Fryd Rhys wrote:lol it did take me about a half hour of mapping the controls before I could even fly a ship more than ten feet so I know your pain... Once you get it just the way you like though-- I will say the default thrust controls are just right... W faster, S slower, Q/E strafe left-right, R/F strafe up-down, and then just use the joystick (or whatever) to control roll pitch and yaw. Thats just the way I'm used to flying spaceships though I guess :-)
Fryd, yes, this will now be our mission in life. Our mission in life is to GET the controls right.
It sounds like you are using the keyboard and a flight stick? Is that correct? Do I have that right?
Pinback told me to get this flight stick:
I have no idea if that is going to resemble a link or not, but let's assume it does.
With so many precision geometrically designed ships how do you choose? In tradewars it's pretty simple. Choose the one you can afford with the highest cargo capacity. Whatever else it comes with is just a bonus.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
It sounds like you are using the keyboard and a flight stick? Is that correct? Do I have that right?
Absolutely, with the mouse available to the side to make the galactic map and commodities trading easier.
Pinback told me to get this flight stick:
I have no idea if that is going to resemble a link or not, but let's assume it does.
What STICK are you using, Fryd?
Believe it or not that's the exact one I use, although Im considering an upgrade to something fancier just for this game... i guess thats when you know a game is good when it finally convinces you to start upgrading your rig again :-)
Okay, fuck it. I'm Fryd Rhys, and now I'm free to talk about this.
Look. This is all I'm going to talk about for the next five years at least. But in another hour or two play in the premium beta tonight, one thing I'd forgotten about gradually started to come back into my recollection, and then I looked at what was happening, and I almost dropped my mud right there.
Everyone's read about the "400 billion star systems", sure, whatever:
But here's the thing.
You know the starfield? While you're flying? Which in every other game/simulator until now has just been a nicely painted skybox?
It still seems unbelievable to say this. Maybe it's really not true and just a grand illusion.
The starfield accurately represents the game galaxy.
A long time ago I wrote a glowing review of Far Cry, noting that in most games of the time, that beautiful island in the distance was just a matte painting, a background JPG, but in Far Cry, for what seemed at least like the first time... you could go there.
Elite Dangerous has sort of taken this as far (literally) as it can go.
Do you see all those stars out there?
(I don't believe it.)
(BUT whenever you lock in a star system in your nav computer, it SURE AS SHIT seems to target a VERY SPECIFIC STAR in that huge starfield. Every time. I think it's true.)
The Wheel of Fortune bit was a nice touch lol. I had my suspicions but felt that JC's need for new blood was too important to risk running a guest off if there was even the slightest chance it might actually be a real first time visitor.
pinback wrote:Okay, fuck it. I'm Fryd Rhys, and now I'm free to talk about this.
How's eating budget chili out of a can going again?
In trying to add value:
It is interesting to watch the Caltrops Mysterios try to "nuh-uh" each other as to Dr Tacos existence because they don't see his posting history here. "That can't be a real person!"
It's also neat to watch them bite on Pinback's Ators each time as if they are actually a new person when if I'm noticing it can't be THAT skillful.
I never thought this JC would give me an interesting view into how Caltrops works but here we are.
Pinback had to fake up a user because he thought it would be irresponsible of him to drop $150 bucks on Elite when he owed RetroRomper $300 for previous services.
I would describe his ruse in much the same way the ransom letter was meant to work in the JonBenet Ramsey kidnapping: the note was meant to fail, it was meant to seem staged. Not content to lollygag at giving Retro back the money he so generously lent him, he rocked the stargazing fetus of Braben and Bell to sleep underneath him. It was despicable. It was indefensible. And in the end, the thing that buying Elite really shared with the JonBenet thing is that nobody got hurt.
It also made me enquire as to whether or not I could buy up Pinback's debt for ten cents on the dollar.
Sorry, must be allergies from working outside a lot lately which are messing with my vision and powers of concentration. Did you just say a murdered little girl amounts to no harm done? Or did you actually intend that as sarcasm and so meant that sacrificing 'an arm and a leg' to play a game demo is likened to finding a dead little girl buried in your basement with the "no harm done" comment being the punchline of the sarcasm because both are actually very horrifying to contemplate. Or perhaps not being able to have such a must have game is similar to having your beauty-queen daughter held for ransom (though as it turns out she never left the house apparently).
Garth's Equipment Shop wrote:Sorry, must be allergies from working outside a lot lately which are messing with my vision and powers of concentration. Did you just say a murdered little girl amounts to no harm done?
Welcome to Jolt Country! Grab a fez and a plastic sword and settle in for GOOD TIMES!
Garth's Equipment Shop wrote:Sorry, must be allergies from working outside a lot lately which are messing with my vision and powers of concentration. Did you just say a murdered little girl amounts to no harm done? Or did you actually intend that as sarcasm and so meant that sacrificing 'an arm and a leg' to play a game demo is likened to finding a dead little girl buried in your basement with the "no harm done" comment being the punchline of the sarcasm because both are actually very horrifying to contemplate. Or perhaps not being able to have such a must have game is similar to having your beauty-queen daughter held for ransom (though as it turns out she never left the house apparently).
Ah yes, I meant no harm done in the kidnapping since she didn't actually leave the house! I guess some other stuff happened that night that was pretty brutal.
I trust that nobody misconstrued my message as an endorsement for killing people. It was not my intent.