Worm wrote:Dead Rising has lots of Disc Read Errors.
So, the entire console will die at any moment, AND the one game I want to play that is actually sold on a DVD is filled with read errors. Who's doing the quality assurance for this fucking shamjob, nightfed Mogwais?
However, god, you're missing lots of good games for it.
1. skate.
2. Stranglehold (short, but good)
I have not heard of these two. Please elaborate!
3. Geometry Wars
I bought this one through Steam for the PC! And I should not have done that, because the devs were hilariously strong-arming people making similar games.
4. Overlord, it drags, but it's enough fun for the money
Is this another Dungeon Keeper? YOUR CREATURES ARE UNDER ATAAAAAAAAAKKKK! Remember that? Do you? Do you huh? Huh? Do you? Yeahhhhhh!!!
5. Rockstar Table Tennis, they can actually not use the GTA3 engine and make a good game, it's true!
This one I am interested in.
6. I don't own anything else
Man, even you... YOU started getting sick of the whole 360 experience before you could even finish your post!
7. All that great shit coming out VF5, Assassin's Creed, god no one likes a dick.
Virtua Fighter 5? Is that what that stands for? I guess we now all know of a game in development longer than Shenmue II. I'm not trying to be a dick, really I'm not. But none of these next gen consoles present a very convincing case
at this point in time to someone with a good PC.