Also, I forget which one is Utahraptor, but I named one of Dayna's fish that tonight, which works, because I can't remember which fish I named that, either.
I really wish I had come up with the idea of a comic strip where the pictures never change.
That is what I wish.
I suppose I could do it now and pretend I never heard of this, and then I'd be all, well, that's nothing new, I thought of that minus five years before he thought of it.
But now, after documenting this thought process in this very post, it will be hard to sell that.
pinback wrote:I really wish I had come up with the idea of a comic strip where the pictures never change.
Ghastly, who used to draw Ghastly's Ghastly Comic before he went nuts and got institutionalized and figured out he was bisexual and got divorced and all, has one of those now too.
pinback wrote:I really wish I had come up with the idea of a comic strip where the pictures never change.
So make ten comics, add more to your ever-growing eLegend, and go on to greener pastures. There is nothing stopping you from doing this. You can aspire.... for greatness here.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:So make ten comics, add more to your ever-growing eLegend, and go on to greener pastures. There is nothing stopping you from doing this. You can aspire.... for greatness here.
My friend? This is a wonderful idea.
And my friend? This is now currently in the works.
Most of his comics are supposed to be slightly narrative, right? I think he might be a little retarded from this comic, unless this is a joke about people who try desperately to grapple with the reality that PEOPLE HATE ONE ANOTHER, JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE DIFFERENT.