The Apple //c project

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Re: The Apple //c project

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I bought the stuff Flack recommended anyway.

Also, here is the link to the TOSEC collection of Apple ][ stuff. Games, Applications, Compilations, Demos. Hot damn!
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Re: The Apple //c project

Post by Flack »

I'll be curious to see if the FloppyEmu plays Karateka. So far, that is the only game I've found that won't play on the CFFA3000. From what I understand, there's a firmware upgrade that fixes the issue, but it has to be applied via a compact flash card, and it turns out I've never owned one of those.
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Re: The Apple //c project

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I have a couple of those - my old camera took them. The next time I see you I will either give you one of the cards with that on it or bring it with me if I visit you.

Which, damn, it's getting to be about that time where maybe we should consider that sort of thing? I am going to be in NY Labor Day weekend where hopefully I can see Vark. I hung out with ChainGangGuy and gsdgsd a couple weekends ago. Is there any JCer I won't see this year???
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Re: The Apple //c project

Post by Jizaboz »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Mon Aug 06, 2018 9:06 pm Is there any JCer I won't see this year???
You missed me by a state. Maybe next year.
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Re: The Apple //c project

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »


I have been playing the games that Flack made me, but also ordered some floppy disks off eBay. These are copies that a guy makes, "illegal" as hell, but who cares about that any more. Castle Wolfenstein is surreal. This is a game that my brother and I played on our PCjr when we were kids and I have to admit, it did NOT follow us when we got the XT and 286, I don't think. I mean, I kept the disk. I would imagine it is still downstairs. But, God, it's been years.

There's actual German being spoken in the Apple // version.
I don't have a joystick working yet, so the keyboard is used to move and aim the gun.
There's five pages of unskippable text that makes up the game's story when you start a new game. It is better than a lot of introductions in modern games though, so that is fine.

And I think it's got quirks, for instance, if you find 6 bullets and own 7, you do not go to 10 bullets. You only add bullets when the amount found exceeds your own I think.

This is amazing and I have Flack to thank for it. Thank you!
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Re: The Apple //c project

Post by Casual Observer »

i miss the original Wolfenstein . So much better than the fps nonsense that replaced it later.

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Re: The Apple //c project

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ICJ, you gotta play autoduel on that.

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Re: The Apple //c project

Post by pinback »

Casual Observer wrote: Fri Aug 10, 2018 12:58 am i miss the original Wolfenstein . So much better than the fps nonsense that replaced it later.
Wow. I know the nostalgia meter is off the charts on this BBS, but even the most diehard Wistful Wendy on here has to admit that that's incorrect.
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Re: The Apple //c project

Post by AArdvark »

I always got lost playing W 3-D, so the first one is better

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Re: The Apple //c project

Post by Flack »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Thu Aug 09, 2018 8:26 pmI have been playing the games that Flack made me, but also ordered some floppy disks off eBay. These are copies that a guy makes, "illegal" as hell, but who cares about that any more.
01. Not sure what the guy is charging you, but if it's cheaper to buy blanks and double mail them (to me and back), I'd be thrilled to fill up a hundred disks!

02. Your photography skills really show off the yellowing of that case. There are ways to restore it back to its original color, if so desired. (See: Retr0bright)

03. In general, I prefer games where I know what I'm supposed to be doing to games where I seem to be constantly trying to figure out where I am and where I'm supposed to go. I can't say canonically that the original Castle Wolfenstein is better than Wolfenstein 3D, and I can't believe there's not a person on the planet whose jaw didn't drop the first time they saw Wolf 3D, but if I were going to pick one or the other to play today, it would be the original.

04. Lode Runner is more forgiving with a joystick than with the keyboard, but it's still playable.
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Re: The Apple //c project

Post by Casual Observer »

Flack wrote: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:48 am I can't believe there's not a person on the planet whose jaw didn't drop the first time they saw Wolf 3D
Maybe my problem was when it came out I was running a crappy 386 SX (the one with the broken coproccesor) and the graphics were horrible. It was innovative but I had trouble enjoying it with my hardware limitations. The first one seemed to have more strategy and story, not just shoot up everything you see.

I gotta get myself an emulator and play Autoduel again.

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Re: The Apple //c project

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Part of why Castle Wolfenstein is so captivating, however, is the platform. The first thing someone would do, who was of sound mind, if they were going to "re-imagine" it for Windows would be to put in a stone floor for the castle. Of course you would. But! That would look ridiculous! You have a profile view of the prisoner and everything else is top down.

The Apple's lack of decent graphics makes it a black void instead which gives it a haunting quality. A haunting quality based on technical limitations, but haunting nonetheless. And a new version would have proper bullet management and some idea of collision detection and wouldn't make you sit there for 200 seconds to open a crate (which this version absolutely does, not a big deal when it's next to my Windows computer).

Is it better than Wolfenstein 3D? I hesitate to go there. Is it better than the modern Wolfensteins? Probably not BUT.... I did play Return to Castle Wolfenstein and talked about it on The Gas Chamber for a bit. RTCW is a typical post-Quake shooter. And it sucks. I can't say that Castle Wolfenstein is the best version, but it's miles better than that one.
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Re: The Apple //c project

Post by AArdvark »

I prefer Beyond Castle Wolfenstein only because I had an original disc (Gold Circle $14.99) for my C64.
They are basically the same game with the same horrible sprite collision issues but you get to blow up bonus.


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Re: The Apple //c project

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Casual Observer wrote: Fri Aug 10, 2018 3:02 am ICJ, you gotta play autoduel on that.
Agreed, I tried Autoduel a lot on the PC and it was.......................... disappointing, I guess is the way to put it. It's gotta be better on the //c.
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Re: The Apple //c project

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Also, if you want to buy any of these games in good-looking boxes, the prices are up there. Here is Hacker with a buy it now price of $99.99: ... 2599729603

Ultima V for $89.99: ... m570.l1313
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Re: The Apple //c project

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

All righty, the FloppyEmu arrived. It looks like it will require that I disconnect the drive as Flack said in order to have it work as the A: - I can't just attach it to the plug and have it be the A: drive. We'll figure it out. It's all coming together!
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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