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Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 8:45 pm
by RetroRomper
In Paul's defense... wrote:on this very small BBS, we have [...] RetroRomper, other terrifyingly bizarre shit....
Just me and 5.9% of the US population.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 1:25 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
#58 Distant Sun - Crowded House

I think this is the first of many Crowded House songs. I think that Neil Finn is the most brilliant songwriter in the history of the world. His material reached me in a way that songs from, hooooooooah say Paul McCartney never did. You may discount my op-- actually, no, you may NOT discount me. Click on the goddamn song.


On the subject of "rapiness"

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 2:51 pm
by loafergirl
Having been date raped, not forceably raped, it isn't like a stick of butter, and non threatening, it's like a self demeaning shameful thing (for me anyway). It's awesome that you're trying to understand the concept of rape, but diminishing the value of a human being and minimizing their worth to be that which is only for sexual gratification (even if by the individual who you are making out to be kind of willingly victimized) is still wrong, and not empowered.

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 5:14 pm
by loafergirl
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:#58 Distant Sun - Crowded House

I think this is the first of many Crowded House songs. I think that Neil Finn is the most brilliant songwriter in the history of the world. His material reached me in a way that songs from, hooooooooah say Paul McCartney never did. You may discount my op-- actually, no, you may NOT discount me. Click on the goddamn song.

I'm not overly familiar with Crowded House, but what I have heard I've enjoyed... the lyrics and melody for "Into Temptation" set a pretty distinct emotional tone.

I think the Band James has a significant number of songs that have that same effect for me.

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 11:07 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
loafergirl wrote:I'm not overly familiar with Crowded House, but what I have heard I've enjoyed... the lyrics and melody for "Into Temptation" set a pretty distinct emotional tone.
Stick around; the rest of the list is Crowded House songs and then like #13 is the Super Mario Bros. theme.

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 11:14 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
#57 Eyesore - New Found Glory


I started listening to pop punk seriously a couple years after moving to Colorado. New Found Glory's "Hit or Miss" (from the same album as Eyesore) was playing on a college station in Fort Collins. I guess I remembered enough of the lyrics to be able to look the song up and then the band and then get to where I got the album - which is actually their second one, but self-titled. New Found Glory can't even make records like the one Eyesore was on anymore, I don't think.

Eyesore is one of those songs that 17 years ago, thrust into a new state without many tangible, local relationships, helped to hear, to know that people all over the country were going through the same thing. It's an elixir for loneliness, or at least as close as I come without alcohol.

Pop punk is my favorite genre of music. I don't think people make as much of it as they used to, but I think it will always be my fave.

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 11:17 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
#56 Treasures - Rocket Summer


I wrote about this song a few years ago.

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 11:33 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
#55 Gypsy - Fleetwood Mac


A couple years ago, my gal and I bought the worst house in Denver and spent a good six months trying to turn it into something livable. I'd like to be able to say that it was a beautifully transformative experience that brought us closer together, that we spontaneously turned from matter into energy as a shining Unity candle when we got into that god-forsaken shithole, but in fact we fought all the time trying to restore that (this! - still here) house.

I had an MP3 player and some ear buds that I would put on when I was upstairs trying to do some house-fixing, badly. I knew that Gypsy was a song that Stevie Nicks wrote about her feelings when life is overwhelming and what it feels like to retreat into the imaginary life she had when she was little. That's fine and that's a lot more meaning than a lot of songs on this list have in their creation, but to me, Fleetwood Mac is amazing because almost everyone in the band was fighting with everyone else and they were still arguably the best band in the world for a litle while in the 1970s or 80s.

So I'd put Gypsy on repeat. I bet I listened to it 500 times. I'd play it and try to tell myself that even though the process of the restoration was a proxy fucking hell and that I hated every single minute of it, we still lived in a world where Stevie Nicks could get the guy she was fighting with to sing back-up vocals and play a guitar solo on one of the best songs anyone's ever made. If they could fight and be productive, so could we.

(Now may be a good time to talk about how they simply don't allow vocalists like Stevie Nicks to get famous any more and our culture is poorer for it.)

Oh. My gal has no idea about any of this, of course. About the house, I mean. I think she knows I think Stevie Nicks is a genius. No, I mean: having the same song on repeat and not on earbuds wouldn't have exactly contributed to the success of our housing venture. She has no idea that I'd follow her into the gaping maw of a fucking semi-mobile garbage scow if it meant I could live with her and that any place, no matter how shitty, goes from a house to a home with her, her aura, her light simply being there.

Happy New Year, everybody.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 2:31 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
#54 Naked - Goo Goo Dolls


There are not many famous bands from Rochester, where I was born and raised. If you cheat a bit and include Buffalo, well, that gives you the Goo Goo Dolls. My strongest memories of listening to the Goo Goo Dolls come from the three months I lived at former JC poster Da King's house. I had a CD player that would play a single CD, and A Boy Named Goo was one of them. This is one of the few songs that I feel I have sang successfully at a karaoke. Most of the time it's a shitshow, but this one I feel I pulled off. This incident would have been at the bar called Washington's in Fort Collins, which I mention because the building that the Washbar was in recently got purchased by someone who is going to destroy it and make the place reeeeal respectable.

I think my absolute favorite thing in music is when all the instruments are playing and then stop at the exact same time. That's probably why I like Naked so much. I tried to replicate that when I used to write music but we screwed it up all the time since we weren't writing sheet music.

The Goo Goo Dolls did that thing that some bands do where they release a few ballads and suddenly because a million times more famous than anyone who listened to them before they sold out, man, ever thought they'd get. I'm happy for them.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 6:26 am
by pinback
If you replace the title "Jonsey's 100 Favorite Songs" with "Jonsey's 100 Favorite Songs You Can Hear Over the PA At The Local Publix", it is the exact same list.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 7:00 am
by Flack
Based on the last two entries, I can only assume ICJ died in a motorcycle accident on New Year's Eve and his lady friend has taken over his account. A ballad from the Goo Goo Dolls? At least we've got plenty of slots left for empowering anthems by the Spice Girls.

In a dream world, ICJ would not be dead, but shrunk by a freak electrical accident in his arcade that left him really tiny and stuck inside his Tron pinball machine, doomed for all eternity to stare at at the miniature attract screen of a tiny Tron machine without a quarter in his pocket. The reality is much less romantic and he is most likely laying underneath a heavy Atari arcade cabinet at the base of a flight of stairs.

If you ever walk into a hotel room and are suddenly confronted by a dozen of your friends and family who are urging you to get treatment for liking the Goo Goo Dolls, don't wait for them to read their sappy letters about how they will no longer support your addiction to bad music and how your terrible listening choices have affected them in the following ways. Just accept the help. The list will be waiting here for you when you return.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 10:38 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
pinback wrote:If you replace the title "Jonsey's 100 Favorite Songs" with "Jonsey's 100 Favorite Songs You Can Hear Over the PA At The Local Publix", it is the exact same list.
A lot of people think the reason you don't hear more Messhugah in public is because they are Satanists!

In fact, the reason they aren't played more is because they and their entire genre is the barely-tolerated, inane warblings of edgy teenagers that were never meant to be recorded.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 10:45 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Flack wrote:A ballad from the Goo Goo Dolls? At least we've got plenty of slots left for empowering anthems by the Spice Girls.
"Naked" is not a ballad, unless you have completely redefined the word "ballad" to mean "anything less than 300 beats per minute."

You EXTENDED your list to get Christina Aguilera and Letters to Cleo on it! And you expect me! To sit here! And take this?? I'll tell you the problem. I don't listen to SOFT SERVE MUSIC, FLACK! If you discount Pinback's list, which we all knew would be so unlistenable and unenjoyable that he didn't even type it out, my list is the hardest rock anyone has yet put together.

Except for gsdgsd. But that goes without saying, he's the only one that started doing this that still has his dignity intact.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 10:52 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
#53 You Say - Vertical Horizon


This is the greatest song ever written about being trapped in a relationship that absolutely nobody can get out of. I am sure this will resonate extremely well with this group, seeing how the shortest marriage length of anyone still reading is like 100 years.

But this DOES happen and there are billions, well, millions, well, hundreds of thousands, well (/checks the popularity of Vertical Horizon on many of us that experience otherwise, and this song perfectly encapsulates that.


... On the other hand, if those of you left weren't so good at giving your all to relationships and somehow finding a way to make them work, would you really still be here?

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 2:57 pm
by Flack
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
Flack wrote:A ballad from the Goo Goo Dolls? At least we've got plenty of slots left for empowering anthems by the Spice Girls.
"Naked" is not a ballad, unless you have completely redefined the word "ballad" to mean "anything less than 300 beats per minute."

You EXTENDED your list to get Christina Aguilera and Letters to Cleo on it! And you expect me! To sit here! And take this?? I'll tell you the problem. I don't listen to SOFT SERVE MUSIC, FLACK! If you discount Pinback's list, which we all knew would be so unlistenable and unenjoyable that he didn't even type it out, mine list is the hardest rock anyone has yet put together.

Except for gsdgsd. But that goes without saying, he's the only one that started doing this that still has his dignity intact.
While "ballad" might be pushing it, I'll put Aguilera and the lead singer of Letters to Cleo up against any two Goo Goo Dolls in an ECW-era cage match.

The fact that you can "sit there" while the music from your list plays says it all. The rest of us are dancing to ours, friendo. DANCING.


Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 7:55 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
#52 Honestly - Cartel


Another list I was thinking of doing was the Top 10 Albums in terms of how well they start off. I did not start this project because it's all I can do at the moment to dodge the unyielding hail and torrent of abuse you people are hurling at me for individual songs. But if I were to do it, "Chroma" by Cartel would be one of them.

The first four tracks on the album are "Say Anything (Else)", "Honestly", "Runaway", and "Matter of Time". Those are four great pop punk tracks. Nobody here indulges, but I have fantasies of, well, I don't want to say a better class of poster, but like... a better species of poster finding this thread and taking my side. Someday.

/looks wistfully out window at the rain

I don't know if I'd do this proposed list by quality of the first few songs, or by how many straight songs that rock there are, but since the project will never happen I suppose it does not matter.

JC FUN FAX: The last two songs on "Chroma" are called "Q" and "A," and it always reminds me of the bit Pinback had on the PWC site where there were two characters named Q and A that would engage in wacky posts together. Those were good times.

(The video I linked above for "Honestly" is also extremely ahead of its time. The song is 12 years old -- people date like this all the time now! All they had to add was one girl that went on a date because she wanted free food without any intention of calling the guy back, which only happened to me 3 times before I met my fiancee. I don't know why you all get screamed at so much on Twitter, ladies.)

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 8:09 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
#51 Your Love - Outfield


"I'm a huge Outfield fan." -- Adam LeShack

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 9:55 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
#50 Don't Stop Believin' - Journey


This is a song that... well, I don't know anyone who would claim to dislike it. You are basically saying that you don't have a soul. I think one of the truly human experiences that everyone should have is this song suddenly coming on surrounded by friends and everyone starts singing it.

I have been fascinated with what Journey did, as a band, in the 70s and 80s. To me, just being able to release one very listenable record after another with those sci-fi album covers
is an amazing achievement. And while it seems that Steve Perry has been in and out of the band time and time again, he absolutely has a unique voice that Schonn and Cain can't replace -- though I get it, if Perry doesn't want to do it, the rest of the band can't exactly throw up their hands and not make money.

I spend more time than I should thinking about what a run they had and wish desperately to be involved in something, anything along the same lines in a team format. I think it's why I loved the fake radio show so much.

Anyway, it's a great song and if I had to pick an 80s song that they're going to still be playing 100 years from now, this might be it.

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 6:55 am
by pinback
It's most notorious for being the last thing you hear on The Sopranos, but it will always stick with me as a haunting callback to the movie "Monster".

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 8:03 am
by Flack
I recently found a radio show that deconstructs songs and plays each track (drums, bass, guitar, etc) separately so you can hear what's going on. Last month they did a show on Journey that features tracks from this show.

There's not a great way to link to the specific episode, but this page has all of them listed and the Journey one is about three down. It's only about 20 minutes long and if you like the song, you'll like the episode. ... ames-hand/

Don't stop, b--