This Is The Thread Where Retro Says Why He Doesn't Like SC2

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This Is The Thread Where Retro Says Why He Doesn't Like SC2

Post by pinback »

I don't know how to demand it any harder than creating a thread for it, and crafting the title of the thread so there's but one character to spare in the thread title length limit.
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Post by RetroRomper »

Okay, okay...
pinback wrote:
RetroRomper wrote:if taken as a game I don't actually enjoy SCII to a great extent but as a product, the redefinition allows a less narrow perspective on the issue.
I don't know what any of this means, and don't remember you discussing it with me.
Lets differentiate between...

Reasons I do not like Starcraft II

1) Not a single person nor "game outlet" pointed out how the narrative structure of the single player portion of SCII changed from the first. It went completely overlooked that they decided to shift the focus from the player to the cliche set of characterizations that were embodied in the storyline. Though I had fun and enjoyed the experience, Blizzard wasn't pushing the envelope and actually regressed in their ability to weave a tale.

2) The unit and planet choices in the single player game were basically a weird mutation of the Dune II formula. DUNE II. There wasn't a single new, creative or exploitative concept in that part of the game. Blizzard polished it beyond belief, the presentation and execution were top notch, but the way they told the story in SCI and Diablo II were completely absent and replaced with the bland, normal archetypes I expect from a Baen science fiction novel or blockbuster film.

3) MLB bothers me: it feels as if nearly twenty years of development in the competitive video game arena was tossed away for a clone of the NFL and MLB (major league baseball.... They even duplicate the bloody colors). Part of the fun of the old Doom, Quake, and SCI days, was the low cost of entry to be part of the spectacle. SCII doesn't exemplify this, Blizzcon isn't Quakecon: it has divided the scene into either players or spectators - its tiring.

4) SCII isn't a game per se: its a product. Its barely a rehash, not a reinvention nor evolution, just a few concepts distilled to sell to an audience. World of Warcraft has firmly entrenched in Blizzard this mentality of seeing their games as vehicles to create a product that can be continually monetized - all predictors are pointing to the next incarnation of, Diablo III surely, maybe even SCII to have stronger "micro-transactions" built into their dynamics.

Sorry, but if I want to feed quarters into a game I'll go to an arcade.

5) At some point, it stopped being a game and became a skill. Pinback's three games a day exemplifies this and its difficult to see beyond feeding into an environment, sowing the seeds for a harvest that Blizzard will reap, along with a very specific skill set that can't be applied beyond a single instance.

6) Blizzard is relatively inflexible or at least a bit more short sighted than they used to: this will be the first time in any of their expansions (and rarely in any in the industry) that they will be removing units to balance and readjust the abilities of the races.

Lets move onto...

Reasons I do not play SCII

1) Two hours at the gym every other day, coupled with an hour of yoga, martial arts and a half hour of walking on off days, coupled with the fact school has begun, leaves me very little time.

2) As I said, its a specific skill set and though one I'm willing to indulge in, the commitment to develop it is staggering. I have better things to do.

3) The game basically revolves around playing the same maps over and over... Less of a hassle in vanilla SCII, but after playing "Bunker Wars" for a few hours two or three weeks ago, I realized that this wasn't something I'd want to spend my time constantly working on.

Conclusion: the game is fun, enjoyable but its moving into a Pavlovian experiment, one I'd rather be left out of. Regardless, I'm willing to play with friends (this includes you, Pinner) but its just a game and honestly, not a very strong one.
Last edited by RetroRomper on Sun Jan 15, 2012 10:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by RetroRomper »

Yay! I have an opinion!

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Post by pinback »

If SC2 is not a strong game, what is a strong game?

I don't understand.

What games do not also represent skillsets?

You are a smart guy and I'm sure your opinion is interesting, I just have no idea what you're talking about.
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Post by RetroRomper »

Sorry for being vague...

SCII is basically an average RTS - certain groups make it out to be more but its just that... Average. Oddly, SCI and D2 are strong games and they take risks with their narrative structure, presentation and other things. SCII doesn't.

And I know every game requires time and commitment to become good at it but SCII seems to have fallen to the extreme that say, Call of Duty or Halo took the medium to: there are whole industries based around the competitive aspect, a culture that encourages a player to commit to the game and stick with it until the sequel comes out.

Its frankly, become dull. My interest has moved on.

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Post by pinback »

So young... so jaded...

If I may offer a retort based on my superior life experience and wisdom:

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Sorry, but if I want to feed quarters into a game I'll go to an arcade.
Me, too! There is a new "barcade" called the 1UP in Denver! Now look. I like it. But JESUS FUCK is the music loud there. I know the old line about how, if it's too loud then I'm too old, but it's filled to bursting with arcade games. Of course I'm "too old."
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Post by RetroRomper »

Funny story! Saw the new Sherlock Holmes film the other night, and actually ended up playing the Galaga cab in the lobby for the first thirty minutes of the movie.

Went back out afterwards and played Area 51 from beginning to end on two credits.

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Post by pinback »

If SC2 is an "average" RTS, what is a good one?

I will play it.

Don't say Company of Heroes. You can answer with any answer other than that. (Well, and Brood War, obviously. Christ, I went back and played that for a few hours yesterday. What a... well, whatever, some people like it.)
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