hygraed wrote:ChainGangGuy wrote:1. Circus Peanuts.
2. Wax Lips.
3. Sixlets.
1. Fuck you
2. Agreed
3. Fuck you
Waitasec, the first thing on his list is circus peanuts, and not "any other substance in the world which would be more reasonable for you to enjoy."
I kid, I kid! This is cool, because much in the same way I (and Gerrit) are the only people to like candy corn, hygraed,
you are the first person I have met that likes circus peanuts, my friend. And there is nothing wrong with that. We're learning lots about each other. The most I usually learn about people on Halloween is their puking point. (Works for downing too much candy, too much liquor or both.)
If the bunch of us were ever in a FedEx plane carrying Halloween candy, and it exploded, I think we'd all get along just fine. We seem that we will have ("seem'll"! NEW WORD) no problem divying up things when in this scenario. Unless of course we're on the "wax lips" airbus: that shit's nasty.