I am POSTING... from a LINUX!

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I am POSTING... from a LINUX!

Post by ICJ »

Ubuntu is the easiest-to-install operating system I have ever encountered. I would say it's even easier than DOS 6.22 for chrissake, seeing how you had to fuck with driver settings in DOS.

I need a cheap-o switch to allow both my programming computer and Ubuntu computer onto the net at the same time, but the thing is running like a champ on a 450Mhz Celeron overclocked additionally to 464. I have 512 MB of RAM on the system (I know there is another 256 around here somewhere...) and only an 8 GB hard drive, but Ubuntu is taking this nonsense and doing great with it. It's fantastic.

Going to see if it can run Hugo games. I guess eventually it would be nice to throw a 40 MB drive into this system. I can quite easily see this being my default desktop for the coming decade, what with all of Vista's Big Brother nonsense.

My next tasks are:

- Change the default desktop wallpaper
- Change it for all four desktops (fucking LOVE multiple desktops)
- See if my USB flash keys work. That will make it easy to transfer files.

Next goal after those three simple things is to get Ubuntu onto my Windows network for file sharing.


Post by ICJ »

Oh, I need to find Internet Explorer for Ubuntu as well, because I can't stand Firefox. I'm sure that won't be a problem.

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Post by Worm »

Why are you such a goofball?
Good point Bobby!

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Post by hygraed »

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Worm wrote:Why are you such a goofball?
I was only kidding, but apparently you can run IE on Linux. Well, aren't I the ignoramus. Firefox is fine if there's nothing else out there. I don't know, what choices do you Linuxers have? Opera is the other main one, right?
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Worm »

Konquerer is the built in browser for KDE, which ubuntu will not default to. I still don't see why you hate Firefox.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I would like to change the title of this thread to, "I am posting from a Linux." I would like to change it to that because I have read it as that every single time I have seen that phrase. Then I think I fucked up and need to change it, but I realize I don't.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by hygraed »

I miss Linux quite a bit.

However, were I to install Linux again I would undoubtedly miss computer games then more than I miss Linux now.


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Post by Lysander »

You know what? Fuck it. I've been dealing with a copy of XP that refuses to activate, and i've been considering just leaving it until I get back from 'Zealand in six months and then just buying Vista. But fuck, there's basically nothing important on this hard drive, and it's free, so why not. There's gotta be a screenreader for Linux somewhere...

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Post by hygraed »

Lysander wrote: There's gotta be a screenreader for Linux somewhere...

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Lysander wrote:You know what? Fuck it. I've been dealing with a copy of XP that refuses to activate, and i've been considering just leaving it until I get back from 'Zealand in six months and then just buying Vista. But fuck, there's basically nothing important on this hard drive, and it's free, so why not. There's gotta be a screenreader for Linux somewhere...
Ubuntu is excellent. I had a Pentium III lying around, so I grabbed it and installed it. It runs fine. (A P3 at 500Mhz, too, so it's nothing major.)

If you know your way around Unix, honestly, the only advantage Windows offers is New Games. (Er, assuming DOSbox works, which I have no reason to believe it won't.)
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Lysander »

So apparently Linux includes the Orca screenreader in the distrobution. Fan... fanTASTIC. I cannot put into words how freaking awesome this is. Er, if it actually works, natch, and isn't Narator (I.E: SUCK)... my only worry now is that it won't support my MiaMIDI sound card. Apparently it's supposed to but I'll need to go install the advanced sound architecture and deal with comiling drivers and crap on the first boot. Wee fun! Hopefully 7.04 supports it natively, or at least the Realtech chip natively, so I can deal with that on my own without needing someone else to read a bunch of crap to me. Aaaannnd there's always the fun of the first boot...

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Ah, the first boot where the screen reader is not active? That fucking sucks, dude. Let me know if you want me to tell you what it does if you go through the CD.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Lysander »

That woudl be *extremely* helpful, yes. I found out hte command to start Orca, but i'd need to get int othe command prompt to do it--does alt+f2 work durring the first-boot questions? Or do you not get that far yet? It probably won't detect my soundcard thoguh anyway... which leads to another goddamn irritating thing: my intigrated sound doesn't work, like, at all. Well shit.

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