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Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 9:05 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:"HeroClix... for those who can't get RealChix!"
So, what's the deal with that? Is that one of those games where the game is, buy more shit to win?
I don't know anything about HeroClix. Honestly, I just saw the d00d in the store, it was going for $0.99, so I bought it. I then later gave it to a girl, who exists in real life, which means that buying the Blue Beetle was a very hetero experience.
I was not attempting to get myself into the game, nor was I attempting to get anyone else. It's like if they made some role playing game based on that one action figure that you bought that one time. "Ash" from the Evil Dead. Whoops! I mean "Duke" from the Duke Nukem game. Whoops! I mean the Predator from that movie "Predator." Whoops! I mean Princess Lea in Slave Girl Outfit from "Return of the Jedi." Whoops! I mean the alien from the movie "Alien." Whoops! I mean the Tick from that cartoon "The Tick." Whoops! There goes gravity! Whoops! I mean the giant bug from that movie "Starship Troopers." Whoops! I mean
Like Pokemon or Magic? Good Lord, RobB, you need more hobbies out there if you are succumbing to such nonsense.
No... no, I need less hobbies. Far, far less. Shooting the shit with you is a full time job with part-time benefits.
I mean, I love HP Lovecraft but you don't see me spending my Friday nights huddled over a board, rolling dice, playing Cthulhu, and shooting the Elder Gods version of Magic Missile.
You have no imagination. That's why you never got into D&D, never got a bunch of cool friends you can "role play" with on Friday night, and why Cathy's anal cherry is going untaken, thus letting Aaron Gold do it in 2015 after you die of terminal drudgery. Evolve, change, imagine, or imagine
Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 9:09 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Roody_Yogurt wrote:It was weird when I went to a zoo party the other year and the host's cat was older than several of the highschool girls there.
Roody_Yogurt: It is weird BEING A PEDOPHILE
Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 9:15 pm
by bruce
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I then later gave it to a girl, who exists in real life, which means that buying the Blue Beetle was a very hetero experience.
Keep telling yourself that.
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 7:00 am
by Kezaaaaetc
Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:Keza: To those of us who don't have our country ruled by a fucking QUEEN, the PS2 and the XBox are the same price.
Well, I wasn't aware of that...
I fucking hate this country. I mean, not only are they both the same price, they're both much much cheaper that the equivalent European price...
That is, $180 Ammmurrikkkkan dollars. Not rubles or pence or guineas or vatus or tightly-clenched leaves. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DOLLARS. The currency that makes the world go around, now with sexy new "pink" highlights on the $20 bill!
So, the currency that's currently seriously down on the good old British pound, then, allowing we European importers to get funky American for about a half of what you would have expected to pay a year ago?
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 7:01 am
by Kezaaaagain
Ahh, funky American stuff.
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 8:18 am
by Jethro Q. Walrustitty
Funky American stuff, to being meaning to your meaningless life. (Your "collective" Great Britian life, not yours specifically.) Then again, the stuff that I want from England (Dog Soldiers DVD, Subaru World Rally Team stuff, etc) costs a fortune and a half to ship here. Argh.
Fuck, our network's been going up and down like an elevator today, which is annoying when you're trying to copy a 650 meg file, and of course, you can't resume a Windows file copy.
Jonsey: I don't have the Shuggoth card from Cthulhu. I don't have the alien from Predator, nor the alien from the Alien movies. I would not buy a 99c "Ash" "clix" thing. Heck, I don't even have any Lara Croft figures. I did download a DVD of "Jewel Raider" which is a porno parody of Tomb Raider - now that is a heterosexual thing to do.
"Cool friends that you can role play with" is an oxymoron.
Got the game finished yet? Only ten days 'til you fly out here, and you swore that it'd be done by then. (I'm guessing we'll see a Trespasser-style release, where it's basically an alpha when it's done.)
Put it this way - if we play a "Bugs in Jonsey's Game" drinking game, will everyone get totally hammered, or will sobriety reign?
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 9:53 am
by Lex
There are only a few things we desperatley want from the states, bt it's horrible getting it here. Samurai Jack merchandise is one of them, including the $1800 40"x21" Canvas, Genndy-signed print.
But mainly, cinnamon tic-tacs. I have had these once in my life, and they are Legend. We need them. We get green flavour. We get orange flavour. Nothing else. You have a fucking flavour based on pine-trees, and I get "green".
Send me some tic-tacs :(.
Also: You idea of chocolate tasted like shit. I mean that literally, it was like I had compressed rat faeces stuck between my teeth. But atleast it was cheap.
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 1:19 pm
by Vitriola
Of course the best chocolate is European, but you guys can't do peanut butter for shit. You have this vaguely peanut-colored caulking paste that tastes like it was fresh back before Carter invented the peanut, which can't even be picked up before it starts falling apart in mid-air.
Your shampoo sucks. It doesn't have the foaming contingent of the chemical formula, so trying to work it through your hair ends up breaking more strands than you get clean.
You do, however, make all your furniture out of down. That's cool. Down comforters, down chairs, down carpets, down tables, lamps, and walls. Cozy!
Makes up for the food being completely inedible.
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 2:14 pm
by Jethro Q. Walrustitty
In Romania, we bought some Tic-Tac-type things, I think they might be been German or Swiss or something. Anyways, they came in all sorts of unusual flavors - apple, etc - that Tic-Tacs are not available in.
The only Tic-Tacs worth eating are orange, anyways.
So quitcherbitchhen.
"Samurai Jack"? Yeesh, get a life.
FWIW, I did eat at the "Rose & Crown" in the England section of Epcot last week, and had quite a good British meal of lamb barley stew and cottage pie, and the wife quite enjoyed her fish & chips. Yum. Of course, blood pudding and haggis weren't on the menu, so that helped, too.
Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 1:54 am
by Lex
Fuck you, captain cheesepit. Don't insult Samurai Jack. Smurai Jack is an excellent animation, is often clever & witty, and has a stereotypical Scotsman every couple of episodes.
Or are you going "Yeesh" at the action-figure part? 'Cos we've already gone there.
Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 10:28 am
by Jethro Q. Walrustitty
Yeesh, is aimed SQUARELY at stupid Samurai Jack and its shitty drawings and shitty animation.
Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 3:20 pm
by Lex
You, good sir, are retarded.
Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 3:43 pm
by BurpyDrawers
Is he a good sir, or is he captain cheesepit?
Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 1:40 am
by Lex
He can be both, but he'll never be happy.
Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 6:31 am
by Keza
Oh, my dear Sir Cheesepit, you are wrong on so many levels.
Samurai Jack is an exemplary piece of animation - I can only surmise that you are either completely inobservant or just ignorant. Or retarded. It is a beautifully framed, flawlessly directed, artistic cartoon with the best theme tune in the entire history of time, and those who cannot appreciate its extraordinarity clearly lack even the most basic of capacities for artistic appreciation.
Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 10:02 am
by Jethro Q. Walrustitty
It's crap for kids, with an extremely simple and dull drawing style - not unlike that damn "Clone Wars" cartoon.
Lex: Actually, I'm a very happy guy. Happiness does not hinge on "The Cartoon Network" for me.
Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 4:13 pm
by Lex
There is more? Once I saw out... a window.
Wait; seriously; have you actually sat down & watched an episode? As in, actually from start-to-finish? I mean, maybe you have, but just for me could you please sit down and lose 20 minutes of your life watching an episode? Actually look at it, instead of going "Meh, kids stuff."
I love that teddy bear in AI. I want to hug it forever.
Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 8:44 am
by Violet
Jeff doesn't like cartoons unless they have the peanuts characters or they are the looney toons. He's not the best judge of what's good and what's not. He'll never change his mind.
Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 9:00 am
by Jethro Q. Walrustitty
No, I don't like shit that obviously has crap for animation. If I'm going to watch animation, it has to be good quality. That's why I also don't like the later Looney Tunes cartoons.
There is way too much good stuff out there already for me to waste my time watching shoddily-produced stuff. It's not like I'm desperate for new stuff.
Specifically, I've already got plenty of saumurai stuff lined up. I'm halfway through Seven Sumarai, and have at least two other Kurosawa samurai movies on the Tivo and at least one more scheduled, as well as some Zatoichi. Why would I want to watch a cartoon? I don't suffer from ADD so I can handle watching a live-action movie that doesn't have the pace of a music video.
(You probably don't have it there in Europe, but the Independant Film Channel has been having "Samurai Saturdays" for the past few months, with a different samurai movie ever Saturday. There were a ton of Zatoichi movies, now they're going through the Kurosawa ones.)
Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 12:21 pm
by Lex
Hey, you're entitled to your own opinion; I remember you thought that that truck-on-truck Hardcore in the Matrix:Reloaded was the worst Special FX shot in the entire movie. I thought it was the only convincing one. It's a shame you don't dig Samurai Jack's style, but obviously that's a personal thing and not exactly something I can hope to change. If you feel the style's simplistic, then that's probably fair comment, but I see stylish & with enough cinemagraphic punch to not mind the lack of detail on Jack's expression He's kinda like the Keanu Reeves of saturday morning cartoons. He isn't really seen as that over here; Samurai Jack is shown late at night on a more thoughful channel. Aku's lip-sync has always been well done, tho ;).