And something somewhat upsetting happened; I found the best damn thing for the DS
"Submarine Tech Demo", a 4 minute long touch-screen controlled submarine game is the best game on the DS.

This is exactly what I was hoping for when I heard about the DS: Steel-battalion-style games with groovy control systems, custom-made for each game. The object of this game is to find some SOS ship at the other end of a map. You do this with a submarine you have control over, in terms of tilt, speed, depth and weapons-controls. Because the controls are so confusing and you have to keep looking at them, and the submarine takes several seconds to respond to commands, it produces genuine panic when you go out of control, a hit enemy-sub slowly, oh so slowly falling into you.
So: $30 per game, and the most fun I've had has been a free demo from a $15 wireless card.