Hi, I'm Lex! I have no idea how to really use this software!

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Hi, I'm Lex! I have no idea how to really use this software!

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Phantasy Star Online, that is.

Seriously; Robb has a Dreamcast, Jill & I are about to get Dreamcasts, Alistair (Phruitcake) has a Dreamcast and a level 100 guy, so let's all get together, and go slayin': You can pick up a copy of PSO for $5, and the first one has no monthly charges (with the cap at Level 150, or No Fucking Scemitars).

In that 4 people can journey together at a time, it would be rather cool. And with Phruitcake to grant us access to the latter levels...


Seriously; Let's get a JC Clan going; we could be the Bad Boys, what with Player-Killin', and all. LETS BE BASTARDS ROBB YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO. Admittedly only 4 of us could fight at a time, but atleast we'd be there ;). Besides, what with half of you in the states, and in different time-zones, im sure it'd work out ;). ;). Let's get groovy! ::Rollseyes:: !!! LROFAEG!

i]To those that don't know[/i]:

Phantasy Star Online is the first version of the online version of the version of the Phantasy Star RPG; every other character is a player, natch; This game is really great to play, because all four of you play together; you look out for each-other, watch each-others backs, perform healing spells, etc.; Unlike conventional online RPGs, there is never another reason to hit human players (albeit he is being an asshole and dropping shitty items everywhere -- In which case, a dose O' PK Error is possible).

It looks something like this:


And is quite cool; meant to be used with the Dreamcast Keyboard, so you can actually chat in-game, as opposed to using the Dreamcast control for static messages. The ability to make your own symbols was great; Phruitcake made a version of the Phruitcake Symbol (TM) That popped up every time he made a kill and roared -- And yet no-one got tired of it. Community spirit is what this game is about -- and though I am usually opposed to such things, bullied as I was at school -- I feel a simple, cheap game that unites members of the Jolt Country Squad would be cool. (Especially as you can pick up a Dreamcast for $20).

Posts: 976
Joined: Sat Apr 27, 2002 4:03 pm
Location: Scotland, Bonnie

Post by Lex »

This should probably die.

As in, the other one is main.

jonsey: KILL!


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I miss Ben. Where is he? Is it something I said?

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