Re: Da King's List of Ways To Not Get Shot By The Police.
Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2024 3:54 am
I was 18 or 19 at the time. Me and 3 others were driving back home from a Korn show (their 2nd album was about to come out) all piled into a 1981 Volkswagen rabbit diesel I used to have. It was about 2 am.Casual Observer wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2024 3:13 pmWow, story please please please.Jizaboz wrote: Sun Jul 07, 2024 6:57 pmI most certainly was given “the talk” as a teen and it didn’t even prevent me from nearly being shot by a state trooper at age 18.
We had made it all the way back via I-40 from the city the show was in, and turned off onto the exit for the town we all live in. I don’t even make it half a block when someone jackass gets right on my ass with bright lights. Don’t know who it is and just continue to drive between 35 and 40 mph. Then, blue lights.
I pull into a nearby car dealership parking lot and wait for the cop to approach. Another car arrives. I realize these aren’t cops at all. They are state troopers. Very large black trooper walks up to my car and asks where I’m coming from. I’m honest and he asks if he knows why I was pulled to which I reply I don’t. He says I was swerving within my lane. Huh. OK. Probably had something to do with the fact he was right on my ass blinding me.
So then of course he asks me to get out of the car. He’s standing maybe 8 feet away from me with a flashlight pointed at me as his partner or whoever approaches. Asks if I have any weapons, etc. I’m standing there wearing a large ski jacket that’s unzipped with my hands out when one of the them asks what’s in my pocket.
I very slowly look down and start to open my pocket because honestly at the time I forgot what I had in there. It was at that moment one of them yells “grenade!” And the other yells “freeze! Stop” and both of them have their guns whipped out pointed at me. For a split second I legit thought I was gonna be shot. Then one of them edges over to me still pointing the gun and looks closer at the pocket at the deadly explosive I have in this large coat pocket; a can of Pepsi.
Then his partner, a USMC looking buzzcut white dude puts me in his car to ask if I’ve been drinking or using drugs. Told him no on both counts (and the latter was a lie). He does a brief search and doesn’t even find the large blunt in my inside pocket.
I also got harassed a couple of times but that is definitely at my top of the list for why I don’t trust police.