I'm not sure what kind of computer this is; maybe a TRS-80 Color? At any rate, these kids are creeping me the fuck out. Their faces look really fucked up from this angle.
EDIT: After some research I have determined that it is indeed a TRS-80 Color Computer.
I think it's partly because each of them seem to have the exact same creepily smiling FACE, only different hair. Twins? Nay, I suggest they are clones, clones made for and abused by marketers from the dawn of the pc age.
jjsonick wrote:I think it's partly because each of them seem to have the exact same creepily smiling FACE, only different hair. Twins? Nay, I suggest they are clones, clones made for and abused by marketers from the dawn of the pc age.
If the kid on the right smoked about a billion cigarettes, to make his face all damaged and droopy, he'd look just like John Kerry.
I'm too young to have used a TRS-80, so maybe this was the norm, but it looks to me like the disk is actually out of the drive. Robb, can you shed any light on this?