Fuck you, you did not, not even a little tiny bit, and I'd wager you don't even know what it means to be a librarian. You reshelved books in the public library in high school. That is not what I got my goddamned master's degree in. And you can't even claim to have been a librarian if you don't have a master's degree or haven't lucked into someone's master's degree level job after having worked in a library for twenty years. Did you do collection development? Original serial cataloging? Advanced business and/or legal reference searching using DIALOG or Lexis-Nexis?
Yeah, I was a librarian as much as you were "in an environmental field" when you did records management for the EPA. You had it all down like you were singlehandedly saving the world, one cardboard box with a new, bright, sharpie marker label stacked in a basement at a time.
I never claimed to be saving the environment, but I also managed and worked in the technical library doing environmental research for the scientists. And I developed policy and implemented content management systems, I wasn't in the basement with a marker marking boxes. But like EPA does any saving of the world, anyway.