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Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 9:18 pm
by Billy Mays
Tdarcos wrote:The only thing I have an issue with was that Jonsey posed the question that he did not know who was the singer on America's You Can Do Magic and I proposed based on my own research it was Gerry Beckley. He never said if he agreed or if he thought I was wrong.
It was Dewey Bunnell and Gerry Beckley with background vocals largely performed by Russ Ballard. Dan Peek was no longer in the band by 1982.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 9:20 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Paul, I made no comment on Jolt Country. I simply edited the Wikipedia and sourced your post with the facts you presented.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 9:48 pm
by In Paul's defense...
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Paul, I made no comment on Jolt Country. I simply edited the Wikipedia and sourced your post with the facts you presented.
Paul is right, you should have at least acknowledged his contribution here on the board or through a private message.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 11:16 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I want you to hold your breath until you can fully consider whether or not I actually edited the Wikipedia to reflect Paul's research and then post the results.

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 12:37 am
by In Paul's defense...
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I want you to hold your breath until you can fully consider whether or not I actually edited the Wikipedia to reflect Paul's research and then post the results.
Just to clear things up a bit for me:

on this very small BBS, we have a man who doubts his very existence while at the same time not being completely bat shit crazy somehow, another man who wrote 2 one-thousand page rape fantasy "novels", an infamous murderer that made the news nationwide posthumously in probably the sickest fucking story I ever read, a man who purchased 350 keyboards at an auction, RetroRomper, other terrifyingly bizarre shit....and that me thinking that "hey, maybe somebody here editing a wiki article isn't that strange by comparison" is some sort of unimaginable leap for this place.

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 9:23 am
by pinback
In Paul's defense... wrote:a man who doubts his very existence while at the same time not being completely bat shit crazy somehow
I'm comfortable with this description.

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 9:58 am
by Tdarcos
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Paul, I made no comment on Jolt Country. I simply edited the Wikipedia and sourced your post with the facts you presented.
Pure bullshit, but a nice try. The article on Wikipedia has no information about who was the main performer, and even if you did put it in, anyone would rightfully be able to remove it because it would constitute the serious no-no of original research.

Didn't think I'd look, did you? :)

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 10:06 am
by Tdarcos
In Paul's defense... wrote: another man who wrote 2 one-thousand page rape fantasy "novels"
How in the hell do you get "rape fantasy" out of my first book. I can accept that Instrument of God could be taken that way, as there are two incidents in the book, one where the guy is prosecuted and the other where he is not.

But I do not understand how you get any such thing out of The Gatekeeper: The Gate Contracts. I would like to hear exactly where you got this idea from. This reminds me too much of the creti... poor unfortunates on who proceed to assign me almost every medical and psyhiatric condition known to humanity that starts with the letter "a," but when I ask them to explain how they got their diagnosis, all I get in response is deafening silence.

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. And claims made without evidence may be dismissed without evidence."

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 5:22 pm
by In Paul's defense...
Tdarcos wrote: How in the hell do you get "rape fantasy" out of my first book. I can accept that Instrument of God could be taken that way...
As long as you accept the fact that the second book is completely fucked up, I won't argue your point on the first one.

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 5:37 pm
by Tsummary
Tdarcos wrote:
In Paul's defense... wrote: another man who wrote 2 one-thousand page rape fantasy "novels"
How in the hell do you get "rape fantasy" out of my first book. I can accept that Instrument of God could be taken that way, as there are two incidents in the book, one where the guy is prosecuted and the other where he is not.

But I do not understand how you get any such thing out of The Gatekeeper: The Gate Contracts. I would like to hear exactly where you got this idea from. This reminds me too much of the creti... poor unfortunates on who proceed to assign me almost every medical and psyhiatric condition known to humanity that starts with the letter "a," but when I ask them to explain how they got their diagnosis, all I get in response is deafening silence.

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. And claims made without evidence may be dismissed without evidence."
Tsummary: Paul gets more upset when people suggest he has autism than when people accuse him of writing 1,000 page rape fantasties.

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 5:59 pm
by Tdarcos
Tsummary wrote:
Tdarcos wrote: "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. And claims made without evidence may be dismissed without evidence."
Tsummary: Paul gets more upset when people suggest he has autism than when people accuse him of writing 1,000 page rape fantasties.
Because it is possible for someone to misread what I wrote or quit reading it early and thus arrive, based on partial exposure, to an inaccurate conclusion. On the other hand, there is no evidence or support whatsoever to make the claim I have autism, Asperger's syndrome, or several other mental conditions beginning with "a".

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 6:48 pm
by ...
Tdarcos wrote:Because it is possible for someone to misread what I wrote or quit reading it early and thus arrive, based on partial exposure, to an inaccurate conclusion.
Tdarcos wrote:Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 4:40 pm

Can she be raped? Yes, but it is not the same as earth. He has no capacity to injure or hurt her, and he won't get any pleasure out of her unless she lets him. As it was pointed out, the guy assaulted her from the moment he got in the room. Now, she was willing to go to bed with him anyway but he acted on her too fast. As I point out in the story, before she can even react, she feels funny and starts coming because of a protective system. Also, the man cannot orgasm - and she knows this - until she decides to allow him to do so.

Now, at that point, he hasn't hurt her at all other than startled her a little, she knows he isn't feeling any pleasure, and she's coming regularly. Now, she was there specifically with the intent of having sex with the guy which would have lead to her having orgasms, so rather than throw the alarm, since that was why she was there, she decides that it doesn't hurt and fells good, why not just let the stupid fool keep doing that since he's not going to get anything out of it. But she is.

This is not the same as an untrained, unprotected ordinary woman being attacked, this was a woman who is interested in casual encounters who knows she has strong protection against injury. This is a woman who is emotionally prepared that this might happen, and physically protected from injury.

The women who do this for the Welcoming Department know that the men they decide to take back to their room for sex cannot, in any fashion hurt them, cannot get pleasure without her permission, and thus the man has no power over her at all.

Consider this, some guy tries to hit you with a 2x4. You'll probably be scared he'll hurt you, may be angry. But what if it's a pool noodle, are you going to get mad? Probably not.

Now let's make it sexual. He wants to sodomize you, or use a strap on on you. You'd probably be scared and angry. Now, if it was a soft bar of butter you probably wouldn't let him but you probably would not be frightened because the threat is not serious.

Now, if some woman jumped him he might change his mind and not want her riding him, but I suspect his level of distaste would be less than the inverse, a woman who found a guy interesting but he decided to assault her before she was ready.

As it points out later in the book some ordinary women not so protected are traumatized by rape. Thus I do understand the difference and the psychology of rape. Apparently either you didn't read this or I did not make this clear although I thought I did.

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 8:38 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Tdarcos wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Paul, I made no comment on Jolt Country. I simply edited the Wikipedia and sourced your post with the facts you presented.
Pure bullshit, but a nice try. The article on Wikipedia has no information about who was the main performer, and even if you did put it in, anyone would rightfully be able to remove it because it would constitute the serious no-no of original research.

Didn't think I'd look, did you? :)
No, I absolutely thought you would look, sir. Abso facken loutely.

I'M NOT the one judging anyone in this thread, by the way, you gaggle of lunatics.

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 8:42 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Tdarcos wrote:How in the hell do you get "rape fantasy" out of my first book. I can accept that Instrument of God could be taken that way
That's the one I thought everyone was talking about.
But I do not understand how you get any such thing out of The Gatekeeper: The Gate Contracts.
Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, come on man. It's a little rapey. I get a little bit of a rape vibe from it. Ok? I'm not criticizing, I'm just saying. Or whoever it is that wrote you first is saying that.

Why are you taking it as a bad thing? Most rape fantasies peter out at about 850-900 pages. Take the Unabomber Manifesto. 2 pages on the rotten nature of socieety, 657 pages of what he would do to Cheryl Tiegs. Anders Behring Breivik? I'll grant you, it's long... but when you actually go by word count, there's only like 10 solid sentences out of 20,000 pages that constitute the good stuff.

Don't feel ashamed. You're a fucking lion.

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 9:34 pm
by Tdarcos
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
Tdarcos wrote:How in the hell do you get "rape fantasy" out of my first book. I can accept that Instrument of God could be taken that way
That's the one I thought everyone was talking about.
But I do not understand how you get any such thing out of The Gatekeeper: The Gate Contracts.
Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, come on man. It's a little rapey. I get a little bit of a rape vibe from it. Ok? I'm not criticizing, I'm just saying. Or whoever it is that wrote you first is saying that.
You're a fucking liar. You never even read my first book, or you would know two things. 1. There is no rape in it at all, and 2. It's under 400 pages.
Don't feel ashamed. You're a fucking lion.
Yeah, and I just ate your lunch. Don't try to bullshit someone who can write a thousand page novel and not think he can remember every section of every book he wrote. I could probably rewrite most of both of my completed books from memory. You can't bullshit me by trying to claim something that's in my book that isn't there, I know every word on every page, and as Jesus Christ said, "every jot and tittle."

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 9:38 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Tdarcos wrote:You're a fucking liar. You never even read my first book, or you would know two things. 1. There is no rape in it at all, and 2. It's under 400 pages.
1. There is more rape in that book than in the entirety of the Game of Thrones show and books.

2. I guarantee that within 50 characters you will state that it is 1,000 pages.
Don't try to bullshit someone who can write a thousand page novel and not think he can remember every section of every book he wrote.
In your defense, maybe it was 400 pages once you cut the rape scenes.

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 10:05 pm
by In Paul's defense...
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
Tdarcos wrote:You're a fucking liar. You never even read my first book, or you would know two things. 1. There is no rape in it at all
1. There is more rape in that book than in the entirety of the Game of Thrones show and books.

In Paul's defense, it is possible that his weird brain conditions are preventing him from understanding the concept of rape so that while his book is nothing but rape from start to finish: his completely skittled brain is interpreting it as something else.

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 10:22 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Yeah, I'll concede that point. Paul? Can we all get into some sort of agreement on that last point? He's your lawyer, after all.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 4:57 pm
by The Happiness Engine
In Paul's defense... wrote:In Paul's defense, it is possible that his weird brain conditions are preventing him from understanding the concept of rape so that while his book is nothing but rape from start to finish: his completely skittled brain is interpreting it as something else.
Actually, if you can get through it, you'll find a LOT more of the 'plot' is based on Paul's [mis]understanding of the MySQL relational database store than the rape. Certainly once all the repetition of that rape is taken out.

The self-insert protagonist being a complete and utter shitstain to literally everyone he meets is by far the lion's share, surpassing both of those combined.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 5:34 pm
by Flack
In our defense, there's a lot of talk about SQL injection attacks and the INSERT INTO command. Let's call it a draw.