Why is everything so fucking complicated?

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Why is everything so fucking complicated?

Post by Vitriola »


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Because we need more pig! A quarter pig!

Post by milker »

http://onegoodmove.org/1gm/1gmarchive/2 ... g_man.html

This will make you cheer up!

Will we ever recover?
The world is a big dairy and I am the man to milk it!

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Greed. eBay wants your credit card so that later, when you get the eBay hook, they can charge you for your selling fees at the end of the month and not have to wait for things like authorization or sending out bills or what have you.

Paypal... Paypal is on their own planet. I can't imagine anyone sticking with them when Google Pay becomes available.

Amazon had a neat take on becoming successful: sell shit for cheap, take enormous losses, become the standard website people go for to buy shit and then raise prices. Paypal? Paypal's was "grab as much money as possible, 2.5% on every transaction, including those going to charity, freeze accounts as often as possible, be impossible to reach and help ourselves to your money as often as we can."

Paypal was a conduit of greed.

Who's going to stand for that shit? They were the only game in town. No way can eBay keep Google Pay (GPay? Whatever they call it) out, even if they truly wanted to. Not as long as people can contact each other.

Hell, Milker has had over 400 transactions on Paypal and they just froze his account because some stupid cocksucker thinks he should get the Milker's old phone for free instead of paying for it through an auction ... that the guy himself bid on... and wasn't forced to... er... Yeah, he should definitely get the phone FOR FREE. But there's Paypal, saying "Fuck you," to one of their better customers, freezing his account, hoping against all sense that THEY can take the money from the transaction.

So. Things are complicated due to corporate greed. We really do not need them.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Worm »

Hold, did you ask Robb this I-R-L and he said "just post about it" because I can't imagine you guys not doing stuff like this.
Good point Bobby!


Post by Vitriola »

No, I went off on a rant about how Ebay needed my credit information just to change the email address on an account I've had for years, even though I wasn't buying anything or engaging in other transaction, and Robb, for once, wasn't as offended as I was. Usually it's this stuff that he gats my back on, but not that time.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

It's not in a consumer's best interest to have the same CC number for more than a year. Report it as stolen or whatnot and get a new one -- the lack of security some of these sites have regarding credit card numbers is shocking.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

Jethro Q. Walrustitty
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Post by Jethro Q. Walrustitty »

I would assume that ebay asks for the CC number to help keep your account from being hijacked. It's either that or your mother's maiden name, SSN, etc - which they probably don't have.

I had my ebay account hacked a couple years ago and was lucky that they weren't able to change my email address. So, I view Ebay wanting some extra info as a good thing. If someone can grab your account and change the address to another, they can have free reign of your good feedback for a while if you aren't buying or selling stuff every day.

As for PayPal, few hate they more than I (I used to put anti-PayPal icons on the bottom of my auctions) but they don't charge Joe Average anything. They do have a habit of freezing accounts for no reason and said accounts are generally gone for good - although I think they've gotten better since Ebay bought them. My original PayPal account is long gone though, unlockable despite my best efforts.

Which brings up to Google Pay - they're claiming that it's not competing with PayPal, and that it's more for vendors to offer an easy way to collect your cash - in other words, it's a copy of what Yahoo Shopping has been doing for years, but Yahoo didn't hype their stuff very big and they primarily only did it for vendors who hosted their stores on Yahoo's servers.

Of course, maybe Gpay will work just like Paypal and they're just not saying so in order not to spook Ebay into banning the use of it. I haven't paid enough attention to know yet.

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