I do not have the power to ban Billy Mays.

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I do not have the power to ban Billy Mays.

Post by pinback »

So here's what we're gonna do. Since I no longer enjoy this place due to him shitposting and ruining every decent thread or discussion anyone tries to have, I am going to "look to the right", as Robb is fond of saying, and bug outta here for a while.

If it turns out he decides to leave or is otherwise removed by force, I will return.

So if either of those happens, someone email me!
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Post by gsdgsd »

Will you be making hot sauce during your hiatus?

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Billy Mays
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Re: I do not have the power to ban Billy Mays.

Post by Billy Mays »

So let me get this straight...I admit that I was being a bit of dick, it wasn't supposed to be anything malicious, but that is how it turned out so I admitted my guilt, tried to post meaningful things, and get things like:

pinback wrote:5. Roy Orbison, because I want you (Billy Mays) to be angered by this list, and everything else I post here, and also: http://bit.ly/2fcg8Op
and then ironically enough get this thrown at me a few posts down:
pinback wrote:I liked the one that wasn't an attention-seeking, annoying cry for validation, which was none of them.
So I don't care who busts my chops on this forum, just don't live in a glass house when you're throwing stones.


Post by ICJ »

Yes, I am also up for the next round of hot sauce. Could it be red, a pleasant metaphor for your anger? Green, to symbolize the jealousy you so clearly feel for Roy Orbison?

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The Happiness Engine
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Post by The Happiness Engine »

How is it that EVERY SINGLE LAST ONE of you brittle maggots can't simply "note author while scrolling, unfocus eyes and scroll a little more to the next post"?!

It's a fucking BBS with like 10 posts a day, it's not THAT HARD to skip 3 of them.

Eagerly looking forward to next week's "Wah I can't be bothered to proofread EDITZ PLZ!!!!"

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Post by RetroRomper »

I just find it hilarious that for the first time ever, that someone managed to run Pinback off JC.

Oh the times they're a changing.
"Don't you DARE get me started on RetroArch!"

This has been a...

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Billy Mays
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Post by Billy Mays »

Could somebody throw this topic into the "Best of", or was that pinback's job?

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Post by pinback »

The Happiness Engine wrote:How is it that EVERY SINGLE LAST ONE of you brittle maggots can't simply "note author while scrolling, unfocus eyes and scroll a little more to the next post"?!
Because you couldn't find anyone else's posts under his deluge of garbage. I'd have been squinting the whole time.
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Billy Mays
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Post by Billy Mays »

Welcome back.

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The Happiness Engine
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Post by The Happiness Engine »

pinback wrote:Because you couldn't find anyone else's posts under his deluge of garbage. I'd have been squinting the whole time.
Sorry you have Paul-eye. I really don't find it THAT hard to skim through the 10 minutes or so of posts the six or so of you make a day. Maybe take some reading classes?

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Post by pinback »

Yeah, maybe I should do that!
Am I a hero? I really can't say. But, yes.

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