average rate of self pleasure

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How many times a day do you attend to yourself?

Poll ended at Fri Oct 10, 2003 8:05 pm

None, I am master of my domain.
Two or Three - like Violet
Four or Five - like Casual
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Total votes: 11

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Post by bruce »

Casual Observer wrote:
Lex wrote:I don't think we can.
You can't because you're British?
Who the fuck are you, Eliza?

Anyway, ITYM: "Is it because you're British that you can't?"


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Post by Lex »

I don't think this thread should have two pages.

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Post by loafergirl »

I find the question offensive, how many times I masterbate a day is a private and special thing between myself and my small stash of porn, or fantasy version of strippers I've seen and/or vibrator of choice. Not to be dirtied by your probing inquiries... mmm probing.

1, 2, 5!
3 sir...

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Post by Worm »

I suggest vacuum disasters.
[url=http://www.jackinworld.com/]JACKINWORLD[/url] THE ULTIMATE MALE MASTURBATION RESOURCE wrote:How can I "shoot" more?
Here's something you actually can change. If you masturbate a couple of times a day, chances are you aren't going to ejaculate very much semen, or ejaculate very forcefully. But if you want a more impressive ejaculation, hold back and save it up for a few days or a week. Drink a lot of water during the 6-hour period before you masturbate, and then draw out your masturbation session for as long as possible, spending a lot of time being very aroused. When you do finally ejaculate, it will probably come out with a lot more force, and there will be much more of it than usual. Plus, it'll feel way better than the average orgasm. Try it!
This is like that microwave experiments site but with your cock!
Good point Bobby!

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