I checked the mailbag yesterday and saw the following:
HOLY CRAP! That's Peter McBride! Author of "Sign of the Orc" which is the best story ever included with a computer game, in the history of things. This thing has been on the dresser for the last six months and has been read, by me, approximately a thousand times since we got Knight Orc in 1988 or so.name = P.K. McBride
comments = Just read your comments about my story. Very chufflicated.
On the other hand, I have no idea what "chufflicated" means and the Internet is no help. I am open to help here.
Here is a fun fact about "Sign of the Orc": the first four chapters introduce new characters, one right after another, in a completely masterful manner. I am openly envious of Peter's skill in how he put that novella together. I should make this website green with my jealousy and be done with it. (I can't, so I will push my monitor close to a speaker to create the same effect with interference.)
I hope "chufflicated" means something good.