Hugo on iDOS

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Post by Flack »

It's working now. Let the love flow.
"I failed a savings throw and now I am back."

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Post by bruce »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:That's fair. It's essentially a retelling of A Christmas Story with the exception of the dead corpse of the heroine getting raped and shat in.
Wait, what?

You mean that's not really in A Christmas Story? What have I been watching all these years?


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Post by Flack »

I spent a little time during my last trip playing around some more with iDOS. The biggest problem is the controls. They work, but ... I'm afraid I may never get accustomed to virtual buttons on a touch screen. My thumbs tend to drift and soon I'm mashing a part of the screen that controls nothing. iDOS supports both virtual mice and keyboard controls, but it's just not quite there.

What I would love is some sort of support for USB game pads ... maybe a pad to USB hub that the iPod could read when plugged in to. Not the most portable solution, but it would make things a hundred times more fun.
"I failed a savings throw and now I am back."

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