friends list?
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

Worm DnD Journal Entry 23

Post by Worm DnD Journal Entry 23 »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I'm still not sure which game this is. Did they get a friends list?
Yeah, they did.

Today in DnD a fine fellow named Valfagorth (something like that) quit a group after I didn't heed his suggest to walk back around to fight a few ogres at the bottom of a cliff. I went into a rage (ability not in real life) and lept off taking six falling damage. I dispatched the ogres and finished the quest, and inbetween my combat messages I see him going into a rage (in real life, not an ability) about how they should let me die and then boot me from the party. After I informed him everything worked perfectly, and that I was infact a supergenius he left the party. Later, he was /laugh'ing at me.

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Post by Jack Straw »


You don't /say?

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