Bump this thread whenever Google ruins Twitch even though th

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Bump this thread whenever Google ruins Twitch even though th

Post by pinback »

ey don't even own them yet.

http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2014/08/t ... ted-audio/

I have Twitch on probably 10 hours a day on average. It's my background noise while I work. It's also very entertaining, if you like games.

There are rumors about Google buying it up, so to try to make that more tempting, LITERALLY OVERNIGHT Twitch said, if your VODs have copyrighted music, that 30-minute segment of your VOD is now muted.

Because everybody goes to Twitch to listen to music. Oh wait instead of everybody I meant nobody.

Yes, it's all LEGALLY CORRECT. Legally correct is also stupid in this case.

Google is now ruining things they don't even own yet.
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Re: Bump this thread whenever Google ruins Twitch even thoug

Post by RealNC »

pinback wrote:Yes, it's all LEGALLY CORRECT. Legally correct is also stupid in this case.
Nope, it's not legally correct. When your content gets an ID match, the company behind it doesn't need to submit a formal DMCA complaint. *That* would be legally correct. Right now, they can just flag you at will without any formal paperwork, as is required by law. This is possible because it's Twitch itself that's doing this.

It's not legally correct at all. This is just self-policing by Twitch in order to get on the good side of "copyright owners." It's arbitrary and follows no legal rules whatsoever.

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Post by pinback »

Also the best part is that their algorithm to mark and mute the VODs fucked up so that even IN-GAME MUSIC causes the thing to mute your shit.

A video game-streaming service is now intentionally blocking video games from being streamed.
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Post by RealNC »

Well, right now it's just the VODs, not the streams. Doing content ID live while streaming is very difficult, so thankfully we're spared of that. Until they find a way to implement it, that is.

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