Trading Space In Shit: The Thread

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Ah, but I want to love Flatspace.

So, let's just make a LIST of Elite games? I guess Wikipedia people already did that. :(
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by pinback »

Rebel Galaxy is the best trading space in shit I have ever played. But before you buy it (which you absolutely have to) here is what it's not:

1. A "space sim".
2. A competitor to Elite: Dangerous or Star Ci- I should keep this to actual games, sorry.
3. Anything other than what it is.

What it IS is this:

1. The "space trader" genre boiled down to its essence, then blown up again to make it big, loud, and fun at the expense of everything else.

It is not a space sim in any sense of the word. It is not 3D. It is not groundbreaking.

It just does the opposite of what we THINK we want from a space trader game, while pointing out to us EXACTLY what we want.

None of this is what I wanted. What I DIDN'T want in a space trader game was: 2D space. Lots of musical backgrounds. No realism. Kids-pool-level depth. Wacky robots doing voices to push the story further.

If you described it to me, I'd hate it.

Elite: Dangerous, to me, is the most impressive, amazing thing ever accomplished in computer entertainment, and in my favorite genre (trading space in shit). Elite: Dangerous is EXACTLY what I wanted.

It is, to this day.

Rebel Galaxy is EXACTLY what I didn't want. And good Lord Almighty, I can't stop playing. I don't want to do the next "story" missions because then it will be over.

So it turns out, this actually was what I wanted. Took 44 years, but I finally figured it out.

(E:D is still the greatest thing in history. I'll get back to it after about another 300 hours of Rebel Galaxy.)
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Post by RealNC »

Well, E:D starts to get old now for me. I've got a Fer De Lance and a Python, both fully upgraded. Bought an Anaconda, sold it again because it handles like crap.

Now I'm flying around, aimless with nothing to do...

I don't really like trading, so space trading games don't appeal to me.

BUT, David Braben posted this on his channel yesterday:

I'll need to pay 40 bucks again to get this when it comes out in December, but fuck it. Shut up and take my money.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Ben was right about Rebel Galaxy, so far!

It's gorgeous and it's got the same kind of conversation with aliens and bartenders that I have in my games, minus the aliens except for Cryptozookeeper and bartenders except for all of them. The "conversation menu," if you will. But you can click on it with your mouse or trackball.

They knew enough to have docking be an automatic process! Amazing!

Doesn't seem to require a flightstick but I had better try it out with that. And yes, the country rock is great.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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