Finsternis wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 3:14 pmBilly Mays wrote: Mon Apr 13, 2020 9:22 pmYou could start with a kind word.
You're absolutely right, Billy. And I'm happy to do that. But I've found in my life that offering sympathy and condolences to disabled people is a tricky business. Some people really appreciate it, but some people feel it borders on pity and just want to be treated like everyone else. It can be a fine line.
On that point, I agree, A reasonable "Oh, sorry to hear that." for something like having a leg or a head amputated, is okay. Also, huge amounts of pity, combined with a copious amount of Srarburst, are also welcomed. Otherwise, I don't want their pity. (I will, however, always accept donations of Starburst, whether or not pity is included.)
Am I bothered by the fact I accept bribes? Of course; I am sickened and disgusted. Not of the fact I'm willing to accept bribes, anyone with less wealth than Bill Gates or Carlos Slim can be bribed. No, what sickened and disgusted me was that I can be bribed
so cheaply!
Finsternis wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 3:14 pmWhile I honestly can't say I know Paul well personally, I've interacted with him online off and on since circa 1992 when we "met" on Pinback's dialup BBS (what was it called again? so long ago...). The only thing I can say for sure is his online persona has not changed a bit.
I'm trying to remember you. There was me; Ben; Michael Raugh, who became the sysop of his own board either before or after Ben discontinued his (or the reverse, Ben started his board when Michael decided to stop running his); some woman married to a guy who was not a member of the board; Larry Trask, who was her former lover; and perhaps one, maybe two others. Maybe I haven't changed much, it seems like Ben has gotten a bit ruder. But I don't remember a Finsternis, although it's been almost 30 years, I may have forgotten.
Finsternis wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 3:14 pmThere's no doubt that he's a colorful person. Though we clashed frequently in the past, that was a very long time ago and I know I've grown and changed. I certainly do respect his clarity of writing and his sense of logic - he reminds me of myself sometimes, partly because of that and partly because we are both dicks from time to time.
Speak for yourself, Richard.
Finsternis wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 3:14 pmBut even though we often disagree, I think we share an affinity for reasoning and clarity of thought.
"Reasonable people can disagree over issues, otherwise we'd never need appeals courts."
Finsternis wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 3:14 pmI'm very sad to hear about his current circumstances and would be willing to help him by sending him occasional gifts if he asks specifically for something.
I take pride in my independence. Once I had a guaranteed incme, I moved out on my own, no longer under someone else's thumb. Only problem was, I had to wait till I ended up in a wheelchair to do it.
Finsternis wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 3:14 pmI don't know him well enough to be able to guess what random surprise things he might enjoy. Being disabled myself, though nowhere near the profound degree Paul is, I know how depressing it can be.
I am sorry to hear that. Let me know if you have any minor issues like a head amputation or something like that, maybe I can offer assistance (I can
offer it, whether I'd actually
give anything is another story). Otherwise, let me offer you prayers, encoragement, sympathy, pity, and anything else that doesn't require I do anything or costs money.
Finsternis wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 3:14 pm I can only imagine his current environment only adds greatly to that. The care provided by Medicaid sucks, but I guess the only silver lining is it beats being homeless and shitting yourself in a cardboard box.
If you can move, there's always hope to do better. When you're effectively a quadriplegic, like I am, you realize in one way or another you're dependent on the charity of others for your very survival. Medicaid care might suck, but it's the very difference between "suck," and "dead."
Finsternis wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 3:14 pmMy only clear suggestion for improvement , Paul, is to help yourself by being kind and friendly to your caretakers.
I am, and I have been. I try to remember to say "please," and I always say "thank you," unless the person has really been uncaring in treating me. Sometimes even then.
I never curse to the staff unless either they fuck up and hurt me or they've acted
really stupid, and it's cursing in their presence. I never insult any member of the staff no matter what they have done.
One time an aide had a records cart, where the records are held in a stainless steel basket, on the cart. She moved the cart the wrong way, my leg was a little off the bed, and the cart "klonged" me on the knee. Immediately a string of obscenities poured out of me. Nothing had the wrd "you" included, I was mad at being hit, not mad at her personally; we both knew it was an accident, and nothing further was said about it.
Another time an aide klonged my knee with the table that goes over my bed. Same result, but in this case, it got the aide upset. I informed her that it wasn't personal, she'd accidentally struck me on the knee, did she think I wasn't going to respond to something that hurt?
Finsternis wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 3:14 pmFor example, not swearing so much. Yes, it theoretically shouldn't matter, but it seems to annoy them, and why give them reasons to dislike you when you depend on them and their care is so bad already?
I don't know where the fuck this shitty idea that I fucking swear a whole goddam lot comes from. Probably some asshole who has been nothing but a dickwad all his motherfucking life.
Finsternis wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 3:14 pm Though I'm sure you feel like it, and it may well be justified, It's not as if you absolutely must swear, at least not so much. In fact, it may be worth your while to actively be nice to them. Most people who work in those jobs get no respect and it's an very tough job to begin with, so kind words might go a long way.
I have, and I do. Sometimes they'll ask me for something. If I've got extras, I'm willing to be generous. Like, I have a blister pack of 30 blue markers. One of the staff asked if she could have one. I said fine, just be careful opening it so you don't spill the others. She was.
Earlier, one of them asked if she could have one of the (medium size) bags of Starburst Flav-o-Reds Flack sent me. I had like half a jar and two bags; I said okay. I also warned her not to tell anybody, first because I don't want to look like a soft touch, and second, if Management finds out, they're not supposed to ask the residents for things, it doesn't matter how short on staff they are, she'll be on the street. I don't narc on people, so don't narc on yourself.
I think that helps with bonding, when you're a co-conspirator it can make it easier to be friends.
Finsternis wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 3:14 pmAnd in your situation, having just one or two friends on the staff could make a world of difference in your comfort.
I know, and I have. My roommate, Mr. Cooper, probably has mental issues or cognitive problems, he sometimes gets mad at the staff or balky over taking medications. One time he was so rude to the aide, she said she'd no longer cheek his blood pressure.
So when she came over to me, I mentioned the issue, how he's probably got head problems. I then said, "There's an expression, and I don't know how to say it nicer, so I just will. 'Don't let the bastards grind you down.' Just remember, whatever he says is just noises, when you let them get you mad, they win." I think that did make her feel a little better.
Finsternis wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 3:14 pm Even if you loathe them, for purely mercenary reasons I think it would be better for you to swallow your pride, say "please" and "thank you",
Which I routinely do. Pride is probably the most regular meal around here. Not as tasty as Starburst, though.
Finsternis wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 3:14 pmask them about themselves (everybody loves to talk about themselves!). You may not care for them that much personally but if it improves your comfort it seems wise.
That's a good idea and I'll try to remember it.
Finsternis wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 3:14 pmMost people are not actively cruel because they want to be. They aren't sadists. They are stuck in a shitty system just like you are, only they can walk and do other stuff.
I have said to the staff, especially when they do something and I groan or cry out, where they say "sorry," that I understand. "Sometimes you are going to have to do things to treat me or to fix me where it is going to hurt, there is no way around it, and it has to be done. All I can do is soldier on and take it. It's not intentional,and it's unavoidable. But that doesn't mean I won't cry out in pain, groan or make noises.
"Look," I'd say, "I know you don't do a job like this because you want to hurt people, you do it because you like to help people and make them feel better. If you wanted to hurt people, you'd become a dominatrix." Most get the joke, and a few smile or laugh. I flirt with the staff sometimes, or do innocent innuendo, most say I'm a fun guy to work with.
I'm like a teapot, when I get issues of pain, I am not a stoic; I respond with cries. I don't store them up for later.
Finsternis wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 3:14 pmAnd, who knows? if you start treating them like people and not just mindless automatons to be cursed at, if you engage them and ask about them, make conversation, you may actually discover that at least some of them aren't so bad.
I know that. One of the songs I like to sing when I'm being bathed is Martin Page's
In the House of Stone and Light because of the first three lines, and after I've been bathed a few times, the staff will eventually start singing along, especially the third line:
Oh Mount Kalas, uncover me
Come my restoration
Wash my body clean
Usually I'd sing the next four lines. Sometimes I'd change them so
I've been walking
Along a crooked path
Where the words have fallen
Broken me in half
I've been hopping
Along a crooked path
Where I met the surgeon
Cut my leg in half
Occasionally one of the aides would have to remove or apply the diaper, would say, "spread your legs," and I'd say to her, "usually a man says that to a woman." This would often get laughs, so sometimes they'd say something similar, like "open your legs,"" and I'd just snicker, so then they'd start saying, "you know what to do!"
When one of them comes over, and says, "I want to take your blood pressure<" I respond, "You can't do that, I
need my blood pressure! You can
check my bolood pressure, and if it's too high, you can take what's extra." Same if they wanted to "take" my temperature.
Finsternis wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 3:14 pm Being a logical person, even you must admit it's theoretically possible.
Paul, if you need something specific, ask here and if I can afford it I
might send it to you. I'm not rich but I'm not penniless either. Other than that, you have my sympathy (if you want it)
Not without starburst included.

AJust kidding (no, I'm not.) Really, I'm just kidding (no, I'm a greedy pig, send me some Starburst.) Paul, stop begging people for Starburst, you're better than that! (you really think so?)
Finsternis wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 3:14 pmfor the bad turn of events you're experiencing. If all I can do is attempt to provide interesting and distracting conversation, then I'm glad you have at least this arena to talk in.
Be well!
"And don't forget to dine at Taco Bell, which was the only survivor of the Franchise Wars."