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Re: Cincinnati Food Adventures
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 6:02 pm
by pinback
I don't know who/what that is. What is it, and what do they say.
Re: Cincinnati Food Adventures
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 6:33 pm
by Flack
AArdvark wrote: Thu Oct 11, 2018 3:02 pm
Flack kills me on a regular basis! Man I miss YDKF
I actually plan to bring that and Sprite Castle back after the move, once I have a permanent place to set up the podcast equipment.
Re: Cincinnati Food Adventures
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 8:31 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Can I PLEASE be a guest on one episode of one of your shows? PLEASE?
Or if not, you have to tell me why all of my friends started getting on podcasts and none of them want me around. I'm usually pretty good at understanding why everyone hates me, but I've got a real blind spot for this one.
Re: Cincinnati Food Adventures
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 5:15 am
by Flack
Hey, we did the text adventures episode together, remember? ... dventures/
I would love to do another episode with you. The real trick is recording a remote Skype person without it sounding like doo doo, which I don't really know how to do.
Re: Cincinnati Food Adventures
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:41 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Yes, the text adventure episode was a raging success. We did good work there.
Is it the mic thing? I am worried that people are going to jump on that if I suggest it, when that is not the real reason. *I do not understand why I am the only person in the world to buy a $130 Blue Yeti mic and the fucking thing crackles and pops AND doesn't start transmitting sound as soon as I speak.*
But I worry it is something else and I don't get it. I try to not interrupt people. I try to "Yes and..." what everyone else says. I try to interject humorous content to the subject matter. But this has me acting like the Fresh Prince wondering why his real dad didn't want him.
Re: Cincinnati Food Adventures
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 7:38 am
by pinback
Alright, I've listened to this now. I don't know who these people are, but they are terrible. Also, at the end when they said they were going to go at "10 PM, but were too tired...and it'd be really crowded, because it's a tourist trap."
1. Most of them close at 10 PM.
2. Skyline Chili is not a tourist trap, because there are SEVENTEEN MILLION of them. It's not... you don't go to the Skyline place in Cincinnati. You go to the Skyline place in whatever strip mall/mall/shopping center you are currently in, because there is definitely one there.
Re: Cincinnati Food Adventures
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 8:37 am
by Billy Mays
pinback was right about those guys being terrible. I can't believe you were this board's 2016 MVP, posting crap like that. The whole situations just makes me sick.
Re: Cincinnati Food Adventures
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 11:43 am
by Flack
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:41 am
Yes, the text adventure episode was a raging success. We did good work there.
Is it the mic thing? I am worried that people are going to jump on that if I suggest it, when that is not the real reason. *I do not understand why I am the only person in the world to buy a $130 Blue Yeti mic and the fucking thing crackles and pops AND doesn't start transmitting sound as soon as I speak.*
But I worry it is something else and I don't get it. I try to not interrupt people. I try to "Yes and..." what everyone else says. I try to interject humorous content to the subject matter. But this has me acting like the Fresh Prince wondering why his real dad didn't want him.
Oh, no! It has nothing to do with your microphone, and absolutely nothing to do with you! It only had to do with the quality that I get when recording someone remotely using Skype!
When my buddy Sean records a podcast, he has everyone record their audio track locally and then transfer their WAV file to him when we're done. Then he combines them all into a single file, mixes the levels, mutes background noise if needed, and so on. The result is a great quality (Sean's podcasts sound better than many professional ones) but it's also a lot of work that I'm really not willing to do on a weekly/bi-weekly basis.
The alternative is simply recording the Skype (or Google Hangout or whatever) stream, which makes the local person sound great and the remote person sound like they are on a CB radio. I don't know if that bugs other people (maybe people are used to that by now) but it bugs me.
Once I'm situated in the new place, I'd love to put together maybe a bi-weekly show (every other week, not twice a week) where we talk about C64 games and such. Sprite Castle 2.0! That being said, I know your time is limited and you may not want to commit to a schedule like that. We can always do it where you come on when there's a game you love or a time slot that works. We can work out the details in email.
Re: Cincinnati Food Adventures
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 1:32 pm
by AArdvark
I can't believe you were this board's 2016 MVP
You don't have to believe it for it to be true.
The Thursday night episodes of that particular podcast are kinda lame. Them talking about Cincinnati Skyline Chili is the only reason I posted it here. Plus I feel bad about not supporting them, so maybe if they get a two minute feature in a cooking thread on some out-of-the-way forum I will sleep better at night.
Re: Cincinnati Food Adventures
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 1:33 pm
by AArdvark
Hey! Maybe Don Rogers could nope nevermind nothing.
Re: Cincinnati Food Adventures
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 1:38 pm
by Casual Observer
Flack wrote: Fri Oct 12, 2018 11:43 am
The alternative is simply recording the Skype (or Google Hangout or whatever) stream, which makes the local person sound great and the remote person sound like they are on a CB radio. I don't know if that bugs other people (maybe people are used to that by now) but it bugs me.
Why not use some kind of online conference room like webex or uberconference and have that system record it? We do webinars all the time and because everyone is remote, everyone sounds equally good.
Re: Cincinnati Food Adventures
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 2:20 pm
by Flack
Oh, yeah -- there are ways to make everybody sound equally bad (the most common is to launch a second Skype connection and then record everybody through that), just not an easy way to make everybody sound great.
Re: Cincinnati Food Adventures
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 3:02 pm
by AArdvark
I like the idea of local recording then mixing it down to a single track in post. It is time consuming but then it takes the internet connection out of the problem
Re: Cincinnati Food Adventures
Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 3:46 pm
by pinback
Here's another odd one. Frisch's Big Boy restaurants. Someone of you might ask, "Don't you mean Bob's Big Boy?" No, it originated here as Frisch's Big Boy, and people get
prickly if you mention Bob's.
They are virtually the same restaurant, with the very
key difference that instead of putting "special sauce" or whatever on their sandwiches, almost everything at a Frisch's comes with their world- (or at least Cincinatti-)famous tartar sauce.
The "Big Boy" sandwich, thus, is the same as a Bob's Big Boy, except with tartar sauce instead of whatever ooze Bob's puts on theirs. It looks like this:
It's not fine dining, but you'd be surprised how well tartar sauce goes on a double-decker burger. Or any burger. Or anything.
Re: Cincinnati Food Adventures
Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 4:37 pm
by Flack
Burger looks great, although the table is missing that thin (sometimes thick) layer of unidentifiable sticky residue that I've found in every Big Boy restaurant I've ever visited.
Tartar sauce sounds great, top of the bun has the obligatory shine, and the napkin is how any real man would leave it, still rolled up. Two Bo... er, Frisch thumbs up.
Re: Cincinnati Food Adventures
Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 6:48 pm
by pinback
Oh, it was plenty sticky, don't you worry.
Re: Cincinnati Food Adventures
Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 6:54 pm
by pinback
Now, Cincinnati also has fifteen thousand breweries, many of which have their own kitchen in there (often run by another company.) Sonder Brewing has the "BrewRiver Kitchen", which offers gastro-pub-level amazing bar food at a reasonable pr-- at a price.
Their most popular burger is the "Streetcar Burger", and its description is thusly:
"Wow, that sounds great. Let's get one of those!" you'll think. Then you'll get that perfectly cooked, sloppy, juicy burger, bite into it and immediately realize, this tastes a lot like a Frisch's Big Boy, and then you'll re-read the ingredients and realize, oh shit, it's just a Frisch's Big Boy, but with everything top-notch (and no middle bun.)
And it's so good, you're like, I'm never going back to Frisch's for this.
But you will. You will. Everyone does.
There's simply no way around it.
Re: Cincinnati Food Adventures
Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 7:28 pm
by Casual Observer
Burger patties looked a little charred. What temperature do you eat your burgers? I've gotten to the point of not wanting a burger done more than med-rare which rules out most fast food and diner burgers for me.
Re: Cincinnati Food Adventures
Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 3:55 am
by pinback
If you're the type who "rules out" burgers, this has plenty for you to rule out. I don't rule out shit, though.
"Rules out". Jesus.
Re: Cincinnati Food Adventures
Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 5:22 am
by RealNC
Looks a bit dry to me. I want my burger to be greasy and looking like concentrated heart disease.