I thought ben was above this kind of shit.

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I thought ben was above this kind of shit.

Post by Worm »

benns9@hotmail.fr wrote:Hello,
Listen i ve got the $1.6 million us dollars, it is in a bank draft cheque, complete it as we both aggred and send it to mr WILLIAMS.
Am off to philipines as i told you, get in touch with my manager in this e-mail address [austin_b@myway.com ] my secretary is on vacation right now, give my manager the details on how to send the cheque to you, i mean your country, your full names, city, you home address and your phone number.
You will take care of any expences that may come up, their is no money on me right now so i did nt left any money with my him and my company is finacial down at this moment, so take care of any little expences that may come up regarding sending of that cheque to you and caculate them all when i come back i will take care of it.
And please make sure that the money get to mr Williams as soon as you got it.
Am off to philipines i will be back in three months time, make sure that every things move succesful and deposit my own share as i directed you, i know i can always count on you.
Mr. BEN.

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Good point Bobby!

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

So clearly, steps need to be taken to make this bulletin board a vibrant community once again. I mean, posting spam messages that we got is like one step above "Which President Are You?" links.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by AArdvark »

Hey, whatever happened to Making Fun of a President Thread?

I was all set to watch Grover Cleveland go down in flames.


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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Oh yeah. Here's how that thread was going to go.

I was going to make fun of Truman for only dropping two bombs.

I was going to make fun of Millard Fillmore for having a girl's name.

And then I was going to logon as "Future ICJ" and make fun of Dennis Kucinich. (sp?) But then Dennis was going to respond with pictures of his hot redhead wife and nothing else. I would then logon again as "Future ICJ" and try to make fun of him more, but peter out as Dennis responded, again, with more photos of his ridiculously good-looking wife.

And at that point the thread would end. What instead ended up happening is that I spent the entire weekend in Photoshop for the new text game. So there ya go. This shit suffers when I'm in "crunch mode."
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Post by Lysander »

Oh, shit, that reminds me. What is the context of the pictures you want me to model? Like, is the guy aware that he is about to become intoombed before it occurs, in which case horror woudl be the appropriate reaction, or is he taken completely by surprise, in which case a look of utter befuddlement might be more appropriate? Also, I lost the original email 'cause hotmail has decided to finally commit suicide, so what exactly was it you were wanting again?

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Post by AArdvark »

I have GOT to see this game in it's finished format.What with the hungry trees and Intooomments happening. This is the kind of hint dropping thing that major game companies should do.

Uppity White Folk Gamer Magazine: So tell us, Mr. line artist, what is on your workload for this month?

2nd assistant texture modeler: Well, I have to design a series of walls that look like the insides of an octopus.

UWFGM: An octopus?

2ATM: Yeah, they have to look really gross. Oh, and a bathtub that eats corn flakes. They need to be ready next week.

UWFGM: Sounds like quite a game, will there be puzzle solving?

2ATM: Sure. I heard that Jorge Wetbackski and his division in Poland will be handling that end of the game. They called and asked us if we could handle modeling a scene involving
two hookers fighting it out in the back of a '32 Ford. We said no problem. It should be great.

UWFGM: Now, this is a shoot-em-up style game based on the Grandiose Thieving Car engine, right?

2ATM: Yep, they keep using it because it costs so much to make. that and they like the way the silly putty dishes act.

UWFGM: Well thank you for your time. we all look forward to playing it

2ATM: thanks for the beer, dude.


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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I'll resend the e-mail.

For future generations, Bond is talking about being a person in CZK.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Lysander »

I aint tharr annamore dude.

Send it to sanitarium (die, evil spider) gci.net plzkthx. Or my gmail, which is amockery. Either or should work, although the Google one's being finnicky with OE for reasons I have yet to figure out--it is apparently dropping emails, even thoug they show up if I log in using the HTTP thing, but it doesn't drop *all* of them... I have no idea, but it's annoying the shit out of me. Annyways.

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Post by Worm »

Though the mail is from a guy named Ben. I think you guys are missing this crucial point.
Good point Bobby!

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Re: I thought ben was above this kind of shit.

Post by pinbacker »

benns9@hotmail.fr wrote:Hello,
Listen i ve got the $1.6 million us dollars, it is in a bank draft cheque, complete it as we both aggred and send it to mr WILLIAMS.
Am off to philipines as i told you, get in touch with my manager in this e-mail address [austin_b@myway.com ] my secretary is on vacation right now, give my manager the details on how to send the cheque to you, i mean your country, your full names, city, you home address and your phone number.
You will take care of any expences that may come up, their is no money on me right now so i did nt left any money with my him and my company is finacial down at this moment, so take care of any little expences that may come up regarding sending of that cheque to you and caculate them all when i come back i will take care of it.
And please make sure that the money get to mr Williams as soon as you got it.
Am off to philipines i will be back in three months time, make sure that every things move succesful and deposit my own share as i directed you, i know i can always count on you.
Mr. BEN.

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I did not write this.
That's the wrong video, by the way.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

AArdvark wrote:THE
Well, it ain't gonna be that awesome or nothing, but still. But still!

Bond, I'm re-sending at your gci account.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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