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Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 9:02 pm
by Tdarcos
pinback wrote:Have you figured out a way to do it without looking like a giant, pulsating, oozing douche?
This is an excellent question, since if he figures out how he can tell you. Being able not to do this is a practice that currently you are unable to perform. In anything.

On a more serious question, Real NC, since you complained about fruit flavor vaping liquids, and I don't know anything about them, do they make them with non-fruit or more "tobacco-like" taste?

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 1:20 pm
by RealNC
Billy Mays wrote:About that leaking, are you using a rebuildable atomizer in your tank (you have to change the cotton yourself) or is it a prebuild (you throw away the atomizer every few days and just put in a new one)?
It's a throw-away one. It came with the kit.

But I know what's going on now. I sometimes, by accident, blow instead of suck. Except for being good for "that's what she said" jokes, this also means this floods the air holes with liquid, which then makes it to the outside of the tank.

To fix this, I have to hold the tank upside down with a paper towel, set the airflow to maximum, and blow. This clears the air holes and sends the liquid flying into the paper towel.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 1:25 pm
by RealNC
Tdarcos wrote:On a more serious question, Real NC, since you complained about fruit flavor vaping liquids, and I don't know anything about them, do they make them with non-fruit or more "tobacco-like" taste?
I use "tobacco-like" fluid. It's still sweet. I doubt there's non-sweet ones, since I suspect the sweetness is used to hide the real taste of this stuff. And I suspect it would taste like shit.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 2:11 pm
by Billy Mays
RealNC wrote:I doubt there's non-sweet ones [e juice]
Not to my knowledge.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 4:37 pm
by RealNC
End of day 5.

Nothing special to report. SSDD. I play so much Counter-Strike by now that I'm in contact with a Valve developer about lag and server routing issues...

And I finished Witcher 3. Started it about 5 months ago, finally finished it. Good game. 8/10. Too easy though. Died maybe 4-5 times overall, and only because I fell off cliffs. You're pretty much an immortal semi-god otherwise. It plays like a casual game rather than a hardcore RPG.

I still have an urge to smoke, I keep vaping. So it's not just the nicotine that makes you wanna smoke. I use 18mg ejuice. That's pretty high. But I still *really* want to smoke.

I wonder, is it the same with other addictions? If you're drinking a bottle of whiskey every day, and then switch to having your daily dose of alcohol injected into your veins, would you stop craving for a bottle of whiskey?

Well, that's how it seems to work with smoking. Even if I get nicotine without smoking, GODDAMN I really want to grab a pack of smokes right now.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 5:13 pm
by Billy Mays
Trust me, I've been where you are at. If you buy a pack of smokes and smoke a cigarette: you will feel exactly the same as how you do now. Your blood is currently pumping with so much nicotine that smoking a cig won't change anything.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 5:25 pm
by pinback
RealNC wrote:If you're drinking a bottle of whiskey every day, and then switch to having your daily dose of alcohol injected into your veins, would you stop craving for a bottle of whiskey?
I don't know, but at this point, I'm READY TO TRY!

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 5:29 pm
by Billy Mays
If you're getting the jitters while smoking 18mg it could also be how you are hitting the vape, this is a common mistake a lot of people make when they first start off. Most people who are new to vaping will take a gentle drag off of it like it was a cigarette, what you should be doing is taking an almost violent, rapid draw off of it like you are in a pool and you want to get as much oxygen as possible before going under for a minute. Also, remove your finger from the swith/button that activates it for the last maybe half second on a 4 or 5 second hit. This will save the juice in your tank from vaping out when you are not using it, and it will also draw the vapor even deeper into your lungs. You won't want to buy a any cigs after doing it the proper way because you will probably be seeing stars at that point.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 6:06 pm
by The Happiness Engine
RealNC wrote:I wonder, is it the same with other addictions? If you're drinking a bottle of whiskey every day, and then switch to having your daily dose of alcohol injected into your veins, would you stop craving for a bottle of whiskey?
Absolutely not. There is a lot wrapped up in the ritual. Walking into a (good (enough)) bar is enough to calm me down, walking towards one is enough to speed me up. Like meditating, or daily exercise, it's the routine that the body becomes habituated to.

Also Billy is right vis-a-vis hitting vapes. Hit that fucker like it's your last chance before you are forced to attend a Grateful Dead concert.

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 10:49 pm
by RealNC
Since this is a "cloud chasing" setup (iStick Pico + Melo 3 tank + 0.5 ohm coil at 30 watts), I had no choice but to take fast, violent drags. Otherwise almost no vapor would come off the thing, and the coil would burn the cotton. You can't take slow hits from that thing even if you wanted.

So now I'm gonna try the non-recommended method of vaping like you smoke a cigarette. I ordered a narrow tip and a 1.8 ohm coil suitable for low wattage (14W), which is what I'm told is the best setup for "emulating" a cigarette. You can drag very slowly with it, and do so multiple times in a row (as you do with cigarettes.)

And it should save ejuice. And goddman is ejuice expensive. What the fuck, seriously. €20 for a 30ml bottle? Cigarettes are cheaper than that, and they have like an 80% tobacco tax, something ejuice doesn't have.

People claiming "vaping is cheaper than smoking" don't know what the fuck they're talking about.

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 11:13 pm
by Panama Rip
Realnc, for that price and bother why don't you just switch to marijuahootche and enjoy yourself?

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 11:21 pm
by RealNC
End of day 6 (actually start of day 7, but whatever.)

Alright. I think this is starting to work. I still want to smoke, but the craving is not as strong as before. I think it's because vaping is starting to become the new habit. Grabbing the mod and inhaling the vapor feels more satisfying. Refilling and cleaning feels less than a chore and is also starting to become part of the experience.

I also started to like the taste of the vapor. I went from "meh, this just tastes like sugar water" to "mm, tasty."

Vaping makes me feel more like a junkie though. With smoking, there was no liquid involved. Now I have a bottle with a dropper, nicotine diluted in a liquid, and a coil that heats up to 300 degrees. I can't help but draw an analogy to a needle, a spoon and a lighter.

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 11:34 pm
by RealNC
Panama Rip wrote:Realnc, for that price and bother why don't you just switch to marijuahootche and enjoy yourself?
It's still illegal here. That means it's extremely expensive. And the people you need to buy it from never seemed like the sort of person I'd like to meet or talk to.

Also, it's not a replacement for smoking. Unless you're doing it all day long, every 30 minutes, in which case you would be unable to function. It's really a completely different thing to smoking tobacco.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 1:24 pm
by Billy Mays
You stated a couple of posts ago about getting a lower setup to help save money on ejuice and so you can hit it like a cigarette. A few things about that:

1. Vaping is something that you just throw buckets of money at, there's no getting around it. Everything's expensive and stuff breaks on you at the worst possible time.

2. The reason you need to take such sharp and heavy inhales is not just to load your lungs, but also to draw the ejuice into the cotton. Hitting it like a cigarette, even on a lower powered setup, will just cause your cotton to burn up prematurely. Also, you'll just be hitting it more and more on a lower powered setup, so it won't really end up saving you any money.

3. If you want to "try" and save money: you should buy a rebuildable atomizer. Instead of having to throw away and purchase a new atomizer every few days: you just clean out the one you have and replace the cotton on it. Not only is this the best way to save money vaping, but your vape will taste a million times better and you will really be hotrodding that nicotine into your system which will really get you there.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 2:08 am
by RealNC
After a week and a day.

I'm through ~25ml of ejuice. My 30ml bottle is almost empty. That's a lot. I think.

There's no coughing. I was told there will be coughing when you quit smoking due to your lungs cleaning out the crap. Maybe it's too soon for that.

I'm shit at Counter-Strike. I made it to DMG and it seems that's my limit. On the plus side, I'm getting matched with more mature players at this rank range. The higher you go, the younger the players get (reflexes, son.) Global Elite is probably filled with 14 year olds.

Shameless plug: our Kickstarter launched today. You don't need to back it if you were a beta tester. Every tester will get it for free when it's out. You can spread the word though! It will help me buy more ejuice.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 4:40 am
by Billy Mays
RealNC wrote:After a week and a day.I'm through ~25ml of ejuice. My 30ml bottle is almost empty. That's a lot. I think.
You have to be really careful with vaping because you will just start vaping and vaping non stop because it feels great and you are not blowing your lungs out or choking on smoke. You can very easily turn it into a 30ml a day addiction if you aren't vigilant.
RealNC wrote:There's no coughing. I was told there will be coughing when you quit smoking due to your lungs cleaning out the crap. Maybe it's too soon for that.
It differs from person to person. It would probably be a good idea for you to get some Mucinex or similar OTC expectorant to speed along the process if you are not planning on going back to cigs. It will make you feel a million times better.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 5:08 am
by pinback
RealNC wrote:I'm shit at Counter-Strike. I made it to DMG
Those of us who have never and will never make it out of the actual shit leagues don't appreciate this.

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 6:32 am
by RealNC
Start of day... whatever. I don't count anymore.

1.8 ohm, 13W, Turkish Tobacco flavor, 18mg. If actual Turkish tobacco tastes like you're chewing on a cinnamon stick, including the tongue burn, then this flavor is 100% spot on.

Common, you can't just put cinnamon in it and call it "Turkish Tobacco." This tastes as much like Turkish tobacco as lemonade with mint tastes like vodka.

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 9:30 am
by Jizaboz
A lot of those tobacco flavors are weird. I had this stupid idea that I should get a vape flavor that tasted like tobacco so I would want to vape it while drinking beer. I just ended up vaping less and smoking more cigarettes because the tobacco stuff tastes so funky and NOT anywhere near the real thing.

Plain strawberry flavor 18mg has been my go-to for the last 4-5 bottles.

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 9:55 am
by RealNC

I'm still not smoking. Haven't touched a cigarette since day 0.

And I'm gonna take Jizaboz's advice and try some non-tobacco flavors. I think I'm past the need to emulate cigarettes by now.

Vaping is growing on me. I like the fact that it doesn't commit you to a full cigarette. I can take as many hits as I like and that's it. If you love being a nicotine junkie, vaping seems to be the better mechanism for it.

Also, I don't know if I'm imagining things, but I think I'm now able to walk home (it's uphill and quite steep) without panting like a dog. No idea if just two weeks is even enough to make a difference, but I swear I'm not as out of breath anymore when doing that.