I'd like to ask Billy Mays a question about religion

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You hypocrite.
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Post by Billy Mays »

Making comparisons between western values and east Asian values is a very reasonable discussion to have.

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Post by pinback »

Okay. What do western and eastern values have in common other than not existing? Let's find some more common ground.
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Re: I'd like to ask Billy Mays a question about religion

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

CO wrote:
Billy Mays wrote:
Tdarcos wrote:]The Muslims have
to go back. We warned them after 9/11, now they just have to go back. 5th generation Muslim-Americans make great 1st generation anywhere but heres. They have to go back.
This is a JC first, I don't think we've had any Teaparty Alt-Right Crazy Racist Fucks posting here before.
Ah, voting Republican is racist now.

You get that you are personally the reason why Trump got any traction at all, right CO? I mean, love ya buddy, but you and people like you are the reason.
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Post by Billy Mays »

pinback wrote:Okay. What do western and eastern values have in common other than not existing? Let's find some more common ground.
Well, If the entire population of Nebraska, or the entire population of Kyoto, decided to pack up and move to Denmark, then Denmark would not have to worry about taking the title of Rape Capitol of Europe away from Sweden (caused by a certain other outside culture). So I guess we can start this conversation off with "respect for women", which is a doozy.

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Post by Tdarcos »

Billy Mays wrote: So I guess we can start this conversation off with "respect for women", which is a doozy.
Christianity used to consider women to be just as worthless as Muslims do now - at least the Fundamendalists - but, again, over the last 1,000 years or so, Western civilization and Western values made Christianity pull its claws and dull its fangs.

Muslim theology, values and society froze after one of their important thinkers - I've forgotten his name - during the 10th century, proclaimed that mathematics and science were anti-Muslim. A lot of technical and scientific advancements occurred in the Muslim areas, and by cultural osmosis, elsewhere, during the Dark Ages when Christianity went crazy with power. This all stopped after the Muslims accepted the decree that science and mathematics were, in effect, spawn of Satan.

If it wasn't for Western Civilization supplying it with technology as a result of the money they got from oil, the Middle East would probably be stuck back in the 700s.
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11th c. Christian Woman

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Post by 11th c. Christian Woman »

Tdarcos is right guys!

I was in constant fear of taharosh growing up in Christian Europe a thousand years ago!!

Also, things that are happening today are not applicable to anything at all for any reason because something other people did for some reason a long, long, long time ago. The fact that different cultures evolved differently has nothing to do with their founding values, but rather because of GPS coordinates.

Unfortunately, I can not stay around to continue this conversation because I am now travelling on vacation to the Middle East where I enjoy expressing my beliefs on atheism to Muslim men with zero fear of getting stoned to death.

Before I go though, I need to remind everyone that not all Arabs are Muslims. That there are minority communities of Christians and Jews of Arabic descent living in the Middle East that are 100% compatible with Western values and culture, but this fact doesn't matter because you can just keep calling people racist. Yay, non sequiturs!!!!

Take care everyone!!!!!

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Re: Looking forward to the next 1000 years of living!

Post by Flack »

11th c. Christian Woman wrote:Tdarcos is right guys!

I was in constant fear of taharosh growing up in Christian Europe a thousand years ago!!

Also, things that are happening today are not applicable to anything at all for any reason because something other people did for some reason a long, long, long time ago. The fact that different cultures evolved differently has nothing to do with their founding values, but rather because of GPS coordinates.

Unfortunately, I can not stay around to continue this conversation because I am now travelling on vacation to the Middle East where I enjoy expressing my beliefs on atheism to Muslim men with zero fear of getting stoned to death.

Before I go though, I need to remind everyone that not all Arabs are Muslims. That there are minority communities of Christians and Jews of Arabic descent living in the Middle East that are 100% compatible with Western values and culture, but this fact doesn't matter because you can just keep calling people racist. Yay, non sequiturs!!!!

Take care everyone!!!!!
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Re: I'd like to ask Billy Mays a question about religion

Post by RealNC »

Billy Mays wrote:So then, I am attacked as being a racist? Can anybody please explain to me how a religious/political ideology that you chose is equivalent to DNA?
Racism is a term that is also commonly used for religious discrimination.

And I wonder what your opinion is on arabs that are not muslims that also had their homes bombed and friends and relatives killed, and who really, really hate your guts right now. Those are totally fine I assume, since they're not muslim.

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Re: I'd like to ask Billy Mays a question about religion

Post by Billy Mays »

RealNC wrote:Racism is a term that is also commonly used for religious discrimination.
Only by those who don't understand the meaning of the words race and racism.

More often than not, throwing the term racism around is a tactic used by liberals who are unable to come to any sort of rational argument against what is said.

I mention, in not the most diplomatic fashion, that something needs to be addressed about jihadism spreading throughout the western world. This is a statement of fact that breaks the utopian narrative that all cultures are identical and completely compatible with each other. They are unable to argue against this due to turning on the news and seeing Muslims slaughtering large groups of people in the name of Islam. This makes them feel bad because they are not able to refute this argument, so they throw racist at the person because it used to be an atomic bomb word that won all arguments. I am not a racist. If I was, I would be uncomfortable with all Arabs, I am not. If you think western culture is not superior to that of the Islamic world, feel free to live in Saudi Arabia. If you really believe the two cultures are compatible, then explain no go zones and Sharia patrols in European nations. But do you want to know who the real racists are? Read the comments section on any news related youtube video for one. You liberals have used the word racist so much, that it is losing its meaning, it is becoming a joke, and people that are sick and tired of being called racist all of the time for no good reason are saying "sure, why not.". ICJ is right, liberals are to blame as much as anything for what is going on right now.

RealNC wrote:And I wonder what your opinion is on arabs that are not muslims that also had their homes bombed and friends and relatives killed, and who really, really hate your guts right now. Those are totally fine I assume, since they're not muslim.
How are you guys able to jump to such ridiculous conclusions? This loss of life is sick. Here is what I believe:

1. I would rather nobody gets bombed.

2. I would rather we not invite anybody to live in our country who hates us.

Only in an insane world would either of these two basic beliefs be considered radical or hateful.

I wouldn't care if the Church of England declared holy war against the United States, and was sending suicide attackers after us, I would say "hey, maybe we should reconsider inviting hundreds of thousands of them in".

You guys can deny reality all that you like, you can listen to your feelings, and wish really hard that we are not at war with Islam, this however does not make it true. How many more thousands of westerners are you willing to get slaughtered or raped before you admit we have a problem here?

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Post by RealNC »

Here's a thought. Even if a magic pill was invented that gets rid of religion, and everybody in the world would take the pill, ISIS would still try to kill us.

Islam is just the strongest pawn in the war. It's not the cause.

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Post by gsdgsd »

RealNC wrote:Here's a thought. Even if a magic pill was invented that gets rid of religion, and everybody in the world would take the pill, ISIS would still try to kill us.

Islam is just the strongest pawn in the war. It's not the cause.
I agree with you 100%, and I say that just to give you some comfort as everyone else starts screaming at you.

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Re: I'd like to ask Billy Mays a question about religion

Post by pinback »

Billy Mays wrote:I would rather we not invite anybody to live in our country who hates us.
Who is we? Who is them? Who is us?

WE, THEM, US. Lunacy. You're a maniac. You are the cause of all of the world's ills.

(You, personally, I'm saying.)
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Post by Billy Mays »

RealNC wrote:Here's a thought. Even if a magic pill was invented that gets rid of religion, and everybody in the world would take the pill, ISIS would still try to kill us.

Islam is just the strongest pawn in the war. It's not the cause.
Isis stands for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. It seems like Islam is pretty important to this group. Even if your premise wasn't fundamentally absurd, I would then argue that whatever group wants to commit acts of terror against us be prohibited from entering our country, it is simple self preservation.

I know I have quickly become persona non grata on this forum, and I take much of the responsibility for that due to my own actions.

I also know what I am saying sounds dramatic, but we have a serious problem on our hands, and things are only ramping up in frequency. I have seen two options on how to address this matter: limit immigration or invite hundreds of thousands of more Muslims.

Limiting immigration = seems very cruel, but nobody of importance has proposed an alternative plan.

Open borders/inviting more in = Thinking this will address anything is fundamentally unsound. You can not defeat terror in your country by bringing in millions of people from where the problem originates. Additionally, I don't think we should invite anybody in from any area until we are able to fix our own problems with unemployment, our crumbling infrastructure, taking care of our veterans.....the list goes on.

I am willing to have an open conversation about this, but like I said before, I only see two groups willing to have this discussion: those willing to say unpopular things, and those willing to allow the problem to continue out of fear of being called nasty names.

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Post by Billy Mays »

gsdgsd wrote:and I say that just to give you some comfort as everyone else starts screaming at you.
And who might these "people" be? It seems he is holding to the popular opinion on this forum.

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Post by pinback »

This thread is now locked, and you are all banned.
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Post by Billy Mays »

pinback wrote:This thread is now locked, and you are all banned.
I will send you an envelope full of cash if you use your moderator powers to memory hole this entire train wreck into where ever things get thrown out in cyberspace.

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Post by pinback »

Am I a hero? I really can't say. But, yes.

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