Fallout 3

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Fallout 3

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co ... 03390.html
JOSEPH ANZALONE wrote: Ruining Our Metro Ride

Metrorail riders who have passed through Metro Center over the past several weeks may have noticed signs throughout the station advertising a video game called "Fallout 3." A heavily armored enemy soldier appears in the foreground of the ads, and the background includes images of seemingly war-ravaged national landmarks.

In one ad, the Washington Monument and the American flags surrounding it stand ravaged, as if hit by missiles. In another, the Capitol dome is partially caved in, while the rest of the building and the city behind it lie in ruins.

The people of our city do not need a daily reminder that Washington is a prime target for an attack. We do not need a daily reminder of what our worst fears look like. Since any First Amendment objection would be irrelevant (the ads do not present a true viewpoint or political message and would therefore not be protected), there is no reason for these ads to be part of our daily panorama.

The ads should be removed, and the appropriate office at Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority should be directed to exercise better judgment regarding what can be displayed in our transportation system.
This was destroyed by a writer for Kotaku... but HOLY SHIT, this is exactly the kind of American I despise. The "... and would therefore not be protected" bit is the most stunning piece of bootlicking, bend-over, "I'm pissing on myself to show you that I am no-ho-ho threat!" groveling I have ever seen in my fucking life. What a miserable FUCKING BABY. I don't even care that a video game is involved, and this writhing splorg of human garbage is offended by it - his laughable attempt to try to handwave over what protected speech is and isn't should get this guy a Webbie.

I also love that this moronic coward lives in Washington, D.C. as well. It's like, you live in Denver you should know something about high altitude. You live in DC, you should know something about the Bill of Rights? Maybe?

Chin up, Joe! You worthless shitstain.
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Regarding the game!

The story, from what I have seen so far, is absolutely terrible. But other than that, once you get into the wasteland, it IS fun. Very good-looking game.
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I read a review from Tom Chick at crispygamer, and he said that if you follow the plot, there are entire sections of the game that you won't see. How much GODDAMN CONTENT did they put into this game? How do RPG fans do anything but take meals and play these games when they come out?
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Here are some fun screen shots:


Sort of how I thought the game would look.


OMG, Brass Lantern! Text game reference! I like you Lucas. That's why I am going to let you live. (Except for when I nuke your city.)


Worm made fun of me for playing a girl, but seeing how this Fallout 3-generated geekgirl is pretty much exactly how my dream woman would look, I will TAKE the friendly ribbing.
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Post by AArdvark »

She got Half life glasses. Hmmph

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Yeah, they look quite similar. I know that the HL guys did not invent that style of glasses, so therefore it is not Bethesda's responsibility to make other ones, but still.

There are at least one other pair of glasses in the game that I have found already, but they did not look as nice.

The downside is that you can choose to wear glasses OR a helmet. What the fuck! Don't make me choose between my avatar looking sexy and my avatar having a better armor class!

All in all, a few hours into it, rhe game is good. It's not great. I get the sense that the developers asked themselves, often, "does it REALLY matter if we implement (such and such)?" For instance, there is a prostitute in the game. If you rent a room from her she lays down besides you. (I confirmed that this happens with a male PC as well.) That's it, just sleeps in the same bed. No quotes on "sleeps."

Does a G-rated scene like that REALLY matter? Well, no, of course not. In fact, when I did it, I was just trying to get a bed for my character to rest in, I didn't even know I was negotiating the price of some tail in the Wasteland. Similarly, I shot a guy in the head and instantly the entire town knew about it. Does it really matter? I guess not, since we're expected to not do that. But it does matter, if you're going to consider this a good game versus a classic for the ages.
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Post by AArdvark »

I understand that there's an Easter egg in the game where if you go to the public restroom before renting the room and find the condom behind the roll of TP; the prostitute will actually bone you.


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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Someone really does need to embrace dharma and let go... of the past!


I wish that Ian could post on this BBS and heal his mind.
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Here is a thread, with spoilers, that I started at Caltrops, discussing one of the first missions in the game.

http://www.caltrops.com/pointy.php?acti ... &pid=90180
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Post by Worm »

I think if your past is your family getting murdered and eaten by cannibal raiders you're allowed to hold on to it.

Here is Pinner's life if he didn't know how to holster his scoped magnum (hold R).

I have to say that the little happy face that pops up when you cripple someone's limb is probably the funniest thing in an RPG for a long time.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

It really angers me that phpBB2 will zap the width of the entire thread, if a screenshot is too long.

It really makes me not want to post here.
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

That being said, recently a guy came up to me and said, "Hey man... do you want to do some Psycho? Ehh?" I've never done drugs, but it's guys like that who really make tne entire process unappealing, you know? Smoking and drinking definitely make certain key people look cool, but psycho?? Ouch.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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