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Re: Instacart Tips

Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 11:23 pm
by RetroRomper
Billy Mays wrote: Tue May 05, 2020 11:08 pm I drove up to the grocery store last weekend with no mask just to buy a fifth of liquor and people stared at me in awe like I was Washington crossing the Delaware. Like some part of their brain still remembers what it was like to not be completely gay about things. If it came down to it I would just do without because I'm not ever going to put on a spacesuit to buy macaroni or download an app because I'm too afraid to leave my home.

They deliver shit in their car, they're not firefighters.
ICJ forwarded me a take down email he received, because apparently Ben Shapiro accused you of copyright infringement as you're speaking straight from his "angsty years."

Did you also pierce your dick to "get back at my AWFUL PARENTS WHO GOT ME A STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM CAKE AS OPPOSED TO RAINBOW SHERBERT?" for your 24th birthday?

If you're going to troll us, at least try.

Re: Instacart Tips

Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 11:28 pm
by RetroRomper
Oh hey! I just posted these to another thread:

https://americantrollsociety.blogspot.c ... nduct.html

Try harder, you wanker.

Re: Instacart Tips

Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 11:42 pm
by RetroRomper
Guess what Daddy brought for you, sugar pie? YOUR BEST FRIEND TRUMPY THE TROLL DOLL!

Billy -The Wanker- Mays wrote:Weh weh wah wah woddle dook at me! Me wah wah being clever by interjecting contrary situations and views that will inspire reactions to my behavior which will upset everyone, and wah wah wah. Wanna mah raddle.

Re: Instacart Tips

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 12:13 am
by Billy Mays
Is this what you meant by "add the higher amount"?

Re: Instacart Tips

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 12:20 am
by Jizaboz
RetroRomper wrote: Tue May 05, 2020 11:16 pm
Jizaboz wrote: Tue May 05, 2020 11:49 am We can’t lock down for a year unless you want every business besides major cooperations to go out of business, people damn near starving to death (or worse), very very sharp incline in suicide rates, and I could go on. Maybe you should think a bit more about what you are saying before going on some righteous good citizen rant. Nothing “cold” or “economic” about my opinion on that either. It’s just.. reality, man.
We get the choice to starve, lose our home, or risk death and destitution? Should people who are immune compromised go back to work too? Working elderly? Even the 2 Trillion stimulus package was paltry when taken as a percentage of GDP.

I'm not arguing that isn't the reality, but I am saying there are actual, real ways to make it so that isn't a choice people have to make.
I don’t see why they can’t go back to work so long as everyone in a high capacity workplace can stay 6 feet apart (which really isn’t much to ask in a non- pandemic reality either) with masks and gloves on. And don’t tell me there are not enough to supply them while at the same time demand everyone in the public attempt in vain in most cases to buy them or wear those nasty home-made things. Can’t have it both ways.
Jizaboz wrote:The WHO. The same organization whom recently one of their major spokes person hung up on an interview after ignoring the existence of Taiwan. Yeah sure, believe everything they say.
RetroRomper wrote: Are you kidding? Is this your "best" evidence that EVERYTHING the WHO is saying should be ignored? The accumulated knowledge of countries the world over should be completely written off because they had to play politics for five seconds, otherwise assuring one of their largest contributors would back out just when Trump said he was withdrawing all funding to the organization? They had to deal with the question of -
The World Health Organization wrote: "Is being right and morally correct, better than being able to directly assist with easing the discomfort, pain, and suffering including letting many of them live that wouldn't otherwise,the entirety of the human race, including the population of the country we had to exclude?"
Dude, the US maintained the One China Policy and skirted around the question since 1972, including never officially taking calls from their elected representatives, since then? 46 years? Nearly half a century?
Wikipedia Because I was Lazy wrote:The One-China Policy was first stated in the Shanghai Communiqué of 1972: "the United States acknowledges that Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China. The United States does not challenge that position."
Sure, the US has skittered around the question, but you're blaming the WHO for following what is international protocol adhered to by 179 out of 193 of it's member states? I'd bet the guy peaced out, because the question was so far above his pay grade and think of this: would you want to be the guy who lost hundreds of millions of dollars in funding to a world wide pandemic, that has killed 258,356 and has the potential to kill hundreds of millions if not a billion or more?

Seriously here, did you ever stop and think "why is this my opinion in the first place?"
Jizaboz wrote:Don’t you ever wonder about all the other shit hitting the fan while everyone is consumed with talk of Covid? Don’t you ever wonder if perhaps there is an ulterior motive with all of this? To me this will become ultimately more serious than the virus. I mean shit, have you ever seen Demolition Man? As stupid as that movie is you can definitely draw comparisons if you had.
Your statement is vague enough, that it could refer to the real cover for the POTUS and US government, to give billions in "stimulus" money to cronies. Or maybe one of the what feels like, tens of thousands of myths and conspiracy theories that have been debunked by instead of the WHO, the CDC?
The Center for Disease Control wrote: Fact: A worldwide online conspiracy theory has attempted to link 5G cell phone technology as being one of the causes of the coronavirus. Many cell towers outside of the U.S. have been set on fire as a result. 5G technology does NOT cause coronavirus.
Please tell me what exactly you're referring to.
I am calling out WHO and CDC on spreading bullshit along with facts. Don’t you remember just a few weeks ago when we were told by the CDC not to wear masks if we we don’t have symptoms? Bullshit. The Japanese have known that’s bullshit for at least the past 15 years. There’s another example for you.

I didn’t mention anything about 5g so I dunno wtf that’s about. You also point out how the US Gov been kissing China’s ass in many ways since the early 70s as if this somehow makes what you are going on about any more convincing.

Use some critical thinking skills.

Re: Instacart Tips

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 12:45 am
by RetroRomper
Jizaboz wrote: Wed May 06, 2020 12:20 amI don’t see why they can’t go back to work so long as everyone in a high capacity workplace can stay 6 feet apart (which really isn’t much to ask in a non- pandemic reality either) with masks and gloves on."
Please pick a reason from here: ... SKBN21I0FA
Jizaboz wrote: Wed May 06, 2020 12:20 amI am calling out WHO and CDC on spreading bullshit along with facts. Don’t you remember just a few weeks ago when we were told by the CDC not to wear masks if we we don’t have symptoms?
You do remember that people were buying surgical and N95 masks at the beginning of this pandemic, the same masks that are in critically short supply at hospitals the nation and even the world over right now?
The Atlantic on April 10th, The Year of Our Lord 2020 wrote:Of all the coronavirus-induced problems facing America, the mask shortage might be the most baffling. Masks are now so hard to find that health-care workers are reusing theirs multiple days in a row. Grocery-store workers, who are at high risk of contracting the virus, have been denied masks for months. Everyday people are making their own out of fabric scraps. ... is/609757/
The Green Bay Press Gazette on May 5, 2020 hereby decreed that... wrote:Wisconsin will receive 100,000 face masks from the Taiwanese government as hospitals across the state continue to face shortages of personal protective equipment amid the coronavirus pandemic. ... 3046961001
Jizaboz wrote: Wed May 06, 2020 12:20 amI didn’t mention anything about 5g so I dunno wtf that’s about. You also point out how the US Gov been kissing China’s ass in many ways since the early 70s as if this somehow makes what you are going on about any more convincing.
The point was that your statement was so vague, you could have been referring to any of the crackpot theories out there. Read it with me:
Jizaboooooooooz wrote:Don’t you ever wonder about all the other shit hitting the fan while everyone is consumed with talk of Covid? Don’t you ever wonder if perhaps there is an ulterior motive with all of this? To me this will become ultimately more serious than the virus.
What shit? What are you referring to? That was my question.
Jiz -WHEN WILL THE BASS DROP?!- zaboz wrote:Use some critical thinking skills.
Could you point me to a news article or something that at least appears to support one of your arguments? I'll even take one from Breitbart or Stormfront.

Re: Instacart Tips

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 1:01 am
by Jizaboz
LoL they bought ALL the masks bro, just like they bought every fucking disposable paper product. Confirmed this at Lowe’s when I went to get a mask to work with Bondo. Luckily I had a friend who had a few n-95 masks he got last year. The news and the government handled the messaging quite poorly and people got stupid like they always do.

I don’t read either of those “news” sources. I just pay attention to news from multiple outlets and use critical thinking. Which is why I used the phrase “ever wonder..” It wasn’t some way of me saying you are ignorant to something. I am literally saying I wonder so why don’t you?

Re: Instacart Tips

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 1:10 am
by RetroRomper
Jiz -BOW WOW- Boz wrote:LoL they bought ALL the masks bro, just like they bought every fucking disposable paper product.
Hmm... The Feds?
Jiz -He's Dead, Jim- aBoz wrote:Confirmed this at Lowe’s when I went to get a mask to work with Bondo.
I mean... I guess the cashier at Low's Hardware Store, is more reputable a source than The Atlantic. The Guardian perhaps. The BBC assuredly.
Jiz -DEATH MAN BEAR PIG- Boz wrote:I don’t read either of those “news” sources. I just pay attention to news from multiple outlets and use critical thinking.
Sure? You can't find one reputable article from a news organization to support anything you argued? Like, not one man?
Jiz -DIME BAG McGee- Boz wrote:Which is why I used the phrase “ever wonder..” It wasn’t some way of me saying you are ignorant to something. I am literally saying I wonder so why don’t you?
Did it make you look ignorant? I mean, I didn't even have to respond to do that. Okay, so here: have you ever wondered who exactly started or amplified these beliefs of yours, so you could readily see it on the TV? Where they originated from?

Re: Instacart Tips

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 1:37 am
by Billy Mays
I remember when this whole thing started, my neighbor who's a contractor brought over a whole case of those N95 masks to give me. I told him "no thank you" but he insisted, said this thing is really dangerous. I ended up throwing them out with the trash because I'm not about to have someone shove their crazy beliefs on me.

Re: Instacart Tips

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 1:59 am
by RetroRomper
Billy Mays wrote: Wed May 06, 2020 1:37 amI remember when this whole thing started, my neighbor who's BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH
You win this one, Sir.

But know this Mr. Billy "May I" Mays, I'll be back... And in far greater numbers!

Re: Instacart Tips

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 2:02 am
by RetroRomper
Wait.. If I'm so readily able to identify the Troll and it takes one to know one...

Re: Instacart Tips

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 2:16 am
by RetroRomper
Billy Mays wrote: Wed May 06, 2020 12:13 am Is this what you meant by "add the higher amount"?
The fact there couldn't be a higher amount than 133, 130, 126ish, --- Hmm.... Lime & Apple, Cannabis Gummy Bears.

Re: Instacart Tips

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 2:17 am
by RetroRomper
Substitute "I'm" for "She's."

Thank you.

Re: Instacart Tips

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 3:39 am
by pinback
So, 20%?

Re: Instacart Tips

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 9:14 am
by Jizaboz
RetroRomper wrote: Wed May 06, 2020 1:10 am
Jiz -BOW WOW- Boz wrote:LoL they bought ALL the masks bro, just like they bought every fucking disposable paper product.
Hmm... The Feds?
Jiz -He's Dead, Jim- aBoz wrote:Confirmed this at Lowe’s when I went to get a mask to work with Bondo.
I mean... I guess the cashier at Low's Hardware Store, is more reputable a source than The Atlantic. The Guardian perhaps. The BBC assuredly.
Yes. I trust my own eyes and the Lowe’s Manager that the public rushed out in a panic and bought all the masks. I don’t need to site a fucking web article to tell you this because I went out of the house and experienced it for myself. The same goes for the rest of lack of NPR or whatever web article citations. I have literally told you something I witnessed first hand and still you want to argue.

I am not trolling and I am not trying to argue but continuing this conversation any further with you is a waste of time. Lay off the edibles and reading fear mongering garbage. Haha why am I bothering to even type this..

Re: Instacart Tips

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 9:44 am
by RetroRomper
Uh... Okay.

Re: Instacart Tips

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 9:50 am
by pinback