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Re: The Quake II: Jailbreak EXPERIMENT

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 4:40 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Jizaboz wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2020 5:58 pm At this point, hit the ~ (tilde) key. This should open a console.

Our best bet (maybe only) for a public Jailbreak server is the TastySpleen server. They are reliable and in TX I believe. So, to connect to their server simply type the following into the console:


And hit enter. I don't THINK you'll even have to download the client files.. but you may. Just try to connect and it may auto-download what you need. If you don't have everything, you may notice a folder named "jail" in the quake 2 folder. That's where the Jailbreak client mod files go.
Ok, so for this, we don't have access to the server because it belongs to some other guy?

But if I sign up for some kind of Windows based Amazon instance we'd be ok, right?

Re: The Quake II: Jailbreak EXPERIMENT

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 5:38 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I can connect to that TastySpleen server, but the map I connect to (or game I connect to) is not Jailbreak.

Re: The Quake II: Jailbreak EXPERIMENT

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 5:49 am
by pinback
If we can back up a moment here. What is "Jailbreak"? How would you define the magic of "Jailbreak"?


Re: The Quake II: Jailbreak EXPERIMENT

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 6:46 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
pinback wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2020 5:49 am If we can back up a moment here. What is "Jailbreak"? How would you define the magic of "Jailbreak"?

Sure thing. It's a multiplayer game for Quake II (and I guess they ported it to Unreal or something) that goes like this:

Two teams of players. Two jail cells. When someone in the game gets fragged, they go to the other team's jail cell. When all of the team members of one side are in the jail cell, they all get executed and the other side wins. BUT! There is a button outside each jail that allows the jail to be opened, thus creating a "jailbreak" event and everyone can come rushing out. It ends up being a great game where people are constantly fragging others, getting sent to jail, seeing an absolute hero of a player free everyone causing the tide to turn and being fun as hell.

Re: The Quake II: Jailbreak EXPERIMENT

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 10:03 am
by Jizaboz
Oh, my bad. I honestly think I only played this mod like 5 minutes of my life back in the day. (I played a lot of mods heh)

I figured the modname/foldername "jail" was jailbreak. Yes, at this point someone will have to spin up a Windows instance :/

Oh, my bad. I honestly think I only played this mod like 5 minutes of my life back in the day. (I played a lot of mods heh)

I figured the modname/foldername "jail" was jailbreak. Yes, at this point someone will have to spin up a Windows instance :/

Edit: Wait a minute.. are you sure you used the right port? I can't get on the game atm but this entry in the server list sure as hell looks correct to me..

Re: The Quake II: Jailbreak EXPERIMENT

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 2:53 pm
by Jizaboz
Yes, you must have used the wrong port. I just tried and got to the right place. However, now I have to enable/install "anti-cheat"


Re: The Quake II: Jailbreak EXPERIMENT

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 9:18 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Yeah, I saw the same thing. I put anticheat.dll on. But it won't work with the Steam client. So I downloaded the q2pro client - it's MUCH better than the standard Quake 2 one, but it still gave me the same message about not using anticheat. Checked the tasty-whatever forums and others had this problem.

So this won't work. Oh, and in between when I did connect to the jailbreak server, I got kicked because I had a default player name for the q2pro client, since I hadn't set it.

Honestly? Fuck trying to use someone else's server. If Ben thought that Enceladus was a game that wanted to be played, this is the exact fucking opposite of that. Can you imagine trying to get 6 people putting up with this dumb shit?

I will try to find a Windows solution for this weekend. If any of you guys can tell me how to do it with AWS I'll try that.

Re: The Quake II: Jailbreak EXPERIMENT

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 10:21 pm
by Jizaboz
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2020 9:18 pm So this won't work. Oh, and in between when I did connect to the jailbreak server, I got kicked because I had a default player name for the q2pro client, since I hadn't set it.

Honestly? Fuck trying to use someone else's server. If Ben thought that Enceladus was a game that wanted to be played, this is the exact fucking opposite of that. Can you imagine trying to get 6 people putting up with this dumb shit?
Yeah sorry this is a pain for you man. I feel like I'm probably the biggest doom/quake/rtcw server and mod expert here and can generally lay out any solution for things in simple terms, but you have chosen a mod that is Windows only.

I'm actually still on the hook to get another Windows legacy server of sorts running; Tron 2.0 and will try to help us out for our own solution for Jailbreak before Friday. If anything, I can create the server then share the machine image with your AWS account so that you can launch Jailbreak at any time.

Man, I've spent hours making the server itself run properly in modern Linux-based systems. Mainly though because of just wanting everything my way. Here is the way my own server works running the "OSP Tournament" mod:

1. Railguns only. Damage increased to 999 for one shot kills.
2. No health or armor pick ups.
3. 10 minute time limit. No frag (kill) limit.
4. Only maps I created or custom maps others created that are my favorites are in the rotating map list. Either small and boxy like or wide ass open like a football field. I use one map that is a hockey rink that you can slide around in for example. Lack of intricate hallways and such makes for more of a fragfest.
5. No falling damage.
6. Laser "hooks". Players can bind mouse2 or whatever to a tracking beam laser that can grab any surface spiderman style to quickly dart around the arena.
7. Scoreboards! There are not many things cooler about playing an old competitive game like this and having a persistent score board which is displayed during every game intermission along with a few seconds of 8-bit WAV music.

I can fire it up too for the Quake II weekend! There are so many good mods for this game. Barely played Jailbreak so I would like to play it some more. I played it around the time I played some football mod where you moved a head from one end of the field to the other in Quake 1 I want to say.

Lithium II came close to providing what I mentioned above and I ran that for years but now it falls short.

"Rocket Arena II" was great if you had at least 8 players. You started out with 50 rockets and other gear with 1 life and it had Mortal Kombat sound clips.

"Action Quake 2" was another one that I really enjoyed. This one was more "realistic" in that it was made to simulate an action movie scene like cops VS inmates or swat VS terrorists. Cool falling damage math, bleeding and bandaging, and very deadly weapons. There was actually a Friday the 13th - Camp Blood map we played a lot as well as a few urban combat style maps.

"WOD (Weapons of Destruction)" Is another good one. However version 6 was the best one and I've never been able to find the server library for it either for Linux. It was great because you had all of these alternative types for each weapon. Rocket launcher had flaming rockets and tracing rockets. Grenade launcher had bazooka mode, a cluster bomb mode, and a napalm bomb mode!

"SOG (Some old Game)" Was weird but awesome. At one time it was straight up taken down by copyright or some BS but you can probably still find it around. It was more of a good SP mod but also had MP mode. In this game you played characters from and fought enemies from all of the Id Soft games Doom - Quake I.

Re: The Quake II: Jailbreak EXPERIMENT

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 10:44 pm
by Jizaboz
Billy Mays wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2020 12:15 am Sorry, I'm also out. I don't like first person shooters.
You shouldn't be! This isn't no game of Call of Dookie or some shit. This is meant to be more like RealLife(tm) laser tag fun. I hated FPS games when Doom and the first clones came out. Always was more of a text and graphic adventure guy aside from arcade games. Then I got a computer strong enough to make mods for it and it all went downhill haha

PS One day I am still creating the magical Photon experience from the 1980s for me to enjoy for the first time and Flack to re-enjoy. These days I'm actually leaning more towards using the Unreal engine because Bethesda doesn't do "open-source" like Id Soft did.

Re: The Quake II: Jailbreak EXPERIMENT

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2020 1:06 am
by Jizaboz
Alright! Windows Server 2009 base started and quake 2 server binary via seems to work! Just a bit longer to kick the tires to make sure this won't end in a rare SEGMENTATION FAULT error at random like it did back in 1999, then will start applying mod and all.

Re: The Quake II: Jailbreak EXPERIMENT

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2020 2:30 am
by Billy Mays
I hope this works out for ICJ, he deserves a win.

Re: The Quake II: Jailbreak EXPERIMENT

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2020 8:40 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Jizaboz wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2020 10:21 pm Yeah sorry this is a pain for you man. I feel like I'm probably the biggest doom/quake/rtcw server and mod expert here and can generally lay out any solution for things in simple terms, but you have chosen a mod that is Windows only.

I'm actually still on the hook to get another Windows legacy server of sorts running; Tron 2.0 and will try to help us out for our own solution for Jailbreak before Friday. If anything, I can create the server then share the machine image with your AWS account so that you can launch Jailbreak at any time.
I swear the game is a ton of fun and I think the reason it is so much fun is that players of all skill levels can still be helpful. If you get fragged and are in jail, there are still things you can do to help your team for most maps.

Ok, I don't want to stick you with any AWS bill, so if you do get an image you like I am happy to setup an AWS account and run it and have them charge me.

Re: The Quake II: Jailbreak EXPERIMENT

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2020 11:03 am
by Jizaboz
Yeah I just vaguely remember it! No problem at all on the bill for at least a month. It's like 10$ extra at the most. I got pretty close last night / this morning and should have something solid soon. The only thing really being a pain last night was the networking (ie; getting port 27910 completely open)

Re: The Quake II: Jailbreak EXPERIMENT

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2020 6:18 pm
by AArdvark
OK, played a single player game for a while to get the feel of the FPS on a pc again. Tried connecting to Tastyserver thing, sort of works but not really. Definitely got the jailbreak part as it says jailbreak in big letters when connecting but that's it. There were five or six zip files in the jailbreak folder that Jonesy linked. The one file went into a jail folder, do the rest of them have to go someplace?

Re: The Quake II: Jailbreak EXPERIMENT

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2020 6:26 pm
by AArdvark
One other question. How do I save my settings so's I don't have to re-do the video and controls each time I launch the game?


Re: The Quake II: Jailbreak EXPERIMENT

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2020 5:14 pm
by Jizaboz
Aardvark: On settings, those should actually save for you when you exit out. However, if they are not then ensure 2 things:

1. Run the game with sudo in Linux or as administrator in Windows.
2. When you exit the game, be sure to hit the ESC key and then choose QUIT in the menu rather than closing the window or using the console.

Icj: I got connected to our server! Not sure if you did something or if I was just really tired when I tried to connect last time.

Code: Select all

------- server initialization ------
0 entities inhibited
17 teams with 36 entities

Jizaboz connected
Jizaboz entered the game
execing server.cfg
maxclients will be changed for next game.
Netchan_Transmit: dumped unreliable
Jizaboz joined the Red team
Jizaboz disconnected
Sending heartbeat to []:27900
I see you were looking at server flags for settings. In the meantime, I'm going to try to fix the textures not uploading from the server. While it's best for each client to already have the maps and textures, this should be dummy-proofed.

Re: The Quake II: Jailbreak EXPERIMENT

Posted: Sat Feb 29, 2020 1:44 am
by Jizaboz

You can now connect to the new "Jolt Country Jail" at jail.jizaboz:27910 Either type "connect jail.jizaboz" or add that to your Quake II address book and refresh it! That should be all you need.

The textures thing is actually due to retail game .pak files not being present. The custom maps and textures just downloaded fine on a bare bones client connection test, but not things like textures from episode 2. I will go about fixing that now by merging my own Quake 2 server "base files" to the new Jailbreak server.

I have to say, I am excited to play this mod! For some reason I missed it years ago.. probably due to too much regular Death Match, Action Quake 2, Rocket Arena 2 and Insta-gib railgun addiction. The scoring system reminds me of the way some Red Dead Online events even the score more when some players might not be the best shots but can still score in other ways.

Re: The Quake II: Jailbreak EXPERIMENT

Posted: Sat Feb 29, 2020 2:14 am
by Jizaboz
Er too late for edit..

The address to the jailbreak server is:

Quake2 will automatically resolve this to port 27910.

Re: The Quake II: Jailbreak EXPERIMENT

Posted: Sat Feb 29, 2020 2:50 am
by Jizaboz
..and the textures upload over UDP is fixed!

Anyone with a full version of Quake II shouldn't have a problem, but I wanted to make sure anyone connecting that didn't have that or the jail folder set up correctly can just connect and play after some slow protocol downloads :)

Re: The Quake II: Jailbreak EXPERIMENT

Posted: Sat Feb 29, 2020 4:02 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Goddamn, it worked for me! This is amazing, I got in!

Ok, it seems like Jizaboz, myself and maybe Aardvark are interested. I'll see if we can round up some other people.