I work a regular day job from 8am-4:30pm. We get home around 5:30pm and usually eat by 6pm. My daughter goes to bed around 8pm, my son at 9pm. I'm a night owl, and never get to bed before midnight. That gives me approximately 3 hours a night. Sure, I could be doing housework, fixing things, helping with laundry and dishes or, you know, being a good husband, but god dammit, my public needs me.
To be honest, I think about blog posts all the time. Like all day, whenever something happens I think, "ooh! I could blog about that!" so then when I get home (because I would never, ever do this from work) I will bang out a blog entry. They take 5-10 minutes, usually. Wordpress also has a neat feature where you can schedule your posts, so like for this past trip, I wrote 3 things on Saturday and scheduled them to appear Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, each at 6am. And I wasn't even home. HA HA THE JOKE'S ON YOU.
The podcast doesn't take any time at all because I promise to record 2 a month and then it's usually 3 months between episodes -- again, the joke's on you! But seriously, usually I come up with key talking points for the podcast and when I sit down to record one it takes about an hour to record and an hour to edit and post. I'd like to get to the point where it's a once a month Saturday night type of thing.
PS: What Aardvark is referring to is I
opened my own half-assed forum. Really it's just a way to meet chicks. But don't tell my wife.