Brubaker on Daredevil

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Brubaker on Daredevil

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Daredevil has never been better.

The current arc is that the world knows that Matt Murdock is Daredevil. This has been done to death at Marvel. Even Spider-Man revealed himself to the world, which may be the stupidest single thing Joe Quesada has allowed during his run as Editor in Chief. Seriously -- did Jemas come back for that one?

Most of the time the art in a modern-day comic is "good enough." That wasn't always the case. Guys like M. D. Bright, Sal Buscema and Erik Larsen when not trying very hard were forced to get out of the business or adapt. So really it comes down to writers. I like Brian Bendis and happily purchased his run of Daredevil. When he left, Daredevil was in jail for the crime of being, er, Daredevil. MM hasn't had a trial yet or anything, but nobody cares about that in 2006, if you can feel the symbolism.

Brubaker's first move was killing off the sidekick, which is unbelievably stupid and easy. Oh ho ho, Foggy Nelson is dead, wow. Clever. Everyone who has scribed DD since Stan Lee considered doing it. There was the beginnings of an out two issues ago (a long-forgotten character said, "He was getting better in the ambulance" -- not hard to fake his death from there on out) but I really wasn't inclined to enjoy the new writer for doing the obvious thing.

Well, he's made up for it pretty well. DD's enemies are all, of course, in the same prison and now they all believe they are the person who is going to finally kill their collective nemesis. Losers like the Owl and Hammerhead have tried and Murdock has proceded to beat the living shit out of them.

David Michelinie had a storyline in the Amazing Spider-Man where he essentially brought all of Spidey's enemies around so that Todd McFarlane could render them. Brubaker is bringing many of Daredevil's enemies around in prison so that Matt can whale away at them.


He also just dropped the Punisher into the mix. I can't stand it when writers deign to work in superhero comic books and then ignore the fact that there are dozens of rich characters to populate one's stories with ... and I'm a sucker for seeing ole Frank Castle break a bad guy's neck to intentionally get himself tossed in the pound to help out DD.

I don't think any of you guys are likely to take a trip to the comic store based on a recommendation, but what the hell. If this makes it to trade I'd say it'll be a good pickup.
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

At first you think Brubaker killed Foggy, but he really didn't. He's also writing an Iron Fist comic these days. God DAMN him.

The artist on Daredevil lately - whew, well, I know they are trying to go for this realistic grim and gritty thing, but it really seems rushed. I did subscribe for a year, so I am not going to get particularly combative: I'm along for the ride either way.
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

And by that, I simply mean I subscribed, so I sort of forced.
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Post by Worm »

I have been barely keeping up with 'Cable and Deadpool' and 'The Punisher MAX'. Not buying any of this stuff sort of makes me lose track of time.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Worm wrote:I have been barely keeping up with 'Cable and Deadpool' and 'The Punisher MAX'. Not buying any of this stuff sort of makes me lose track of time.
Yeah, the best part about comics is that you can skip six months and catch up completely in 20 minutes.
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the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by ChainGangGuy »

Ah, that 'Ove' Glove... it's not very often you find a comic villain that's such a Team Player.

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