Winter Storm 2010

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Winter Storm 2010

Post by Flack »

1/2" of sleet/freezing rain, followed by 2-4" of snow, followed by thunderstorms. If there is such a thing as snow tornadoes, we might be getting some of those too.

Every school within 100 miles of OKC is now closed and they are sending us home at 11:30. People are scared of ice around here.
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Oh nooosss

Post by milker »

I have a theory that the snow and ice is not what scares people it is the complete loss of common sense and lack for human life on the roads that lead to the mass panic.

I will not argue with half days and such and the idea of getting home safely, but I wonder if common decency and laws of the road would make snow storms less of a Y2K panic.

You take the usual idiots, throw a few flakes of snow on the ground, issue them a massive vehicle that takes the fear of a wreck out the people and you have mass chaos.

We see it every snow storm here in what I guess they call the wild wild west.

Blinker fluid also freezes when it snows. It turns to ice and freezes the brain of the person behind the wheel.

Throw it on ice, come on yall it's time to get nice.

This leads me to thread I have always wanted to start here on JC. The "HOW SOCIETY CREATES ITS OWN DAMN PROBLEMS AND IS TO STUPID TO FIGURE IT OUT", but then again, I will have to wait after watching this video wondering how I never figured this one out in my childhood:

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Post by milker »

Robb Sherwinnn loves that song!
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Post by Flack »

"I failed a savings throw and now I am back."

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