New Users (Registration Process)

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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New Users (Registration Process)

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

As you might know, the phpBB team couldn't figure out how to stop spam for 2.0 of phpBB. I have some pretty negative opinions of them, but whatever, nobody cares.

You can post in most of the bases on Jolt Country without registering. If you would like an account, just register, and then let me know in this thread who you are. I'll manually activate it. I tried to set the board up for self-registration and what happened was that the spammers did in fact click on the confirmation e-mail. They then placed porn spam all over the forum.

Thanks, and sorry for the inconvenience.
Last edited by Ice Cream Jonsey on Wed Apr 02, 2008 1:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Post by ViagraViagra »

This policy seems harsh and unfriendly to new users, like myself who may want to particpate...

I think regstering would compromise some of the fresh new perspective which i bring to this board but my freedom is sqelched otherwise..????

Does not seem fair


Post by Vitriola »

Here's a cookie: O

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Post by hygraed »

ViagraViagra wrote:This policy seems harsh and unfriendly to new users, like myself who may want to particpate...

I think regstering would compromise some of the fresh new perspective which i bring to this board but my freedom is sqelched otherwise..????

Does not seem fair
You can post just fine as a guest.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

ViagraViagra wrote:This policy seems harsh and unfriendly to new users, like myself who may want to particpate...
Not following you, my friend. Please dumb it down to Sysopese.

I think regstering would compromise some of the fresh new perspective which i bring to this board but my freedom is sqelched otherwise..???? Does not seem fair
I agree! Registration doesn't help anybody in most cases. Guest posting is the way to go. I think the only base in which guests can't post is the politics base, but:

1) Nobody posts there anyway.
2) Nobody wants to hear anonymous political viewpoints, because they are all crazy and involve either Ron Paul or Dennis Kucinich, which you can get on the other web sites. (Which sites?) All the sites.
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Post by Lysander »

I'd post there more often if other people would. Chicken and egg philosophy, I know, but still. I keep writing up these (IMO at least) thought-provoking missives on the candidates and media coverage and stuff but no one discusses it, I've had thoughts on the last two debates but just didn't feel there would be any point in posting them. This isn't me going "waah waaahh nobody reads my bloogggg :( :(( ( : : ' '; ( ; '" it's just me saying why I don't try there anymore.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Lysander wrote:I'd post there more often if other people would.
Just a note on that - I have had a project at work that has taken up a lot of evenings and weekends lately. When I get it done, there will be more content and posts coming from me here at JC. Just a heads-up.
Chicken and egg philosophy, I know, but still. I keep writing up these (IMO at least) thought-provoking missives on the candidates and media coverage and stuff but no one discusses it, I've had thoughts on the last two debates but just didn't feel there would be any point in posting them. This isn't me going "waah waaahh nobody reads my bloogggg :( :(( ( : : ' '; ( ; '" it's just me saying why I don't try there anymore.
If you want, you can (or I can) start a thread called BOND'S BLOG and you can update the thread when there is new content there. I hope you, and everyone else who reads this place, knows that I want ... I actively want you guys to promote your projects and activities here.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

Chris H.

Post by Chris H. »

I was wondering why I never heard back. :) I registered as Chris H -- not a big deal since I can post as a guest, but if you want to register it, go for it.

And then you can all check out my V1agr4 website. :) j/k

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Chris H. wrote:I was wondering why I never heard back. :) I registered as Chris H -- not a big deal since I can post as a guest, but if you want to register it, go for it.

And then you can all check out my V1agr4 website. :) j/k
Chris, I'm sorry, I honestly didn't see this post until right now. I just enabled your account. Sorry about that, and I will check this thread more often in the future for anyone else out there who may wish to register.

We'll eventually go to phpBB3 once some decent skins get made for it, and I assume they've tackled the spam problem in the new revision.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Post by jacknobody »

Where do I go to find out about Robb's version of Polybius? It's just, I want a Polybius for Linux, preferably with source. Was there anything made before the project was abandoned?

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

jacknobody wrote:Where do I go to find out about Robb's version of Polybius? It's just, I want a Polybius for Linux, preferably with source. Was there anything made before the project was abandoned?
Hello there! Here is what happened with that:

- I got the logo scrolling down the screen

- I took the sample source code to Tempest that is given with the Blitz3D package, and wrapped it all together. The goal was to use the Tempest levels as a starting point and go from there, with all sort of crazy stuff.

- I wanted to finish it after completing my text game.

When the guy from released his piece, it basically did everything I was going to have mine do, plus many more features. Offhand I do not know if he released the source to it.

Blitz3D compiles games into workable executables for Windows, Linux and the Mac. If you would like the code to my progress, I would definitely send it to you. Just let me know. You'd ultimately need a registered copy of Blitz3D to get further with it (it was $80 if I remember correctly) but I'd be happy to send what little I did out into the wild.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Oh well

Post by jacknobody »

I guess I'll just say never mind, in that case. Blitz3D is no good for me, If I was going to finish it or something I'd probably just rewrite it from scratch to C++ / SDL to make it truly portable. As for sinnesloeschen, they didn't release source, and their version (if I have my facts straight) was in Blitz or something as well. So, Thanks for the offer, I guess; maybe if you put your WiP up on the site someone would pick it up, but I'll just have to make my own from the bottom up or wait until someone in the Linux community releases a FOSS friendly version. Cheers,

Jack Straw
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Post by Jack Straw »

The newest registered user is Cialis_XXLz
What a coincidence.. I was *just* worrying about how I was going to obtain that next erection. New user for the WIN!!!

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Yeah, I would really like to stop those fucking assholes from even registering. That can't be good for the DB.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

USER registration is now enabled. We had some people register last month who seemed to be legitimate... and we lost them, because I didn't notice until I was cleaning stuff out.

I will absolutely get a mod going, one I've seen elsewhere, that has better visual confirmation.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

Jack Straw
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Post by Jack Straw »

you should put a picture of male and female genitalia, then ask the user to identify the image.

it would not only eliminate the computer spambots, but would also throw the living, (mouth) breathing dickless spammers for a loop.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Jack Straw wrote:you should put a picture of male and female genitalia, then ask the user to identify the image.
I don't think you can do that in phpBB.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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