BON VOYAGE! (Pinball)

Arcade Games & Cooking.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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BON VOYAGE! (Pinball)

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Varkus wrote me the following!
Could you do me a huge favor when you go there this month? If you decide to re-visit the pinball museum could you please take a close up photo of the instruction card on a Bally Bon Voyage machine? Or simply scribble whatever is on the card on the back of a cocktail napkin, or blank check. That's the only thing missing from my machine that I can't find online. All the pictures on the internet are not close enough to make out the writing.
... He wrote me that right before he left for a trip himself! Bon Voyage, 'Vark!

Here's what I did. When it comes to pinball, I don't screw around.

First, I posted to Usenet, in Got one reply there:
Sorry, I can't help you.
If you ever find any pictures, I can make a nice reproduction set for you.

Peter, you got yourself a deal!

And I also received a couple e-mails from another solid dude.

Tim does not have a Bon Voyage set up at the PHoF, but he may have one stashed at his house. Write to him and he may be able to help.....he is very busy so you never know. The art on that game is so evocative of the swinging Seventies Jet-Set, and the belt buckle on the hot-pants babe is priceless.
I agree!

... So, man Vark, you weren't kidding. That thing does not seem to be out there. But we'll see if we can't press the issue here a little and turn up the heat! Moo-hoo-hoo-hahah!
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!