Are there any modern-day Elite clones?

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Are there any modern-day Elite clones?

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

X3: The Reunion seems like one, but it has StarForce protection. It's also unbelievably buggy.

Does anyone know of a good Elite clone these days?
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by pinback »

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Yeah, I've cooled on that, though.
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Post by pinback »

Flatspace II?
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Post by AArdvark »

One of the best games ever. I found everything out myself and it took months to do so! It was great fun smuggling all kinds of stuff between planets and stations. Even when those irritating little rodent like creatures multiplied like mad! Someone must remember that reference to.... Star Trek? Was that it?

The first game I ever played where you had so much freedom. I loved the trading aspect and building out my ship... you either ‘got’ this game or you didn’t! I wish that any one of the games that came after it had lived up to how fun this original was. Classic!

@hintenanstellen,shut it d1ckbrain,im entitled 2 my opionion.for your info i did understand it and played it quiete a lot {on the bbc & c64}.....thats why i can say its a borin coz it is

Maxpower: Because you are dumb as f@ck and didn't understand a single thing about this game?

I agree with u stevew,this game is borin as f@ck

Didnt really play the 64 version much, but still love the game. The fear of being pulled from hyperspace and being attacked by the thargoids was untrue. Will fondly remember this game always 9/10

I will never enjoy a game ever as much as I enjoyed this one. I wish I was 11 again

If you havent played it yet SteveW dont talk SHIT! It´s a genius game for the early 80´s.

I never enjoyed this type of game. Boring and crap in my eyes.

I still own the original game, complete with manual, novel and keyboard overlay. I will never let it go. Yes, it is the game of a lifetime.

Brilliant game! Eve-Online doesn't even come close :-)

Brilliant! One of the first games that truly showed me the future of gaming.

This game rocks! It is the elite! (literally)

andy vaisey
I defy anyone not to be sucked into this virtual world once the game has been given a fair chance. I still own an original BBC disk version, even though I don't have a BBC computer...

How a game like newcomer can score above this is an absolute outrage.
THE best game of all time when taken in context.

The depth,my friends,the depth.Who's going for narcotics and pirate fragging?MKII mayhem;I love it!

Anybody who slates this game just doesnt get it in my opinion. This is the most addictive game ever! You could spend all day on this quite easily, it has it all, srategy, action, adventure the lot.
Sure the graphics were pretty basic but the way everything moved was great, it proves that you dont need state of the art graphics...just alot of imagination will do! Take note p.c programmers.

I am so glad to read reviews of fellow lovers of this unique masterpiece of a game.

NO DOUBT this is THE best C-64 game ever created; i am looking for the original disk release as i write this; made it DEADLY, never ELITE...

...recently found the PALM version and already DANGEROUS...

too bad i can't stay in hyperspace and explode thorgoids full time to improve my status quickly...

...also, MORE dedicated missions incoming from central authority dispatch would have given this wonderful prog an even more exciting spin...

Best playable game ever , anyone know if it can be got 4 pc , death to the THARGOIDS!!!!!

Elite is the most frustrating game I've ever played. In Galaxy 8 I ran into a glitch at the planet Inzann that when landing I would get the message "youlostinzannian". I tried for a long time to destroy this station thinking it may be the Thargoid home planet and the end of the game. Made ELITE and sent in the code # but never got the promised pin.

Elite has to be 'the' best game ever made. I owned a C64 and the gold edition of the game until I was foolish enough to sell it. I will regret that decision till the day that I die. The 'Dark Wheel' in it's self was a materpiece, but to make a game to acccompany it, thats legendary.

Ahhh Elite best game ever created i had over 300 c64 games but when i discovered this genius work of art 299 of those games were never played again i now am playin eve online very very simalar game actually its a ripoff of Elite but its way cool.but hey until Elite online comes out eve will have 2 do! just 1 question what were those little furry creatures u could buy in elite when u bought them they escaped and cover ur screen lol bloody things!! that happened 2 me when i bumped into 3 f***ing THARGOIDS!!! ugh they still give me the creeps!!!

When I sold my C64 many years ago, I only kept 2 disks out of the hundreds I had. The first was of stuff I had written myself. The second was my Elite disk with my saved games on it One day when I have enough room I will buy a C64, load up Elite and resume where I left off in 1988.

Ahhh, many hours were spent adding credits to the bank account and chasing the elusive ELITE status. Police Vipers chasing you all the way in and back out again. Emergency warp jumps to escape when things turned bad. Those amphibians sure loved the Arcturian Mega Weed, usually a very profitable run. Wouldn't a remake (Elite 2004 the Millenium Gold Edition) be nice.

PS from comment below.
The BBC version (not electron) was the DADDY and far far superior to the lame C64 version. But I didn't have a BBC so the C64 did just fine.

When you loaded this game, you bedroom became the cockpit of a space fighter. It completely immersed you in another universe. How many of you docked the ship and then went for dinner at the space station you landed at. Bet you did.

When the hell will they update it. I don't want realistic space travel I want to fly around with my mates creating havoc in the universe, trading, mining, pirating, policing. But it must be on the internet.

A few facts about Elite<br>
It was the FIRST real 3D graphics game for the home computer.<br>
It is the most converted game EVER and will never be beaten, because of copyrights and there are not that many platforms out.<br>
Its been out on the, BBC, C64, Amstrad CPC, Amiga, Atari ST, Nintendo, Apple, Acorn, PC and Spectrum from what I can remember but I bet there are more. And there have been many versions like Elite+ and Elite SE.<br>

This game smashed records and esculated the level of quaility expected from games.<br>

I became better at this game than my dad at the age of 6 when it first came out, and I landed on my 2nd attempt. I have been hooked ever since and own Elite 2 and 3 and waiting for Elite 4 to come out. But they will never achieve as much as this game did.

I remember having to use some stupid plastic optical device to load this. Place it on the screen and when you could make out something (2 or 4letters I think)clearly through the device you would press something to load it. lol, I never experimented to see what would happen if I didn't do it.
Anyway, this game was soooo ahead of its time. The sheer size of the thing was so intimidating. Even though I thought it was difficult and at times frustrating, it is still in my top 5 C64 games of all time.

I can remember playing it for 18 hours,then sleep 4 hours,grab a coffee,go for another 16 hours and so on......´nuff said:-)

I was once a HUGE Commodore user and of all the hundreds of good ol' C= 64 games I spent many many etc etc hours playing, Elite was among the most played next to Pool of Radiance, Echelon and Wasteland. I recently got back into collecting C= emu stuff and Elite is among the first things I have started looking for. (:

One word... THARGOIDS!

A true classic. I've spent countless days/nights playing this when I was a kid. It's strange that no space trading game has yet beaten the original in terms of sheer playability and scope (even the Amiga version of Elite wasn't as good as the C-64 version). Now there's a challenge... (the docking computer -issue was a fiasco, though - why would future spaceships not have THAT built-in when they have hyperspace drives etc. ??!)

Cmd. Jameson
The ultimate game. Bow to the Master!
Only drawback: it is impossible to get "Elite" status. it's simply not in the code. Anyway, who cares?
i played it on the Amiga, too, and was Elite after 2 Weeks. Ashaming....

Eltie is the greatest game of all time. Forget Mario,Sonic,Half-Life,Goldeneye,GTA,Halo etc, Elite is the best. A true masterpiece in every sense.
Nothing else comes close.

Is anybody know how to save position in Elite when playing on PC with emulator ccs64 3.0V Beta

No,games in which you have to
use your brain dont sell today.

RC Smith
This was my main addiction! I'd sit for hours and loved every minute. ELITE and Mars Saga could make a fortune if updated for modern PC's!

Graphics 1/10? nuts.
No other C64 3D game is moving such a lot of objects.

This game was my life years ago...

The first time I got my hands on a military laser... *drools*

This game was ingenious. Don't know how many days I spent on this thing...

This was for the year it was created a milestone in programming. as i know they have use some kind of random numbers to generate this big universe. the universe was plane bigger but the publischers of this game didnt wanted this to big. hehe

I wasn't a big fan of Elite coz you had to practically dedicate your life to it! It was fun to fly, trade and fight for a while but got too repetitive for me. IMO the most impressive thing about this game was that, despite the lack of variety in the gameplay, you really did believe that there was a whole universe for you to explore. The sense of scale was overwhelming!

The BEST game l have EVER played on ANY machine past or present. Simply matchless.

Simply the best 3D game on 8 bit. Superb game.

ELITE was the best 3D game on any 8-bit machine. lots of hours of gameplay here. DRILLER? NUMBER 1, I DONT THINK SO.

Christer Enfors
For those of you who like Elite, and would like to try out modern versions, I know of two:

[www] is a MMOG Elite style game, and I've heard about a smaller-scale game called Freelancer.

Also, for those of you who are amazed by the fact that the C64's memory could store all those galaxies... well, it didn't. The galaxies were generated on demand, not stored. Each galaxy had its set random seed, and since the random seed was always the same, the "randomly" generated galaxies would always be the same.

I came so close to being elite.....sigh.....I don't know why I stopped playing it. I got my C64 in '83 and the floppy drive 6 months later. Saw the add for Elite in a magazine and begged my mom to buy it for me for my birthday present....3 months early. Couldn't ever figure out the fresnal lense thingy, so I ended up calling the company. The cool thing is, the guy on the other end called me back to save me on the phone bill! I think the code was ed47 or 47ed or something like that. Wow, good times. I was Commander Ace Clifton (I think). One day, I just quit playing on the C64. Don't know what happened to the 64 or the games, regret it now.

Hi Niels... you had to fly very near to a sun so that temperature would rise significantly inside your craft... then all tribbles would die and turn into expensive, sellable furs ... if you manage to get fast enough away from the sun without being destroyed ... otherwise well ...

This was the worlds first 3D game and it was around over 20 years before 3D graphics became the "norm"
I will never know how they put so much into such a small amount of memory. I think they needed more missions. I think I did 4 or 5 or so and I was still deadly.
I remember watching my dad play this when I saw young. For weeks he would try to land. Then at the age of 5 I had ago and landed on my 3rd go. Its an art landing with no computer. I have not stopped playing it since and have 2 and 3 and waiting for 4. Pitty Bell and Brabam split up.

Yup, this was definitely a milestone in gaming. The amount of info squeezed into 64k was amazing: 8 whole galaxies. Wow. The missions and those annoying wee tribbles added enough variety to keep me hooked for months. I never did get to Elite though .. I'd kind of run out of things to do, and gave up on it a while after the constrictor mission.

I loved this game!! why can't we see this game converted to the PS2 or X-box. It could have all the original gameplay with superb graphics. Come on somebody, do us all a favour ,get it done!!!!!

Best c64 game ever! Part of me is still flying 'round in that universe... Great fun doing smuggling, but not allways easy getting rid of the space cops. By the way, did anyone ever happen to buy some strange little creatures on a planet? I remember I couldn't get rid of them, and they ate all the food I bought. Strange.....

My all-time favourite ... i spent MONTH on this game ... i can't think of anything (except the graphics) that could be improved .... very atmospheric ... the only thing that turns this one down is that it's AWFUL difficult docking to a station without a docking computer ....
otherweise this game is in my eyes nearly perfect

I never got to really understand this until I was forced to play the Nintendo version. Well its a big universe and plenty of shoot down! I think its the ugly stick graphics has prevented this game from scoring higher!

Lee Wadiun
By far my favorite game on the c64.getting the elite rating is probabley my greatest gaming moment ever.

Hello all just found the world of c64 emulators but I have a c64 have had it since I was about 10 or so. I still remember buying this game in the store. but the commodore is in storage in another state so where can I download this game to play on the emulator I just downloaded. oh and ya it took up alot of my time as a kid. it seamed you could go anywhere and explore anything no game that I have found since has matched it.

Paul Panik
Best game on Earth. Made it to deadly some 17 years ago . You need 1280 kills for deadly and 6400 kills for elite rating. Each 128 kills you receive "Right on Commander". More facts, also about a true freeware PC clone: look for "Elite The New Kind" on some search engine!

Did not play this game much, but some of my friends liked this alot.

This game or should i say experience totally blew me away. a milestone in gaming. NOTHING COMES REMOTELY CLOSE TO IT!

Oh well, i played this little on a friends C64 all day and night long. The classical music didnt sound that well BUT it was a very impressive idea and you bought a universe on one disk. At 12 i got Elite II on the Amiga and i got that f** addicted to it, forgetting about school and the world around me. More and greater quality music, worlds worlds worlds and saving as this didnt work 4 me in part I. I was Commander Jameson back then ...

D Mac
I have to agree this is an all time classic and in its time nothing could touch it. I spent hours travelling the universe and moving up the rankings. Eventually moving on to higher spec computers I never found the following versions to be as playable. This made me miss plenty of home work and messed up a couple of exams, but hey it was worth it!

Robert Larner
One of the all time greatest games and deserves a place in history. Like most strategy games, the open structure made it endlessly playable and was years ahead of almost any other game at the time.

I've not played it for years..... I wonder how much it has dated though?

I remember sitting with a friend and playing this game. And suddently it was morning........One of the greatest c 64 game ever made.

I don't care for the other versions. This was the only version I really liked and came back to. Privateer and follow up's, watch this and learn.

This is the best! I almost managed to get elite ranking!

This game would be fun if people wouldn't be shooting at me all the time.

Simply the best...

Fun game.

This is, hands-down, on of the most tightly written programs I've ever seen.

They fit an entire universe of worlds, space-flight-simulator, trading and 3d-combat game into less than 64k of code.

They even managing to fit a plot-line with the hyperspace pirates in. Consider: it's smaller than most peoples' home pages now.

A real marvel this game. Spent many enjoyable hours on this. One hitch, I only made to Deadly combat rating, anyone out there knows about reaching the last mission please letme know and put me out of my misery.

This game...I have it on the the C-64.(Yes I have on in working order..)I played this game almost constantly playing it for an entire school vacation!! Does anyone know of a game on the PC close to this???

A fine game, this one. I spent quite a bit of time playing it. But its a bit limited - There's no plot, and after a while there's nothing else to do. But it should entertain for quite some time first.

This is the THE game. It completely f(*&ed up my life for 6 months. If you STILL havn't tried it yet youre a poor excuse for a gamer. Rectify it NOW!!!
There are a couple of lame sequels but Im still waiting with fingers crossed for Elite 4....

Yep, same for me this game
really changed my life and so im really glad to find the online game jumpgate, who gave me back the elite feeling.

Mark Parisi
This is the greatest game ever. Period.

The mother of all space-travel/trading games. Immersive!

Nick Murrin
Simply the daddy of all games on all formats. Unbelievable depth of gameplay (way superior to Frontier) - shame I only got to Deadly!

Quite simply the best C64 game ever, I must of spent hundreds of hours on it, but I could never get my rating above Dangerous!

The depth of the game was light years ahead of anything else at its time.

This game changed my life too...

Thank so much, Mastezr David and Master Aidan

Only made deadly, never elite

Janika from Hungary
It's a classics game.
No comment... try it!

I more like the atariversion of this superb game=)

I remeber skiving off school for a week, pretending to be ill so that I could play this game. It really was a landmark in gaming. The satisfaction once you had saved up for a military laser was enormous. Who was ever flash enough to waste their money on side lasers though?

This game changed my life. And i bet did the same to a lot of people.

There has never been a better space game on any platform since. Space Rogue came close though(Craig...this had filled Polygons mate, and Stunt Car Racer and Sensible's Int 3D tennis were all superb vector games) but Elite is a classic. Better than Frontier! Check out Ian Bell's site.

I have to disagree with the review on this one. You sometimes have to look away at what has happened now in the game industry and look at what was around then. This was and still is a great game. Everyone knew the C64 did not have enough power to draw Vector Graphics - to come up with a game on this machine that did is a feat in itself - I suppose Mercenary proved you could do it better - but that game was not around then. This is gameplay at its highest - A game never bettered when it comes to enormity and pace. In simple terms a classic


i need an manuell for elite
please send it to my email



This was cool
me and friends spent hours on this, there are a few letdowns though
no music (except w/ docking computers)
the C64 was bad at vector graphics
and the lack of missions, only 3
if only this could be multiplayer and online...

This one doesn't look like much nowadays, but when it first came out in the eighties it really knocked me off my stool! I remember sitting whole days in front of my c64, collecting cargo and blasting those damn geckos, cobras, thargoid motherships, boas, fer-de-lances et al into smithereens, smuggling some drugs and slaves to police states to get more money for that hard-to-earn military laser equipment...there was this incredible feeling that there would always be something new to explore in some distant part of the galaxy. Elite really had an impact on the people who played it. The game set a new genre, and is sadly without a decent modern reincarnation, still...

Game of my life, after playing this I knew that I would never find such a great game ever again, and I never have...

One of my alltime favourites. Personally, this game was the first one to create a universe so believable it totally soaked me up. There are some easter eggs hidden in this one. Think about Thargoids intercepting you on a hyperspace jump or little furry trumbles (sp?) creeping over your cockpit screen (This, btw was a spoof on a classic Start Trek episode).

The first game too that showed me the marvels of 3d vector graphics. All in all Elite offers more

depth than many modern 21st century ones.


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Post by pinback »

Can you, like, not do that again?
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Post by AArdvark »

It takes many many beers for stuff like that to happen. be proud of it.


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Post by Lysander »

Even <I>I</I> didn't read all that, man.


Post by Vitriola »

I didn't think you actually *read* anything. Ever capture the text to speech output and make am mp3 of JC to listen to during the day? Like, replay the GTA thread in between classes? Or just make it say "Amy Smart' in a leering voice over and over again?

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Are you PODCASTING Jolt Country, Lysander?!?!?!

And it looks like the Internet is telling me just to play Elite. I don't want to just play Elite. Though it is free and released to the public and easy to obtain.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Worm »

What is elite?
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Lysander »

I am not podcasting Jolt Country. I deny these accusations that are nothing more than a viscious smear campaign on my character. Also, if you could actually get a TTS program to say "Amy Smart" in a lecherous voice, I would be greatly amused.


Post by Marska »

Eve-Online ( is more less faithful to the Elite genre.

A massive online space trading/quest sort of game which is pretty freakin cool once you get past the endless asteroid mining and dinky starter ships...

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Post by Worm »

Marska wrote:Eve-Online ( is more less faithful to the Elite genre.

A massive online space trading/quest sort of game which is pretty freakin cool once you get past the endless asteroid mining and dinky starter ships...
A fucking quest. In the fine Jolt Country speaks this heresy? I'd add my two cents but Marska's lack of double checking did it for me!
which is pretty freakin cool once you get past the endless asteroid mining
I didn't make it through the intro, it's possibly the most time consuming MMO game from the get go. At least EQ let you get to level thirty before wasting your time.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by MasterGrazzt »

Does Privateer count?


Post by WCLysander »

No. Haahahaahahahahahahahaha. Also, no.

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Post by MasterGrazzt »

Why not?

Not a defense.

Seriously, why not?

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Post by Lysander »

Because it's a terible, worthless and shitty game.

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Post by MasterGrazzt »

Why, because you don't get to have sex with Jeanette Devereux? Reasons, please.

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Post by Lysander »

Because I can't play it. Therefore it sucks. If it's a Wing Commander game and i'm unable to play it, it is unable to play me.

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