Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 12:41 am
Might as well get this out there.
The day before Christmas eve we added a new cat that is Frobozz's age, due to the fact that Frobozz kept trying to engage the two old cats in play. The small girl cat (Spock) was losing weight at the kind of pace normally seen by concentra - you know what, let's mix it up a bit - normally seen by Cleveland Brown players with their third staph infection. Sorry LeCharles.
My theory ... sorry, in celebration of the company that gave the new cat its name, let's do this the rest of the way in the style of Scapeghost.
I posited that Spock was losing weight due to all the playing she did with Frobozz. I went with Dayna to the Humane Society and picked out a cat, or rather, encouraged her to get one because my name is Alan Chance and I'm deceased. I didn't put in two carriage returns to start the next paragraph due to the fact that I didn't have many pixels on my micro.
He was to be called "Boggit" after Fungus the Boggit-Man and because I couldn't pronounce his shelter name properly.
Frobozz hissed exclusively the first day. He hissed a little less the next day. Boggit and Frobozz played for about twenty hours the next day.
I later posted a picture.
To follow up, here's Q and A with a holiday session on the question you're all asking.
Q: Hey A, how's it going?
A: Let's just get on with it, you questioning asshole
Q: Isn't four cats too many?
A: Yes. Of course it is. It is far too many. But what can you do?
Q: Not adopt the fourth cat?
A: Ah, everybody's happy so who gives a shit
Q: You OK, A? You don't seem to be finishing your --
A: Shut your miserable hole.
Q: So is there a fifth cat in the future?
The day before Christmas eve we added a new cat that is Frobozz's age, due to the fact that Frobozz kept trying to engage the two old cats in play. The small girl cat (Spock) was losing weight at the kind of pace normally seen by concentra - you know what, let's mix it up a bit - normally seen by Cleveland Brown players with their third staph infection. Sorry LeCharles.
My theory ... sorry, in celebration of the company that gave the new cat its name, let's do this the rest of the way in the style of Scapeghost.
I posited that Spock was losing weight due to all the playing she did with Frobozz. I went with Dayna to the Humane Society and picked out a cat, or rather, encouraged her to get one because my name is Alan Chance and I'm deceased. I didn't put in two carriage returns to start the next paragraph due to the fact that I didn't have many pixels on my micro.
He was to be called "Boggit" after Fungus the Boggit-Man and because I couldn't pronounce his shelter name properly.
Frobozz hissed exclusively the first day. He hissed a little less the next day. Boggit and Frobozz played for about twenty hours the next day.
I later posted a picture.
To follow up, here's Q and A with a holiday session on the question you're all asking.
Q: Hey A, how's it going?
A: Let's just get on with it, you questioning asshole
Q: Isn't four cats too many?
A: Yes. Of course it is. It is far too many. But what can you do?
Q: Not adopt the fourth cat?
A: Ah, everybody's happy so who gives a shit
Q: You OK, A? You don't seem to be finishing your --
A: Shut your miserable hole.
Q: So is there a fifth cat in the future?