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Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 2:57 pm
by Jack Straw
Heh heh heh. I trolled Worm again. All in a days' work.

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 3:09 pm
by Worm
Jesus Christ! At the cost of bad english?

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 3:13 pm
by LG to lazy to log in
Jack Straw wrote:
loafergirl wrote: And there are numerous 24hr adult stores in the Rochester area.
What else? I always just hit up Show world cuz my boy Seth works graveyard.. it's nice having a friend "in the business" ;)
Lusty Life, Monroe News. I beleive that Lyell video and news is 24 hrs as well. As the chick I'm supposed to be at a porn disatvantage here, get with the program kids!!


Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 3:21 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
LG to lazy to log in wrote:Lusty Life, Monroe News. I beleive that Lyell video and news is 24 hrs as well. As the chick I'm supposed to be at a porn disatvantage here, get with the program kids!!
I was not going to go public with this because, hey, nobody *needs* to read about any of this, but I will. I am getting a fine piece of strippergarb of unknown -- as of yet! -- make and model for V.

It's time for the posters, posers and lurkers to pump it up and steer their SysOp in the right direction! It's time for... Denizen Suggestions!!!

I have been assured that absolutely nothing suggested could be considered too slutty or risque. Have at thee!

I will be posting my own suggestion as soon as I get out of work, natch.

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 3:26 pm
by Jack Straw
Worm wrote:Jesus Christ! At the cost of bad english?
Its a small price to pay.

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 3:33 pm
by LG...
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
LG to lazy to log in wrote:Lusty Life, Monroe News. I beleive that Lyell video and news is 24 hrs as well. As the chick I'm supposed to be at a porn disatvantage here, get with the program kids!!
I was not going to go public with this because, hey, nobody *needs* to read about any of this, but I will. I am getting a fine piece of strippergarb of unknown -- as of yet! -- make and model for V.

It's time for the posters, posers and lurkers to pump it up and steer their SysOp in the right direction! It's time for... Denizen Suggestions!!!

I have been assured that absolutely nothing suggested could be considered too slutty or risque. Have at thee!

I will be posting my own suggestion as soon as I get out of work, natch.
This is SO my subject.

Tasteful and sexy go to Victoria's Secret, they have good stuff, expensive but good, including lots of choices in materials if your a fan of texures, though obviously Vickies stuff takes exra care IE-handwash. It's worth the effort though.

Flashy and trashy and not neccessarily comfortable (but really doesn't matter if it's going to be ripped off anyway)Fredricks of Hollywood, crotchless panties, sequins and feather boas.

OR my suggestion come up for the Ren fest next year and visit the leather shops they have a whole variety of leather holsters bras panties and hot pants.



Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 4:53 pm
by Jack Straw
The quit smoking and porn shop thread!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 7:33 pm
by bruce
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: I have been assured that absolutely nothing suggested could be considered too slutty or risque. Have at thee!
A high-quality spreader bar with an eye in the middle to hold the leather cuffs with adjustable chain, a ball gag, a set of nipple clamps, and a bunch of very fine-gauge needles for play piercing.


Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 10:10 pm
by Vitriola

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 4:40 am
by Worm
Screw nipple clamps! Use clothes pins! Ever saw that picture where the chick has so many on her breasts that they look like two spherical porcupines?

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 7:24 am
by Jethro Q. Walrustitty
How about this:

Get her a roll of dental floss.

Tell her to get naked, then put on no more than 6 feet of it.


Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2003 1:16 pm
by Jack Straw
First of all, a free t-shirt for you heebs.

Now I'd like to direct your attention to the bottom of the page. "IT DIDN'T HAPPEN THEN. IT WON'T HAPPEN NOW"

What the hell are they talking about? A forceable revolt on the state senate? What?

I love how they just straight up lie about bars losing business due to the smoking ban.
Studies in cities across the country demonstrate no effect on bar and restaurant revenue as a result of smoking bans.
Way to quote their source. How is there any "studies" yet anyway, this travesty of a law is only a couple months old right? I've done my own fucking studies. NO ONE goes to the bars anymore. When they do, the entire bar goes outside for a smoke break. And if we're talking Maginnities (sp), the bartender comes outside too. There's no way to get a drink if you wanted one, short of jumping the bar.

I *still* can't believe you can't smoke in a fucking BAR, a place to get loose and drunk. Great fucking law, way to keep drinkers in their houses and away from society. Teh master plan is werking!!!!

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2003 5:14 pm
by Worm
uhhh .... Off topic? Oh gee, that's actually on topic?

Hell, I don't really know. I suppose smoking in the bar is a huge increase on the profits. Unless you spend ALL your time in bars and don't smoke it really isn't going to mess you up.

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2003 6:14 pm
by Jack Straw
Hey, I gave you a free t-shirt, now shut the fuck up.

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2003 8:32 pm
by Worm
I'm on your side. Second hand smoke only is as bad as first hand if you are exposed to it regularly. Just don't go to bars. If you hate smoke so much why not become an eco-terrorist at least you'd have a group to run with.

Really, thanks for the free T-Shirt ... that's the American dream.

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 11:46 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Good afternoon, denizens.

My father is currently in Colorado. He smokes. She, well, she smokes when she drinks. A possible bonding experience?

Countdown before V and my father get so sick of me that they have to go out and share a cigarette: 6 hours, 30 minutes.

Anyway. Confidential to V., Longmont CO: how are things going with their visit, on your side, so far? Let's get it all out on the BBS.

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 12:12 pm
by Vitriola
Any need that your father and I had of binding was pretty much negated when he showed up at 9am this morning looking for his phone, and I answered the door dressed in a not-so-butt-covering T-shirt with a naked woman on the front of it (Monster Magnet - Dopes To Infinity album cover, for those interested) and a thong. I'd say we were got past the need for nervous formalities after that, because, well, it was either get over it, or have a nervous breakdown.

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 12:18 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
The sad thing is that he normally answers the door wearing almost less and possibly more 'revealing' clothes when someone dare knock on it early back home. Though I don't know if black socks, a pair of burgandy y-fronts and a scowl counts as "clothes" in most circles.

You know how most guys take after their father in some ways? I would like to take this opportunity to state that when it comes to fashion you can consider me not just adopted, but a sort of super-adopted, like stolen by kidnappers in the respirator, picked up by a stork, looked after by wolves after the stork dropped me, then an Asian couple, and then wolves again after their ate the Asian couple and then the Sherwins after Bob shot the wolves.

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 12:26 pm
by Vitriola
Yeah, I kinda figured that out when he showed up wearing a shirt that was not blue. Sometimes, the apple doth fall far from the tree, and until someone identifies the fashion gene, you're going to have to resign yourself to the fact that your Dad could walk into a bar and pick up a chick with his debonair threads before you ever could.

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 12:30 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Vitriola wrote:Yeah, I kinda figured that out when he showed up wearing a shirt that was not blue. Sometimes, the apple doth fall far from the tree, and until someone identifies the fashion gene, you're going to have to resign yourself to the fact that your Dad could walk into a bar and pick up a chick with his debonair threads before you ever could.
Holy shit, I am being called out as a shitty dresser. It's all fun and patter and sweet and light until people tell you that you can't dress yourself.

But most of what I wear is black, not blue. Isn't it? Shit.