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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Eric wrote: Actually I got to keep the house, which is unusual, but only because it had just been purchased, had already started losing value even though none of the principal had been paid -- city of Rochester see -- and so was no use to the ex who couldn't have paid the mortgage since she didn't work and didn't intend to. Everything else though, forget it. My lawyer actually tried to explain to the judge that this record and book collection had some value and ought at least to be figured as an asset she was getting in dividing up the property. Ever try to convince a judge that books and record albums have value?
Holy shit. I realize that what I am about to say is like saying "water's wet," or "the sun's bright," but property one brings into a marriage going to the other spouse in a divorce case might be the single dumbest thing I've ever heard. Who the hell would ever champion such a cause, or make it "the law" or whatnot? How stupid would a lawmaker have to be to, effectively, shoot themselves in the kneecaps like that? That is shockingly horrible.

I understand why couples would have to sell off items they got while together -- I guess. But man... It really sucks. I console myself against the thought of theft by the realization that most of what I own is either worthless crap with only sentimental value, or so big that it would take a team of burglars working together to remove it. This is a rather wide-awakening bit that the thing most likely to take my sealed copy of "Tass Times" from me is some chick and an idiot judge.

(Also, CD burners have come down in price a fair bit. sells a Ricoh burner which is really great. I have yet to make a coaster with it -- unlike my first one, which was an Acer, which made enough coasters on me to supply a Bar Mitzvah.)
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Worm »

Imagine what the chick who digs this art would be like.

The creepy death chick wouldn't be bad as long as you don't have to put a plastic bag on your head. Most of the chicks I know keep asking me who Kirk is because of my WWKD shirt. So I doubt they'll get a Joust picture though maybe where you are is better in that regard.

I'd just go to some yard sale and find some landscapes. They are nuetral in thought and idea (Unless you have some art conisuer) and you could always make up some shit because they probably won't know the artist.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

loafergirl wrote:Again Jonsey neglects the local artisans...... but he probably wouldn't dig my paintings/drawings/sculptures/etc anyway, so i spose that doesn't really matter.
Hey! I feel like you've taken an exasperated tone with me. It'd have been pretty forward of me to chuck you a message stating, "YO, BYRNES, I want you to ship your gear to me pronto!!!!! Now, goddammit!" wouldn't it?

I don't know how easy it would be for you to ship a painting. Or a scultpure (never tried to ship something like that, although a sculpture would be "OMG cool," you know?). But without question, having either one of those items up on top of my fireplace would absolutely be the shizznit. Well, technically, having you yourself installed upon the mantle there would be the "shizznit," but something that you yourself made would be a good #2.

Let me send you an e-mail on this very subject when comes back up.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

Jethro Q. Walrustitty
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Post by Jethro Q. Walrustitty »

"What Would Kirk Do"???????????????????


I can only hope that no one here would consider it a "first date" shirt, unless you're into making sure that there isn't a "second date" - granted, <strike>chicks</strike> women are confusing, enigmatic beasts, but I can't see that a WWKD shirt would be the kind of thing to get their gonads all warm and juicy.

That being said, Jonsey, two things. You mention videogame stuff - what about some of the backlit glass pieces that would be at the top of an arcade game? (I can't think of what they're called. Argh.) They're not overly huge (Mrs W has brought home a couple enormous paintings that a friend of hers did - to say they're ghastly is to be kind, and their size only adds to the problem, fortunately they're now "stored away")... if you wanted to be really slick, you could backlight them fairly easily. (Easiest way - nail together a little wood box, stick a nightlight in it, and hang an extension cord out of the bottom. How easy can you get?)

Secondly, have you bothered checking eBay for paintings by your bud there? You might be able to find one you want for a good bit less than $350.

As for Loafergirl... much as I love 'er, I would not recommend getting a painting from her sight unseen. Now before she comes after my scrotum with a hatchet, let me explain: I would not recommend getting a painting from any friend of yours. Reason being... what if you don't like it? You're probably OK since you're on the other side of the country, and can just stick it in a closet. But if you come back to Rochester in a year, you'll need to put it out any time she might come over. Or leave it out.

You might love it, and it won't be a problem. You might be iffy. But, if you don't - you don't have much of a choice, if you don't want to offend them. No point testing a friendship over a painting.

Now, if she could supply you with jpgs of a few paintings and asks if any of them appeal to you... that's cool. But sight unseen? Dangerous! Dangerous!

All I'm saying, is that I've been there, with these two enormous paintings by Mrs W's friend. She (Mrs W) sort of liked them, but I couldn't stand them, and virtually everyone who came into the house disliked them. (Sorry, if this gets back to you, Mrs W - but it's true.) Yet, they stayed up for a few years, taking up a ton of wall space. If you can avoid being stuck with a painting(s) you don't like - do it.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:Secondly, have you bothered checking eBay for paintings by your bud there? You might be able to find one you want for a good bit less than $350.
I haven't. You da man. I can see his work being the kind of stuff that gets put up on eBay when Dude has his Girlfriend move in with him, and she can't stand those horrible, awful paintings of the guy playing the bone-flute. I'll check.

As for Loafergirl... much as I love 'er, I would not recommend getting a painting from her sight unseen. Now before she comes after my scrotum with a hatchet, let me explain: I would not recommend getting a painting from any friend of yours. Reason being... what if you don't like it? You're probably OK since you're on the other side of the country, and can just stick it in a closet. But if you come back to Rochester in a year, you'll need to put it out any time she might come over. Or leave it out.
Ho, ho, ho. Great point, and one I hadn't really considered. Yeah, LG, if you want to paint up something new and want some input into the general areas I'm looking for, that's all good. If you have a current painting, JPG me up!
Now, if she could supply you with jpgs of a few paintings and asks if any of them appeal to you... that's cool. But sight unseen? Dangerous! Dangerous!
I can think of plenty of JPGs she can give me that I'd frame on my wall sight unseen -- wait, I think this message is spiraling out of my control.

All I'm saying, is that I've been there, with these two enormous paintings by Mrs W's friend. She (Mrs W) sort of liked them, but I couldn't stand them, and virtually everyone who came into the house disliked them.
Is that the one that Clorinda pretended she was painting for those pictures you shot of her for the game? They were very good for that, even though her character as a fresco painter and those paintings weren't frescos. You had them up in your attic when you lived near Paradise Valley, didn't you? I thought they were pretty cool up there. But yeah, they were not quite the sort of things that look best in the middle of a well-lit Living Room. (For anyone who has made it this far and who also had never made it into Jeff's attic, it was an actual living space where he had his TV, DVD player and so forth, not an attic like a "we put grandma's corpse up here with the old fans and blenders" attic.)
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

Jethro Q. Walrustitty
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Post by Jethro Q. Walrustitty »

Yeah, the one that Cleo was working on in the one shot is one of aforementioned paintings. One was up in that attic in the place by Parasite Alley. (Being in a house now, I can't imagine how we lived there. What a total shithole.)

There's one sorta-realistic shot of her ex-boyfriend holding up their kid when he was tiny, and another one that's more "impressionist" (I guess) with a couple faces. We ran into the woman who painted it (as well as the kid) a couple weeks ago while walking the dog, apparently they use the pool that's near our house. Some other time, I'll tell another story or two about 'em - there are some good ones.

Currently the paintings are residing (with the painted side towards the wall!) in our third bedroom, which is going to be Mrs W's "art room"... they're just leaning against the wall now. Despite the best efforts of my Dad and I, we weren't able to get them to blow off the truck in the move from the apartment to the house.


Post by Vitriola »

A few things:
As for moving, I also just moved, and even though all my things went into storage, that storage locker WAS on the 3rd floor, the apartment I originally was in WAS on the second floor, and on the same weekend I had also to help my ex-boyfriend move all of his shit out of self-same apartment. At which point he told me that yes, he is now officially 'an item' with my former best friend with whom he cheated on me. Fuck 'em. So now I'm staying with friends in Arizona, and, let me tell you, this place breeds insanity.
As for artwork, hell, if I could afford one of these:, I'd be ecstatic.
As for Crystal Castles, it's weird that you own that, because I just a few weeks ago figured out that that was the name of the game I was obsessed with when I was younger. I always thought it was called Crystal Mansions, and could never find any info on it, so I did some research and got the name.
As for a WWKD shirt being worn on a first date, I mean, would any of you actually WANT a girl who would look askance at that choice of accoutrement?

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Post by Worm »

Vitriola wrote:As for a WWKD shirt being worn on a first date, I mean, would any of you actually WANT a girl who would look askance at that choice of accoutrement?
I just would want a girl who knows who Captain Kirk is. She wouldn't even have to know his middle name.

Robb, go with the earth erotica that isn't blatant. I think if you have pictures of stones on your wall that could be subliminally construed as genitalia you'd get laid more.
Like these ones
Granted ... they are only slightly below being blatant. Sixty bucks for a stone shaped like a cock is a bit much. Though it is your chance to own a for real peice of internet crap.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Roody_Yogurt »

Wow, I like Vitriola's choice of art.

Jethro Q. Walrustitty
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Post by Jethro Q. Walrustitty »

Vitriola wrote:As for a WWKD shirt being worn on a first date, I mean, would any of you actually WANT a girl who would look askance at that choice of accoutrement?
Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!

To wear something like that indicates two things:

1) You don't really want to score.
2) You think you're so damn desirable to the ladies that you need to handicap yourself, to make it a challenge. A good companion piece would be one green and one orange sock.

Anyone who's seen the dregs of humanity on display in "Trekkies" would be anxious to stay as far away as possible from the kind of girls who would squeal with moist delight at a "WWKD" t-shirt. (Though I seem to recall that there was a cute chick at the "how to skeak Klingon" class, but it looked like she was there for a goof.)

(Note: I'm assuming here that "Kirk" refers to Captain Kirk. Having no official confirmation one way or the other. For all I know, it could refer to Kirk Cameron. He is a Jesusfreak, having starring in those ridiculous "Left Behind" movies.)

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Post by Jack Straw »

Yeee-haww!! I just got a new apartment too.. here's the vitals:

-4 bedroom
-2 bath
-cathedral ceiling
-1 block from Mt. Hope

Very nice, I am excited. I've never had an apartment where my girlfriend wasn't living with me, kind of stoked. I have one negro roommate so we'll have tons of space and our own floors/bathrooms.. hope this was somewhat coherent, I gotta stop posting at work.
Best part, it has electricity! w00t rock on...

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Post by bruce »

Jack Straw wrote:I have one negro roommate so we'll have tons of space
Except that it will all be filled by his GIANT BLACK COCK.

Er, sorry.


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Post by Jethro Q. Walrustitty »


I'm assuming that it also has a conversation pit, lava lamp, and orange shag carpeting, as you're obviously stuck in the '60s!!!

The current favored term is "bleck."


Post by bleck »

The current favored term is "bleck."
fo' shizzle my nizzle

LG being to lazy to login

Post by LG being to lazy to login »

Actually, proir to reading this base I sent examples of my work, and already told Jonsey I don't expect payment except for shipping, unless he feels like tipping because he likes it.
Trust me, I'm not overly sensative about that stuff, art is something people form there own opinions on, but I'm excited because it gives me a project. But thanks for the vote of confidence Jeff! =)
The only thing I would ask is that if he doesn't like it is that it is returned at some point (whenever) so it can go to someone who will, or keep it.
And as an added note, I really liked that big paintng you had at the old place, it was very well done, and quite human.


LG again

Post by LG again »

OH and Jonsey, I could always do a fantasy nude of my face on say... Angelina Jolines naked body.... hehehe then it's like having the best of both worlds.



Post by LG »

Worm wrote:
Vitriola wrote:As for a WWKD shirt being worn on a first date, I mean, would any of you actually WANT a girl who would look askance at that choice of accoutrement?
I just would want a girl who knows who Captain Kirk is. She wouldn't even have to know his middle name.

Robb, go with the earth erotica that isn't blatant. I think if you have pictures of stones on your wall that could be subliminally construed as genitalia you'd get laid more.
Like these ones
Granted ... they are only slightly below being blatant. Sixty bucks for a stone shaped like a cock is a bit much. Though it is your chance to own a for real peice of internet crap.
Dude, anyone who doesn't know who Kaptain kirk is has been living under a rock for thier entire lives.

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Post by Violet »

I painted a picture for Cathy for her christmas present. It is sitting in Cathy and Jeff's hallway upstairs. I am beginning to question it's placement now. It's upstairs and out of site from anyone who comes in the house. I guess it means I stink at painting. That's ok, I knew that already though.

I'm no Picasso.
The End

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Violet wrote:I painted a picture for Cathy for her christmas present. It is sitting in Cathy and Jeff's hallway upstairs. I am beginning to question it's placement now. It's upstairs and out of site from anyone who comes in the house. I guess it means I stink at painting. That's ok, I knew that already though.
He'll like it more if you put him in it. For instance, "Jethro Kyle" was a character in the Jolt Country Comic Strip, and he hosts that on his own site.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

LG being to lazy to login wrote:Actually, proir to reading this base I sent examples of my work
When did you do this? Was this a web link or something you sent me in e-mail? I don't think I received it.
The only thing I would ask is that if he doesn't like it is that it is returned at some point (whenever) so it can go to someone who will, or keep it.
I don't think it'll be a problem. You listed acrylics and impressionism in your e-mail, and that looks to be an award winning combination. But more on that.... in e-mail!
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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