Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Tdarcos wrote:Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:This base will be destroyed on May 30th and the Don Rogers base will be in its place.
I am sorry you have decided you don't want me here any more and have decided I don't matter. I will miss being here and on Caltrops after May 30 and I wish you all - except for Jonsey, who can go fuck himself sideways as far as I'm concerned - the best.
I'm really pissed that there was no discussion about the matter. I mean, it's Jonsey's board, he can run it any way he wants. I can simply decide I don't like it and quit participating, which, since I have no say in the matter, is the only option I have.
Thank you.
All right, you have convinced me. The base stays! THE BASE? STAYS!
What bothered me was not that you were removing this base, but that you didn't ask first. If you said you were going to create a miscellaneous archive for stuff that was no longer relevant or wasn't getting responses, and were moving the contents of this base to that archive, that would have been better.
If you had posted a message that said that you were considering eliminating this base because you didn't think it got any new traffic and wanted to know what we thought of it, that would also have been better.
Then if the general consensus here was that this base wasn't really being used much and wasn't necessary, then that would have been a different matter and that I could go along with.
It was the fact that you just announced it as a dictum and the people who contribute here - especially me - had no say in the matter. (Yes, I know it's your domain and your system, and you may run it any way you please, but I think some courtesy to the audience is warranted.)
This was also why I said I would leave. I have no right to demand anything; I am simply a guest here in this place that you have been nice enough to provide to me and everyone else. But i do have the right to decide that I disagree with your policies and choose to no longer participate. Now, I could have silently walked away, and the problem with that is that nobody knows why I stopped, and second - as in the case that you decided to change your mind - I have no means at all to have any influence on policy if I do not voice my opposition to policy.
But I understand about setting policy. I've had to do it myself.
I mean, I run my blog with an iron hand; I have to, if I don't lock the place down the spammers come in and ruin it. I'm reminded of the story of a catfish farm that someone opened the wrong gate and the jellyfish - the locusts of the ocean - swarmed in and consumed all the catfish, that they measured it and they could go down as far as 20 feet deep it was still full of jellyfish. All those beautiful catfish destroyed by vermin.
And so it is with spammers and scammers, if I don't lock my blog down I get flooded with garbage. You saw it when a bunch of them tried to infest this place. Hell, the worst of the worst of the worst posters on Caltrops represent a calibre of fine commentary that is thousands of times more valuable than anything the spammers have ever posted on my board or anywhere else.
I don't know that the material here qualifies for moving to the "Best of JC" but if you had an "Archives" base to hold messages posted to defunct forums that would have been acceptable as opposed to simply erasing everything, which is what I thought the result was going to be.