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Re: I’m finally quitting cigarettes

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 11:04 pm
by Jizaboz
I would also like to add for the benefit of our fellow BBS admin.. this thread is doing 7000% more for me than ever did. Fuck that stupid shit.

Re: I’m finally quitting cigarettes

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 6:47 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I remember some of those ads. They did an amazing job of making you take the side of smoking.

Every time some baseball player beats his wife or girlfriend, there are 400 Redditors on moralizing with the most virtuous virtue you ever did see. It's not that you take the side of the guy that choke slammed his wife down the stairs, it's that you definitely don't take the Redditor's side. They are the only people that can make normal people say, "Well, let's get all the facts." I feel the same thing was going on with or whatever dumb campaign they were doing then.

The TRUTH is that smoking looks cool as shit and we're lucky that the only thing cooler is mouth banging a fireball.

Re: I’m finally quitting cigarettes

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 7:13 am
by Flack
As a federal employee all illegal substances are off limits for me, but I feel like even my boss would look the other way if I failed a drug test and I told him a story that began with, "you're not going to believe this, but I hanging out at the Horseshoe on Main Street when all of a sudden Paris Hilton walked in and..."

Re: I’m finally quitting cigarettes

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 8:17 am
by Billy Mays
A few tips.

First, you shouldn't smoke any type of tobacco and vape because the smoke shits up your mouth, throat, and lungs and makes vaping considerably less enjoyable.

The actual liquid nicotine that is added to e-juice by the manufacturer tastes like chemically shit. What you want to do is go with a juice that has a lower amount of nicotine and a mod and tank that allows for massive cloud volume. This way you get the maximum taste out of your delicious ejuice and also huge hits of nicotine as well, best of both worlds. I go with 6mg which is as high as you want to go. 6mg may not seem like much but when one hit fogs out an entire room then anything higher will just make you sick.

As far as your ohms, 1.6 of 1.8 is lame. The lower the ohms the bigger and juicier the clouds, going too low however can be dangerous.

Naked 100 brand Hawaiian POG is my favorite juice.

My favorite set up is a Smoant brand Cylon mod with a Geek Vape brand Zeus rebuildable tank. The coils that come with it should put the setup in the .16 ohm range and the vent holes for the tank are at the top so you don't have to worry about it leaking.

There is a youtube channel "Zophie Vapes" you can look up the tank I listed and learn everything you'll ever need to use and build them within 5 minutes, super easy stuff.

Re: I’m finally quitting cigarettes

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 8:33 am
by Billy Mays
^Zophie reminded me that the Zeus Dual is the one I have

Re: I’m finally quitting cigarettes

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 9:44 pm
by Jizaboz
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Tue Oct 16, 2018 6:47 am I remember some of those ads. They did an amazing job of making you take the side of smoking.

Every time some baseball player beats his wife or girlfriend, there are 400 Redditors on moralizing with the most virtuous virtue you ever did see. It's not that you take the side of the guy that choke slammed his wife down the stairs, it's that you definitely don't take the Redditor's side. They are the only people that can make normal people say, "Well, let's get all the facts." I feel the same thing was going on with or whatever dumb campaign they were doing then.

The TRUTH is that smoking looks cool as shit and we're lucky that the only thing cooler is mouth banging a fireball.
Absolutely correct. Some of the things pushed by were barely true or very unlikely. It's like how those 1960s filmstrips they made us watch as kids in school told us that smoking pot is many times more deadly than cigarettes because you inhale and hold it longer and other such BS.

Your last point is yeah.. I love a quote by Penn Jillette where he was doing some magic trick on TV involving blowing cigarette smoke into something and said: "And remember kids.. never, EVER start smoking.. unless you want to look really, REALLY cool."
Flack wrote: Tue Oct 16, 2018 7:13 am As a federal employee all illegal substances are off limits for me, but I feel like even my boss would look the other way if I failed a drug test and I told him a story that began with, "you're not going to believe this, but I hanging out at the Horseshoe on Main Street when all of a sudden Paris Hilton walked in and..."
Hahaha see? I think everyone could understand this unlikely situation.
Billy Mays wrote: Tue Oct 16, 2018 8:33 am ^Zophie reminded me that the Zeus Dual is the one I have
I have this weird thing with these "mod" style vapes. I don't like how they look and prefer to stick with a "pen" or rocket-shaped device. Don't get me wrong though my dad and one of my friends uses one of these mod types. I tried it and while I do like the hit it gives, I'd just feel dorky holding it as stupid as that sounds. This is also going to sound stupid too because while I do know quite a bit about working with electricity in circuit boards, etc.. running at lower ohms makes me more nervous about something having catastrophic failure despite only knowing one person (my sister) that experienced this and thank fuck it only erupted in a quick fire instead of exploding in her face. Just a personal preference. I'm getting by fine so far.

Also, I agree on the smoke thing. I expect it to taste pretty bad and no "hit to the throat" if I fire up a cigar on a rare occasion.. but again that isn't like a cigarette doesn't make me want one. Kind of like smoking blunts. Very rare I ever do but if there's a party I'm not going to be the lamer that says "Wahhh there's tobacco in thaaaat!"

Thanks for the recommendation of Naked 100 brand Hawaiian POG though. One of the nicest smelling vapes I ever smelled was at the Cure show last year some dude was vaping something local called "Maui Wowee"

Re: I’m finally quitting cigarettes

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 6:38 am
by Billy Mays
Fair point.

Most mods you get nowadays (including the one I recommended) are regulated making them incredibly safe, additionally most prebuilt coils are around the .5 ohm range making it even safer. The stories of accidents you've heard about were either people in the early days of vaping before mods became regulated or people who don't know what they're doing and they get a mechanical device.

If you want to go the pen sized route, there is a category of tiny vaping devices that use salt nic. The nicotine from most ejuices are derived from either green tomatoes or eggplants, they are in the 1-20mg range of nicotine or so. Salt vape, as the name infers, derives its nicotine from salt and I think the range is something like 30-60mg of nicotine and you ONLY want to use it in a vaping device designed exclusively for salt vapes. These smaller devices have a lower hit but are compensated by the much higher nicotine levels in the salt vape juice. And they hit really, really hard.

Naked 100 Salt Very Berry is a delicious salt vape that tastes like blue starburst only a slightly bit more tangy.

Most people who vape end up getting many different setups, larger mods for relaxing at home and smaller setups for when you're out.

Re: I’m finally quitting cigarettes

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 6:43 am
by Billy Mays
Oh...missed the part about your sister on the first read through...sorry. Do you recall what sort of device it was? Was it a mechanical? Did it have a tank or did it have one of those tops you have to drip the juice directly on the cotton as you go (can't think of the name) or was it a squonk box?

Re: I’m finally quitting cigarettes

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 10:35 am
by Jizaboz
Billy Mays wrote: Wed Oct 17, 2018 6:43 am Oh...missed the part about your sister on the first read through...sorry. Do you recall what sort of device it was? Was it a mechanical? Did it have a tank or did it have one of those tops you have to drip the juice directly on the cotton as you go (can't think of the name) or was it a squonk box?
I don't recall the exact model but it was a Tesla brand which surprised both of us. I've used a Tesla Sidewinder for quite a while now. But it was one of those brick-style vapes they introduced recently and the battery housing was made from plastic which instantly went up in flames lol

Re: I’m finally quitting cigarettes

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 1:59 pm
by RealNC
Jizaboz wrote: Tue Oct 16, 2018 9:44 pmI have this weird thing with these "mod" style vapes. I don't like how they look and prefer to stick with a "pen" or rocket-shaped device.
I'm using one of these:


It's an "iStick Pico". It's very small. I also dislike these big mods that make you look like a complete douchebag. This one makes you look only a little bit like a douchebag. Which is fine.

Anyway, the tank (a Melo 3 mini) is compatible with Aspire Triton 1.8ohm coils (they can be fed 9W to 13W,) and it's also compatible with standard mouth tips, so I got a narrow one, suitable for "mouth to lung" cigarette-like drawing. The Triton coils are rather big and the mod itself can drive them very easily. It can actually drive 0.4ohm coils at 80W that can cloud the whole room, so a 10W coil is not a problem at all. It can produce more vapor than a pen-like mod. I've been using this mod since day 1.

Re: I’m finally quitting cigarettes

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 10:18 pm
by Jizaboz
Puffed on a couple of redneck cigars around a campfire last weekend. Enjoyed the smell and spitting out the tobacco that hangs out one end like Clint Eastwood but no inhaling of course. No desire for another since I’ve been away from campfires and still haven’t bought or smoked a cigarette.

I think by the end of this month I won’t be updating this thread much.

Off to have another fireball!

Re: I’m finally quitting cigarettes

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 10:23 pm
by Jizaboz
Also, RealNC thanks for the info man. I’ve always pulled then inhaled rather than beer-bonging smoke so this is good to know.

I’ve got a joy tech Aio arriving this week as something to carry so we’ll see how that goes.

Re: I’m finally quitting cigarettes

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 12:30 am
by Jizaboz
Still haven’t smoked a cigarette

Re: I’m finally quitting cigarettes

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 6:41 am
by RealNC
Good job! Me neither, and never will again. I will die healthy!

Re: I’m finally quitting cigarettes

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 10:45 am
by Jizaboz
RealNC wrote: Tue Dec 17, 2019 6:41 am Good job! Me neither, and never will again. I will die healthy!
Nice! BTW that joytec device ended up being a mouth-burning piece of shit I didn't use long. I ended up with a "VooPoo" (lol) mini battery thing and a UForce tank I've been using for at least half a year. As far as flavors I tend to stick to the "fruit punch" flavors.

Re: I’m finally quitting cigarettes

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 12:23 pm
by Casual Observer
I've now quit all MJ, including vaping it. Turned out that my inner cheapness won over the addiction and I could no longer justify $60 for a cartridge of something that frankly didn't do that much for me.

Re: I’m finally quitting cigarettes

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 10:13 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
You two quit smoking?? For real??

Re: I’m finally quitting cigarettes

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 11:35 pm
by Jizaboz
For real! Other than puff on some cowboy style cigars (which you don’t even inhale) while camping twice last year, I haven’t touched real tobacco. Just fruit punch flavored vape juice with nicotine added. I still like how nicotine helps me focus, so I’d rather not give that up yet. I’ve saved so much money doing so too. Not to mention I no longer feel winded after just 3-4 runs on the local 5ft halfpipe heh.

THC is cool too but yeah CO I just can’t really dig the cartridge things due to price and the fact I like the smell of the real thing.

Re: I’m finally quitting cigarettes

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2020 11:52 pm
by Jizaboz
I got into this "Nic Salts" hipster shit a couple weeks ago. Got a stylish SMOK Nord for it. Good nicotine hit/bite, but not as much sweet flavor due to less juice being atomized. Way less BS though. No leaking, no looking like a tool with "mini-mod" device, less un-vaped juice just popping around (which can leap into your mouth and burn you) and less consumption.

Whenever I go back to the "DRAG" mini-mod device between charges I have to fire it up for a bit with a paper towel over the mouthpiece to "burn off" the stuff that could potentially just pop into my mouth and burn it. Also, it seems that the DRAG device put more veggie oil type crap in my lungs. I was starting to develop some sort of "vapers cough" in the morning which has now mostly gone away.

With all of the BS you have to put up with finding a good vape device and supplies, it sure as shit still beats smoking cigarettes and now I've become one of the people that internally groans every time someone is holding up the line at the store ordering a fucking pack of cigarettes.