This Is The Super Hexagon Thread

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Post by pinback »

The main "flaw" with Super Hexagon is that there are a finite level of patterns it throws at you. It's still incredibly hard, but I can see becoming unbeatable at it if you're able to memorize all of the patterns and train yourself to react accordingly.

That would take a very, very long time because it's so goddamn fast and difficult, but the lack of truly randomized patterns may limit the shelf-life of the game.

Do you think that's a flaw, or a feature, allowing people to progress as they learn the patterns?

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Paul, what is your Steam account name? As your gift for being the Jolt Country Post of the Cool, I will send you a copy of Super Hexagon.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by pinback »

And I will send you an extra $5 if you can come up with proof that you beat 10 seconds on any level.
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Post by pinback »

Am I a hero? I really can't say. But, yes.

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Post by pinback »

71:22 is the 4515th best time worldwide on HEXAGON difficulty.
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Post by RetroRomper »

Difficulty - Time

HEXAGON - 41:77

Switched to a joystick for my last attempt at HEXAGONEST and obviously noticed a marked difference in my score. Conclusion? Binary states such as keyboard arrow keys are horrible with this game even if you beat the six quadrants into your head. Pressure attuned switches such as a PS3 controller work wonders (its more precise in its own fashion).

Would actually pay for this game if it were released on iOS just to see how it would play with a touch interface.

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Post by Flack »

I just discovered that someone ported this game to the C64. Trying it now.

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Post by RetroRomper »

Why I'm a terrible human being: the woman who voices the announcements for Super Hexagon is currently the fiancee of one of my best friends. At this point we love her dearly, but whenever I talk to or hang around her, I suddenly feel like playing the game, with the catch being that hearing her own voice bugs her.

Do I play anyway? Yes... Yes I do.

This is why I'm a horrible person.



Post by RetroR »

Wanted to reconfirm that I'm still doing this and that it still bugs her.

I'm going to hell.

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