Better than that. It was her ex-boyfriend! Andrew Meggs of Mythic Entertainment and Troika. I guess he didn't care very much if we figured that out. It does make his attempt at painting a picture that there was some guy out there that was moonstruck with him and just logging on & posting to have his back more hilarious. Nobody has this shitstain's back, because whether he realizes it or not, he's stricken with an industrial grade level of unwarranted megalomania.Souffle of Pain wrote:Is this one of the Troika guys?
But that just makes this ... all of this... even better. I don't think I've said three words to most of the girls I used to date since the break-up. This guy IMs about once a week, always desperately seeking attention or validation or trying to make Dayna feel bad or something. And they split up YEARS ago. When he bought a house the first person he scurried off and notified was Dayna. Jesus Christ -- buying a house is like having babies. Anybody can do it, and it's not all that impressive if you're over 30. But I guess can't fault him too much for trying to go "LOOK! L@@K at ME!!" because when we got our house I did admittedly send pics to the girl across the street that I innocently 'kissed' when we were both four years old. Yeah, now that I think about it, this is perfectly normal behavior.
But many of my earlier points stand. Thanks for checking in, Meggs. You fucking pathetic unloved, sadsacked degenerate. I'm glad you could squeeze us in between giving a shitty score to Threadless Design #244 and #245. If your life is so empty that you need, you just fucking need to tell teenage kids that their rendition of Che Guevera stinks then you obviously have it all together. And if you seriously thought that you were going to pile on my girl in fucking front of me without me or her friends sticking up for her, then I'm sure you won't mind us all descending on the little wall-eyed, alien-faced, pre-op tranny that's following you around like an order-taking drone and who's just as interesting. We'll get right on that. What kind of a man goes and insults a girl he used to date years ago? You're nothing more than a mewling, bleating child. Yours has continually been the most pathetic behavior I've ever seen out of somebody older than 15 years old. Grow the fuck up.
This week Dayna and Aardvark gave pinback a hard time and next week Pinner will tease me and the week after that Pinback's girl will call us all assholes. Such complicated social dynamics are completely lost on you because at your core, there's nothing fucking there. A big blank spot when it comes to enjoying the company of others. Everybody who knows you despises you. Ahhhhndrew.
When I met Dayna, in college, she was a cool and confident young woman with a radiant beauty, a warm and open heart and a fragile kindness that I've not seen before or since. She was instantly one of the most important people in my life during that time. To see the effect that you and some of your horrible "friends" had on her in the years that passed is sickening. You should be a-fucking-shamed of yourself. For Christ's sake, she's out volunteering right now and has been all day. If you want to take the moral high ground, you could volunteer to send Souffle his $55 bucks back. Years later (and you've obviously got no problem with the concept of "years later!" It's like Souf just bought it!) he still doesn't stop talking about it.
Get cancer. For the win!