Full disclosure: even if this is the best game of all-time, I am not buying it for months, because I have no game budget, and am still having fun with Persona 3 and Ultima IV. That being said, it is fun to talk about these things, isn't it? Oh. Assuming it is not being recently immediately for the PC, I also can't play it.
The first review is from a UK gaming magazine.
While I would never say a game developer "can't" do this or that, I'll admit that I was turned off by the constant n-bomb dropping of the last one. If that's how people talk in real life then great, fantastic, awesome, but all it takes is to not pay attention to what you're saying out in public and let a game like that influence you and your life is basically over.New information disclosed in this article:
Skipping a trip in a taxi costs more than simply sitting back and enjoying the view of the driver's head.
The Statue of Happiness is clutching a coffee cup rather than the torch her real life counterpart has.
Some celebrity voice actors play themselves in the game.
Like Crackdown's Orbs, the collectable (hidden packages?) in GTA IV make a soft sound as you get close to them, aiding you in finding them all.
Your in-game email account will get the odd piece of spam.
Driving through flames will set a car's tires on fire, causing them to burst after a while.
One mission involves traveling across town with two bodies in the trunk - if you hit a bump and it opens, you'll have to scramble to close it again before any passers-by notice.
The mobile phone you receive at the start of the game is an old, second hand model capable only of calling and texting. You'll need to wait for an upgrade later in the story to unlock the full functionality that people get from more modern models.
Downloadable episodes are confirmed to contain at least 10 hours of gameplay.
Er, on that note... GTA4! I read that they are expecting 400 million dollars as an opener, which I guess would shatter the previous record set by Halo.