Catchup Content Weekend

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Moderators: AArdvark, Ice Cream Jonsey

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Post by Lysander »

I also play the drums, better than you. I just need 3000 dollars give or take a couple hundred so that I can move a set of electric drums in here, and then I can be a studio drummer without leaving my fuckign bedroom. How cool is that. THe punch line being, I already have 3000 dollars, my dad just wont' let me buy it because he doens't expect my music to get anywhere because "hwo do you konw that oyu sound good, who professionally has given you any validation?" Well I don't fuckign know, dadd, maybe I can't find out becasue you'll never let me spend my own fucking money on a drum set so that I can practice and get better and actually show my work to professional-type people so that htey can satisfy your stupid fucking concerns that I don't suck. Never mind that I have a drum class, never mind that practicing involves getting on a bus in literally 5-dgree fahrenheit weather and going over to a building and playing on their (crap) set for maybe an hour or two a day, never mind that $3200 can buy me the very best sounding drum kit that money can buy that most people pay upwards of ten grand for, this is just a complete waste of money that I will never make money on so if you want to spend money on this hobby you'll have to earn it and get a job! My dad, incidentally, listens to do-wap and basically thinks that music died in the 70s and never came back. My mom, meanwhile, is fully supportive of this revolutionary new concept of, gasp, me buying somethign with my own money, but supportive in the same way that my university supports Bit Torrent; "I agree with everything you're saying, but I'm still not giong ot lift a finger to help you." Kill. Fuckers. DEAD.

Casual Observer
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Post by Casual Observer »

someone should help you buy some drums, you're probably a better drummer because you're blind.

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Post by AArdvark »

Why does everything Lysander do or say have to have some connotation to his official sightlessness?

Live in Alaska? Because he's Blind!

Goes to college? because he's Blind!

Plays very good drums? because he'sBLIND!

Maybe he's good at the drums because of a good sense of rythym!

Ask him if he sleeps with is eyes open or closed, whydontcha


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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I have to go to Bed, Bath and Beyond and buy some blinds.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

Casual Observer
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Location: Everett, WA, 2 blocks from where the Green River Killer picked them up

Post by Casual Observer »

good questions, 'vark.

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Post by Lysander »

See, and that was all set for someone to make a "what is this, your livejournal?" crack. I'm just slightly disappointed.

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Post by pinback »

I get irritated at the poker table when the dealer keeps having to remind people to post their blinds.
Am I a hero? I really can't say. But, yes.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I will get Vark his solo and post Lysander's reviews on Monday, February 20th or else I will ban myself from the Internet for a week.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I got Vark his solo. 1/2.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Lysander »

When you ban yourself from the internet, do I get your website?

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Post by AArdvark »

Jones, you are THE MAN!

The only thing I am mildly dissapointed about is that I can no longer think up funny ways to nudge your conscience.


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Post by Lysander »

Right, I am now in control of the new Jolt My first action will be to ban Russia. Not because they'rea bunch of worthless commie spammers, no, just because i don't happen to like any Russians.

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