Deus Ex

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Deus Ex

Post by hygraed »

I was on Direct2Drive yesterday, and I noticed that they had the Deus Ex GotY edition for $10. Having never played what I have heard is a great game, I made an instant impulse purchase.


This is pretty much a compilation of every cool thing ever. Action, stealth, and tons of cool gadgets. It's pretty difficult, too. I like how ammo is kind of scarce, which forces you to try to find alternate ways of neutralizing enemies. I'm still trying to infiltrate the base in the Statue of Liberty, and loving every minute.

It doesn't look half-bad, either, at 1024x768 and 32-bit textures.

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Post by Worm »

Yeah, it's a goodun.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I had one of those monitors that was crazily dark. An artifact of the early aughts, don't see much of 'em these days. I think it finally burned out, not that I could tell right away or anything HAR HAR. It was this monitor that I originally tried to play Deus Ex upon.

I couldn't see anything.

Always meant to pick it back up now that I have joined 1984 and have a proper monitor. I did play through the beginning of Deus Ex II, but I am led to understand that it's inferior in every way to the original. I like to think that my character in Deus Ex is wider than he is tall, thus logically explaining why he knocked every single object over and basically lived in anarchy, filthy and disarray.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by hygraed »

One thing I was particularly impressed by was the fact that the commander admonished me for going into the ladies' room. That kind of attention to detail is rare and really adds to the game.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

hygraed wrote:One thing I was particularly impressed by was the fact that the commander admonished me for going into the ladies' room. That kind of attention to detail is rare and really adds to the game.
The only other game I can think of that issued similar demerits is Planetfall. Always a crowd pleaser, demerits are. Finally. FINALLY. "A military for the rest of us."
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

All right, I'm trying this - Deus Ex - again. I feel like I've missed out on a game that EVERYONE ELSE has loved.

I grabbed the 1112 patch.
I grabbed the HDTP-Release1.exe file.
And I grabbed something called an "ultra high res texture pack."

I'm really hoping it isn't all beyond my PC. I can't finish Fallout 3 because my system has terrible lag when that giant robot nukes shit. I mean, five seconds per frame in some cases. It's gonna cost me a thousand dollars to see the end of FO3. Which is fine, I'll eventually upgrade, someday. But Deus Ex with nice graphics sounds perfect in the meantime.
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

My apologies.

I installed a mod that Worm told me about in January - it makes things look much more horrific when you kill someone with a plasma gun. I wanted to simply load Fallout 3 up, kill someone with the plasma rifle, and exit. But then I started playing and couldn't stop.

We really do live in marvelous times - there is so much GODDAMN CONTENT in Fallout 3 that I am cool with the fact that I can't "solve" it until I upgrade my hardware.

I'm also quite amazed that I really haven't seen a true bug in FO3. Yesterday I had to use noclip to make it out of some trees, but that's really been it. They have introduced errors in the targeting system, but that was in and out via patches while I was not playing it, so that was fine.
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Post by bruce »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I'm also quite amazed that I really haven't seen a true bug in FO3.
Character names are too short.

I can't be "Kitty Spankmeister" which is who I ALWAYS play.

So I had to settle for "Kitty Spankston."


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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Did you actually get Fallout 3 for something? Or are you just making a sick joke? Because I think you'd love Fallout 3.
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

hygraed wrote:One thing I was particularly impressed by was the fact that the commander admonished me for going into the ladies' room. That kind of attention to detail is rare and really adds to the game.
I did this! The guy admonished me, too! Also, the woman in the girl's bathroom said it was completely unprofessional. I can only suspect she doesn't know what I do in other computer games.

Anyway, Deus Ex takes more brainpower than Fallout 3 does - alternating play sessions really shows the contrast. You always have an arrow telling you where to go next in FO3. In Deus Ex, as far as I can tell, there isn't even a map. (Maybe there is.) No flashlight, either. (Maybe there is?)
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by bruce »

I'm playing it for reals. Well, when I am at home, rather than in motherfucking Baltimore. My character IS named Kitty Spankston. She's just been to Rivet City and been told "I'm sorry, Vault Dweller, your Daddy is In Another Castle."


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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Are you in Baltimore on business or are you the Poe Toaster
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Post by bruce »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Are you in Baltimore on business or are you the Poe Toaster
Yuh huh. (I'm in Chicago now!)


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Post by AArdvark »

I want to be the Poe Toaster

I also wanted to be teh brave little toaster but guess how far that got me.


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