Some asshole convinced me to look at my card for acid scarring to see if there is a part that blew out. Though I'm going to just wrap up with the last of what I have.
Mehrunes' Razor
This one costs money, it's less that the queer energy drinks you maggots pick up.

It's all gone man.
You get another another mysterious quest update telling you to go on a dungeon crawl for a dagger.

When I roll everyone abandons their knapsacks. They made a pretty simplistic password thing here. It's nice to see some effort, but Beth just should have made a physics snowboarding mini-game for gaining entrance.

Don't get excited, you can't pick up that spear, and if you could it would only be blunt or slashing.

This little bastard ran like hell when I found him, only to come back at me with a claymore.

These slaves all feveriously defend their masters unlike the fantasy slaves you met in Morrowind.

I'd pick all these up and dump them in my house basement, but they're not children's bones.

Vampires and Dunmer tougher than the ones you've been slaughtering.

Even from the little purple glow I could tell it was two groups fighting it out. Neat! I'll just go in and pick on one side while being ignored.

I changed my future strategies and stand out of every battle and then sneak in. This is around where it got difficulty enought to make me forget the Print Screen key. Eventually I claim my prize (how is probably the only really entertaining thing about the entire mod, so I won't spoil it) and here it is.

I assume that it upgrades, but it's a proc(it only goes off some of the time) on a dagger that at full charge has about 40 shots. So you're constantly recharging, and you probably won't ever know if it does upgrade.
It's a half decent dungeon crawl with some guidiance to it. Even though one of the Dunmer (Negro Elves) called my Wood Elf (Aryan Elf) a traitor to his own people, which confused the hell out of me. It's fun, but the dagger isn't half as good as all the lore in the game makes it out to be. It seems like there are some player made quests that are taking off, but I don't know if I want to play them until some laughable voice actors are conscripted off the Elder Scrolls forums.
Other than that.

Pirate pants are hot.

Oblivion is same as it ever was.
PS: All the kids in the LIFE mod are immortal and can only be knocked unconscious, but it was programmed by a german, so what can you expect? It's a good mod that adds lots to the game, but the kids are creepy.